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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Neither am I Chris But that is what is needed to get a better TV deal in 2016
  2. Satan's words Skuit how could you on this site! Repent now
  3. I believe you have got to the core on this one RN Talk about the cart before the horse.
  4. Mumm champagne is very good ! Still working and paying Taxes Biff unlike a lot in the Southern Mediterranean
  5. They are loaded with Potassium Skuit I am supposed to keep consumption down.
  6. Well they are going bad Bbo. I suppose I could email you next time that seems to be the root cause of their difficulties.
  7. Win 6 more games and it will improve in 2016. Until then suck it up or get Foxtel.
  8. Very much alive Bbo Had a busy weekend and with no MFC game there was little to comment on. As to your invitation to sample the Pinot I can only assume it got lost in the mail.
  9. I am not supposed to eat too many Skuit so that suits me down to the ground.
  10. Spot on rpfc Never understand why people have trouble with these games. It is the money people get over it.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Or Nil ManDee That sounds delightful.
  12. Trouble is Ernest he has them over a barrel. He has a contract for 2016/7 in his pocket. Most people believe that is $1million PA or $2million in total they would have to come up with if they dispense with his services. There is also the matter of what he might say if push came to shove. To be honest I am very happy for them to suffer on under him for another two years
  13. Yep you have nailed it AF I would be happy if he could return and play well as a half forward. From my memory that is where he played his best football in the first two years. I really do not believe he is a genuine mid fielder.
  14. I love your dream it is just that bloody bus that I worry about.
  15. Shouldn't we change this thread to " If we beat the WCE's I will ......"
  16. I agree Akum but people tend to have convenient memory lapses when it comes to Essendon
  17. Also people conveniently forget early 2013 as well.
  18. Seems a reasonable request RN IMO the best chance is the period July 19 to July 26
  19. No but I will go with your plan.
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