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Everything posted by scarlett

  1. What about Moore from Sydney, great leader
  2. yes and opposition supporters would be calling it an unfair competition having two females, watts and her (as they would say) partner dance together. Perhaps Cook and Darling could be in the next series after this one?
  3. i feel we're taking this thread off the intended rail, I'm up for a reverting discussion on this subject though, i think watts would be more technically correct and get all the moves right while naitanui would fumble his way through all of the dance but do one passage where everyone goes WOW, then the judges will all rave about how good he is because he has different hair and brings a bigger crowd to dancing. this needs a thread.
  4. great idea for a thread WATTS OR NIC NAT? who would make it further on dancing with the stars?
  5. West Coast is probably a club that could turn Bennell and Petterd around with alot of work, but to think a straight swap of two players that can't get a game for 16th position and not doing much to knock down the door, for a 21 year old with good skills and only flaw is his take off speed, who is bashing on the door just waiting for at chance mid in the 2nd best midfield is just classic demonland. Do West Coast even want a medium sized forward or a player that doesnt know what he is? they will have lecras come back next year and nicoski(spelling?) come back in so I highly doubt they will be interested, I dare say they would want a pick, possibly second round, if i recall he went in the 20's? or so, i think it was second round. With this draft supposed to be very good until the 30's is he better then a player we could pick up? possibly not. but on the other hand would draft pick XX have a impact as quick as stevens would. interesting to see if stevens decides to stay or go.
  6. OMR I felt bad for last season and the issues i caused, i believe it was discussed in last years UF Thread, with everything that was happening in my life at the time and the hours i was working i just didnt have time to set my team before 7.30pm on the friday night finishing work late and with a new born baby, if i could go back what i should of done is raised the issue in the thread and when i couldnt set my team have someone who i was not playing set my team for me, half way through the year (around this time last year if i recall work died down after the end of financial year) it was hard to get into it like i was at the time of the draft and that because i was already so far behind but made a fist of it with what i had and picked up a couple of wins and that was what caused the problem because the teams i played before that had an easy win. I apologised for that and offered to sit my team out for fairness for the rest of the season. I like to think of it that i had that much better of a list that i thought i'd just give ya's a head start! JA we discussed this when the whole keeper issue came up, as i stated then i have always been a fan of the keeper league, i just feared that this would happen, if people would look back a few pages they would see what was discussed and it would be to hard to enforce rules on "tanking" from next season perhaps we all just agree to field teams to win and not to trade for keepers until after 3/4 of the way through the season, or even half way through the season, that way if your superstar gets injured in round 1 and is out for a whole season, you have to manage your team and decide weather there worth holding onto for a keeper or holding on to get a decent trade from someone else who want a keeper, that way you wont get these situations where bottom teams are "trading out' 3 quality playing players for one player that wont play this year.
  7. crashed into his back a few seconds late, happens all the time, tapscott just hit a bit harder, shouldn't even get any points. i thought he was in trouble when he tried to kick the ball and smashed his leg into someone elses, when i saw everyone saying tappy in trouble thats what i thought, i thought great finally get someone not scared of bodycontact and he brakes a leg. luckily i was wrong.
  8. now all of this looks to be over and done with i'd like to say well handled, it did get a bit heated the with rr going to leave but too his credit calmed down and we all came up with a fair compromise that has been voted on, so there cant be any misunderstandings and calls for JA's head. JA i read your thoughts on the under 21's saying you thought that we'd just raise the age each year, just an idea , each year add one more keeper say an under 20 or so, that way we really do end up building a list and you can back some new draftees in.
  9. Just one thing JA, can we have this first poll, then take the two most popular and revote on those two
  10. i think the polls will be the best option, but still doesnt solve the problem of people trading out. i think if you trade out, then no extra round pick. penalise it.
  11. i'm sorry but you are deliberately losing games, i view it the same as rr saying he was going to put all his players on a waiver, that is what happened with murphy, was i tempted to throw something at him? yes did i, no, i thought it was against the morale of the game.
