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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. I reckon the crowd will get halfway through yelling the word "Baaaaaallllll......" and then go "no, wait, ummm "
  2. No, the Scorps Smith. But I noticed in the qtr time huddles that our Smith is a big young bloke. One of the tallest there today. Will be an imposing figure in the future if he can put on some more muscle.
  3. Walked past King on my way out. He was standing with crutches and with his lightly bandaged knee. Talking with friends, smiling, joking, even happy. Good to see he was up and about and I hope he does well through the year ahead.
  4. Nibbler is getting better as the game goes on, if that's even possible because he started off very well. His fitness is leaving all others behind.
  5. Absolutely beautiful long and accurate kick on the run to the advantage of Weeds by Hunt. Led to Weeds last goal. Perfect setup.
  6. Michie is being underrated by the callers. He has done a lot in the centre with in and under moves and quick disposal that they just don't see or call.
  7. Talk about a lippy Petracca! Lining up for goal and a 150kg Franky supporter yells out "out of bounds d**ckhead" Trac kicks it and turns straight around to the crowd and yells "what was that mate?" Brave. Or a little unwise.
  8. Nice slick movement out of the centre by Hunt to Gus then to Weed and goal. Started with great evasive skills by Hunt.
  9. Hulett turnover led to that goal. He's had a bit of a dirty night. Dirty on himself a few times as well when he missed tackles earlier, which is good to see.
  10. The radio callers are getting every 3rd or 4th name wrong on the far side of the ground. Don't believe all you hear.
  11. Weeds - nice mark on the wide flank and wobbler of a set shot that went through for a goal.
  12. I wouldn't put him in yet. Think they are still managing his time on the field so he would not be able to contribute a full game. But then we've seen the selections this year already so I've got no idea what they'll do.
  13. Lots of love from the boys for Trac when he kicked a goal from 45. Big embrace from Gus in particular.
  14. Yeah forgot to mention Weeds. Been alright. Getting around and is good at chasing up when they try to run out of defence. Has had a few attempts at pack marks but he's not quite big and strong enough yet to dominate those and has had a few bounce off his hands when jostled. He has time to grow and will be much better for a bit more beef to help him stand his ground. Showing pretty good endeavour though.
  15. Beautiful night. The smoke from the BBQ where they do the bacon and egg rolls (and now hamburgers as well - very filling) was just hanging above the ground for at least the whole first qtr. Several players have made good contributions but none has dominated for the whole time they've been on. Maybe Trac has been the most in the play so far. Others who have done very well are ANB and Gus, and probably O Mac. Those with reasonable cameos include Pedo, Mitch White, Hunt, Viv. Saw very little from JKH before his injury. Garland hasn't done anything special.
  16. Pedo is doing ruck work but hugely outsized by the Franky ruck monster. We won't win in the ruck but it's not Pedo's fault.
  17. Brayshaw is an absolute class above when he gets possession.
  18. Great goal Viv! Right foot snap across the body about 45m out.
  19. Pederson in 2 consecutive plays which led to a mark for him at top of goal square and a goal.
  20. Scorpions.com.au has players lineup with their numbers.
  21. Scorpions.com.au has players lineup with their numbers.
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