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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. Well if they were bamboo jocks, I know what would be red and blue. Especially when sharpened into little versions of those stockade sticks. Ouch.
  2. dc, on his topic you are an incorrigible and recalcitrant shite-stirrer. I suggest you go back to throwing the leg over an 'old acquaintance'.
  3. I confess to instantly bashing 'page down' on any post that fills my screen and is still going beyond the bottom. Reckon I've saved hours of my life by doing that. Unless of course it's a pre-season training thread post.
  4. I don't think he's actually in a scene with women when he says "say hello to my liddle friend".
  5. That is such a sensible comment it doesn't even need to be accompanied by a phalanx of emojis.
  6. I used to like Michael Long - before 2000.
  7. You can put your banana in Bangkok but you cant....put...your... oh whatever.....
  8. Wow. Coupla days off line and the place explodes like a zoo transport truck hitting a brick wall.
  9. But it's still Saturday, Red. Don't take un-lived hours away from me! Unless they are hangover hours.
  10. After a quite decent Bobbie Burns Shiraz I'm enjoying an Irish / Canadian fusion band at the Nicholas pub in Beechworth with lots of Kelly history. There's a framed guernsey signed by The Ox on the wall. Doesn't get much better than this.
  11. Heard today that VCE kids on muck up days had gotten themselves some bad publicity by interfering with chooks, (missed the second species), and alpacas! Now we know Biff has a bit of a thing for Schoolies. But maybe, knowing the location of a flock of randy alpacas, he has gone feral prior to the big events at Lorne, Gold Coast etc. and is in pre-season training while hiding out under the nose of a celeb poster somewhere in the Macedon Shire???
  12. Now don't get selfish DC, I think we all resemble that statement - childish, invertebrate, weirdos, perverts.... Haaaang on a minute.......doesn't Moonie frequent those parts when he's off the gimp chains? Pot. Kettle. Effin Charcoal !
  13. So an Earl and a Republican walk into a bar...... Nope, don't think that'll work. There's no punchline to match that.
  14. ...and apparently that's another Groucho Marx quote!
  15. The Groucho Marx quip re clubs and membership also comes to mind.
  16. I'm guessing you made a small typo, so let me say on behalf of posters in this thread that we are honoured to have the past President of Coffs Harbour in our midst. Welcome Your Excellency! I guess that makes you Top Banana.
  17. Headline from tomorrow's Romsey Reporter: "Alpaca's clacker cracker sees local bush wackers knackered". I wonder if one of the lads has been named Petracca? That would work nicely.
  18. That's how it was first developed DC - as a treatment for hypertension. But a notable 'side effect' in the initial trials led to it being investigated for erecrile dysfunction. From then on it rocketed away, so to speak.
  19. Wow OD. You are going off the scale! New blood pressure medication working I hope?? But I'm with you on this being the best time of year for us for over a decade now. Take care and don't take too many of those little blue pills at once. Think of Mrs OD (hope that's an OK subject) - she might want the 'off' season to be 'on' for quite a while yet.
  20. I'd back cholera. It's got runs on the (floor)board.
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