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Everything posted by Demon17

  1. Agree. My count is maybe 15 of this team will be watching from the stands as Riv carves it up in the finals. He had a good grand final in 21. He'll have great final series in 2023
  2. Spot on. It's cheating and remind me never to use Caleb marchbank for a job referee by an applicant applying for a job with me.
  3. Excellent research and insights. But gee BT loves commenting on the style.
  4. Jason Taylor said that was why he was picked up by us.
  5. Not necessarily. As with track goal the Crows umpire made a fundamental mistake against the protocols he's trained for. He said there was a deflection and thus a point. He SHOULD have called the point as he has been trained to do then asked the arc to confirm the deflection. Then he would reverse and call a goal. Why he's been stood down. A Tracs score had no definitive evidence. But should have been called goal except umpire weakly fell for players call and called point first.
  6. He never said burnout. Others did. He said he couldn't get any more from the list. True and has allowed times to have a measured and timely coahing search.
  7. No way does Bailey's hair change shape at anytime, regardless of weather. Probably doesn't even get pillow hair in the morning. and good luck to him I say. BT reckons its to do with product. He loves it.
  8. Jack and Trent aren't going to Adelaide.
  9. And perhaps Kozzie stops flying for the never-to-occur MOTYear, and plays small forward front and centre of a pack that he excels at - when he does it that is.
  10. I wonder if Goody and staff are not already doing this resting mid game . Goody refuted any chance of resting at his prsser. For example, Gus played 69% yesterday. Surely was being managed game-time wise.
  11. The power of head office. No wonder fans go nuts
  12. Fair enough. Thanks. We may know by tonight
  13. Thats the point MT. The media will not bite the hand that feeds it. Whately will roll out again scoreboard integrity, soft calls, umpire in a good position, etc like last week. Outrage at commercial and fans dissappoinment of clubs ? ---- Crickets.
  14. On Ch7 post game Hamish was definitive in that the kick was a goal . As an Adelaide boy he must have been torn about the comment but at least he and Jobe Watson had the guts to absolutelty call out the error that in fact cost the Crows a Finals chance. With the Blues debacle last week and this someone at Head of Football Dept. needs to hand in their resignation.
  15. Last home game, Maxy's 200, Nibbler's 150th. Why won't he. I don't know much about Laurie but I wonder if the MCwant a look at him pre-finals just in case???? Anyone theories on his selection from anyone on here?
  16. Sorry, you're right. Its down to Cats beating Dogs before our game then swans have nothing to play for. Tricky for them, and us if we lose today. 4 things have to happen for saints to miss so I suspect they are in. And deservedly so after last nights efforts. The more melb -based team the better inside the 8
  17. Reasonable outcomes tonight for next week. Swans finals now locked in. Giants must beat blues for finals. They win our 4th spot not in peril. Of course win tomorrow and Dee's all good irrespective
  18. Last week on repeat. Should have been called a goal. Then check will show no evidence to overturn. Amateur hour.
  19. That was the issue. So times as lower team had to change
  20. Tonight is showing the flakiness of so called contenders. Blues cats and crows We're going for top 4 finish 3rd year running. Seasoned leadership. Will take care of business tomorrow. Just like other legitimate teams did today in giants and swans.
  21. No idea. But Dee's wore home strip in 2021. Finished above dogs that year.
  22. In 2017 Crows finished above Tiges at Round 22, and Tiges were made to wear away strip in GF
  23. Players are routinely 'managed' throughout the season. No rule apart from bring the game into disrepute maybe. Play Casey (plus bailey for a run) in Sydney I say and give the finger to AFL HQ.
  24. Iv'e always thought a Pies QF at the G is our best path to the prelim. The a home prelom also. On balace 4th is probably the spot we deserve, but we are coming into form and mainly healthy so hold no fears for any team against us at the G. Win tomorrow and rest a few against the swans then prime THE QF.
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