  12. fair enough i know what your saying there, but it has also been stated that there will be a priority pick, how is it fair that if you rr and jlh all trade out, im 4 th last and dont, that you get more compensation and a better shot at it then if i field a whole team the whole year, i'm not having a go, im impressed with the amount of time you put into this along with everyone else, i just think people losing interest is a bit different to people throwing there list out for an injured player who is going to be there keeper, not really that much different to rr saying he was gonna delist all his player, do you understand where im coming from, he's just putting up the white flag a different way.
  13. just for the record i like the concept of the keeper league even though i dont have the best keepers, i believe u win it with your middle players, and depth, but thats what's annoying me about people telling rr to trade out all his good players to try n get one star. and losing out on a trade that will make you uncompetitive for the rest of the year before the half way mark, that is tanking.
  14. so j.a you think its fair that if i decide i'm not gonna win it this year its fair for me to trade you nn adcock swallow hayes and hawkins for a keeper like fyfe, it's put you up into the eight and every team i've beatin so far this would be at a disadvantage because it is now a sure win, if i was sitting 8th and lost to someone earlier in the year before they traded out and then missed out of finals by one win to someone that played them after, i'd be [censored], luckily i dont think i'll be in that position.
  15. i think something does need to be done about trading out good players to get your one keeper thats not going to play again this year. its unfair on other people giving it a go, i mentioned last week or week before maybe we should have some base we can work off and say no trading for keepers until later in the year and no trading for injured keepers, takes away from the enjoyment of a win after so many narrow losses if its to someone that has 4 players fielded due to "tanking"
  16. simple create poll thread with all the options, if there are 4 options then after the first poll take the top two and have another poll and that is what we go with.
  17. stuff his first few games, he got the ball heaps but didnt use it, i think it was in the middle of last year where for 3 or 4 games in a row he had probably 20-25 possessions but he used the ball so well, had much more time to targets and was alot more valuable, injury has set him back again so probably take a few games to get the speed back again, probably struggle with structures at first too considering he hasn't had any before.
  18. i predict we'll be in it at half time, probably 2 goals, then it will depend on how much the bombers want to punish us after that, crameri is a possible out so that helps with chip being out.
  19. hoping watts can pick up a ryder or someone when he's playing forward and run off him the other way, would also help jamar out tiring ryder out so he's not as fresh when he goes into back up ruck. it would be awesome to see watts beat ryder, I dont want to see him just play loose, if he could hold an opponent and attack that would be great, gonna need it with frawley out.
  20. i suggested just some basic guidelines as in when to start trading for next season and holding onto injured players that are out for the whole year, what if you have an injured player you can delist them before a certain round and they can still be a keeper for next season, say if there's one player that you can do this for and if your star goes down then thats just to bad because you've already nominated player 1. just an idea to try and get people playing for this year instead of looking forward to next year, and of course then you'd get the situation where someone could trade for that right to player 1 in the last few rounds after said round. i know i've already put out a pm to someone seeking a trade that will probably hurt me this year but pay dividends next year. also how many "keepers" do we have? as for the byes i remember it being discussed at the start of the season and the majority did not want to play the bye rounds, last year's byes hurt alot more though and changed the shape of the top eight. i think, would of been interesting thats for sure!
  21. he's been carrying the hip injury for alot of the year, a bit unfair.
  22. one good keeper doesnt make a team, if the out put of kennedy and ebert is more then pendlebury and some fill in player he had up forward, why not improve your team? i did a lop sided trade when i traded bellchambers for conca, joe blow could see he was going to be number 1 ruck at essendon when hille went down and always get alot of hitouts and scores heavily on uf. bellchambers is a far superior uf player then conca but the out put i got from playing nicnat stef martin and bellchambers wasn't as good as putting conca as utility, i just backed stef into stepping up, bad move. i think it was quite a smart trade and was looking at doing similar things in a couple of weeks if my losing streak continues, maybe we need some base morales on when to start trading for keeper league, cos i did weeks ago with accepting conca over fisher i think it was.
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