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Everything posted by scarlett

  1. if i finish 13th this is a massive advantage to me, i might end up with the first pick of the draft. If this is your idea to eliminate tanking i think it falls down where if i finish one place higher (take eths spot) then i risk getting what 10 or so picks lower in the draft? i'd be made to win, all this does is create 3 spots on the ladder for tanking rather then just one. it would have to be a lottery from 9-18, you wouldn't think someone playing for 8th would tank and miss out on finals. I dont think we should change rules in the season again. we had our chance earlier in the year, people have played to the rules and we can't change them and disadvantage these people, that would be unfair.
  2. has everyone decided who their keepers are yet? i've got three locked in but cant decide on my 4th, my under 21's are probably going to be D Martin and R Conca, I was thinking about savage but he's just used as a sub to much and hurts when he only gets 1/4. Andrew Swallow is my highest rated player and rates up stats wise, but its close for my second keeper, Tuck is rated 35, but Hayes is close behind him, but his age worries me he's gotta slow down at some stage and on the other side of coin he's bounced back from his knee op better then a 24 year old. Are most people thinking midfield will be the best keepers or perhaps a nic nat or hawkins?
  3. im talking about all agreeing on a rule then when it doesnt suit someone or people dont care about it until it finally happens. I'm not talking about my trade, I brought this up when RR was carrying on and threatening to leave, JA JCB and alot of others have all said, no more rule changers for this year, if we're doing the keepers again next year we need to sort all this out BEFORE the draft.
  4. I brought this up when we were changing the rules, can't do anything about it now, these are the rules stop trying to change them every time something isn't going your way. This league is shocking.
  5. What stands out about him other then his size? Remember the delivery into him now is alot better then it would be if he were in our forward line. Didn't we delist someone similar to him just a few years ago who started off similar to Dawes?
  6. You stated we need a full forward in a thread about Dawes and stated we needed goals. Let me know when your going to post something "worthwhile". I'll be paying attention.
  7. Yes, you have to pay for quality, if you look at it from my side I was getting the better deal with my season shot I was getting the best keeper player without giving up my other 3 keepers, yet people are saying it was lopsided dappa's way, I'd say it was fairer then the trades that went through earlier in the year, just people being in the 8 or close to would of feared losing to dappa.
  8. How is it a 5 for 1, he would of had to delist 4 players, makes no difference to his team if we had put his 4 players to be delisted in the trade or not, I might of overestimated the intelligence of people in this league if that would of got the trade through.
  9. It was in the spirit of you have to pay for a keeper like ablett which is what I did. We voted for these rules then change our minds to suit
  10. You leave out the fact that ablett is probably the best keeper in the game to suit your arguement, jack attack has already said the way you used the veto tool was incorrect and didn't count your vote, so in the spirit of the game you cheated. It was a fair trade in the context of keepers, it just didn't favor you so you cheated, yet people did this earlier in the year I did the right thing and waited til I definatley couldn't make the finals and you cheat. You all realize it wasn't 1 player for 5, he would of had to delist 4 other players and are only aloud a certain number of players for each spot. A real low point for the league, what's probably worse is you admitting it and then trying to defend it.
  11. People have already stated they used the veto tool to increase there chances to win, that is cheating. I still haven't seen a valid reason why this trade was voted against only corrupt ones.
  12. ablett is worth alot more then sj or Stanton, your point is not valid. He said he had other offers for ablett, I made the best one, I made one got rejected so made a better one. The deal you all think would of got the deal done didn't.
  13. So if you believe that then why did you vote against the trade if you believed it to be in the spirit of the game?
  14. Would 3 players get it over the line, no, ablett is top 3 keeper, would you trade him for 3 might keeps and might win the cup? No. You voted against it because you had less chance of winning, I raised this happening when we voted on the keepers, no one cared, we've had one player not play since before the bye doing exactly this. We played inside the rules you have not. You used the veto tool not because of a dodgy trade for example 2 people who knew each other were trading albeit for Dunn, you have used it to cheat, ROTC you admitted it on this page. This trade benefited both of us.
  15. The way I read dappa dans post is he won't be back next year because of this, not traded him out because he was leaving. Tell me would Hawthorne trade Franklin in a mid season draft if it nearly garenteed them the cup? Your all cheats.
  16. How was that turned over, a disgrace, dappa had ablett, the best keeper in the game, it was the only trade that would get that over the line, the part that wasn't in the spirit of the game wasn't in the game is you guys saying "his team would be stronger then mine". This happened earlier in the season with a few other high profile players, I raised my concerns and nobody cared. If this is the two sided way this league is, well I'm not threatening to leave I'll just remember it next year and do it to every trade that will make someones team stronger. Pathetic.
  17. so thats a no to the lynching? damn i just put my good lynching pants on.
  18. ahhh a good old lynching, we haven't had one of them since last year. been too long, i'll bring the bbq someone grab the drinks
  19. I've mentioned J.Moore in a couple of other threads, i think he might be a f/a so no need to trade. I think he'd be a great pick up.
  20. how many times has sylvia just tried to kick it off the ground, put you head over it n get a quick hand pass out, should know better.
  21. moore from sydney, serviceable, but great leadership skills, something we lack.
  22. if it were the old system where each case was judged, he would be gone for more, but with the MRS i'd say 5 possibly 6 reduced with a early plea, not sure about his previous record.
  23. Every time I see someone write "trade week" instead of trade period I imedietly think troll
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