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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. Geez. Just installing it now on the pc. Got me worried a little DC. Any reason for the caution?
  2. Must be that the Cuban girls roll them on their left thigh rather than their right, Earl? Funny that the Cuban cigars don't give an indication of which thigh they were rolled on? Anyway, maybe it also proves that our banana bending Qld friends favoured the right all along with their Aussie bananas. Must go all the way back to Bjelke's days. Oh and Earl, how goes the search for fair trade coffee in Cuba? Any good 'brews' found that you could do a little importing of? You know, sewn into the door upholstery of the Roller when you bring it back into Oz?
  3. Reckon you are well into - or even past - PhD status by now. Well done Dr Andy and assistants.
  4. Doesn't matter what Jesse does. 100 for him would be really great, but not if its the main focus of the club or its supporters. What matters is what the TEAM does. As others have alluded to, if we get 3-5 forwards / goal scorers / forward-playing mids including Jesse totalling 150-180 between them, that's a much better result in my book. Jesse is a cog, a big one, but still just a cog in the wheel. (No offence Jesse if you see me on the street some time!)
  5. That was your punishment DC for not being able to spell embedded. Or choosing the lesser variant imbedded. Time for the grammarians to fire up?
  6. Its now $1041. Well done guys. But no need to stop there. This site is a lifeline to many of us in a sometimes crazy world.
  7. You must be putting in heaps of volunteer time Andy. Thanks - it's very much appreciated.
  8. Good job Moonie et al! Thanks for the updates.
  9. Didn't know there was an Ecuadorean Embassy within D'land. Had to LOL re BBO. It's like a scene out of Cool Hand Luke, where Luke does a runner and lives it up, but gets hauled back in by the law and put in the solitary confinement box.
  10. Hey Crint! What's the story? Been away filming some spaghetti westerns again with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill?
  11. Agree. Some darker contrast colour as the border around posts, and darker shading on quotes to distinguish them more from the post they are in. Any colour you like as long as it's a red or a blue.
  12. Well I experienced the change, I just didn't notice it. I see the difference now, but expected it might replace a lot more of the white than it did. No biggie, and I'm grateful Andy and all site jockeys for keeping us running and up to date with the latest version of DemonFaceBook. Cheers guys.
  13. Found the theme. Not really sure if much changed as a result. The circular avatars are cutting some of us off. Will need to find a new appropriate avatar, but Moonshadow has just become Full Moon Face.
  14. You may not need to travel that far McQ. I'll go out on a limb here, and probably right off the end of the branch, and predict Jack returns to the seniors after fighting his way back into the side on Aug 13, vs PA at Adelaide. That 'debut' will be followed by sister Jess running the womens Olympic marathon on Sun 14th in Rio, for which she has already qualified. What a weekend that would be. The only disappointment would be that it's not in front of a home crowd.
  15. So after the change, logging in with the display name instead of old username is all that needs to change? Same password? History of posts etc. for that display name are all kept ??
  16. Had a look at the MFC website today and the wrap up of the draft with player & Roosey interviews etc. Got to say that I'm happy with the choices made. Also got to say that I could have posted the same thing for the last 20 years. So I've triply got to say I have no idea what makes for a good draft. But that I hope I'm alive to see the fruits of this draft deliver in spades.
  17. Would have thought a poll could be a better way to get the responses? But in case not, display is fine with me.
  18. Yeah, we could be like those 2 old blokes in the theatre box seat at the Muppett Show, blankets over the legs, teeth falling out when we yell out "well played, number nine".
  19. Whoah. Did I slip into a parallel universe? Is Timothy Leary in here somewhere?
  20. Apparently a right footer, but throws left handed, bats right handed with an average of 42 and plays golf as a leftie with a handicap of a sore ankle. Cuts the Christmas cake with both hands on the knife. That should just about cover it.
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