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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I dont mind taking the wrap for my comments But that one belongs to SWYL Unleash hell.
  2. It is amazing how often they have been right about the MFC song.In the last eight years Robbo and Denham 9/10. Us supporters 2/10.
  3. The guy is a journalist do you want him to write crap about the MFc that no one would believe just so we supporters feel better.IMO he tells it the way it is if we don,t like the truth well tough.
  4. In this case that does not him make incorrect.Tell me where in his article he is incorrect?
  5. I was positive last week and predicted a win.Hmm that did not quite work out. Maybe it was my positivity last saturday that was the problem No I have this faint feeling it the guys on the feild that are the problem.
  6. Spot on Gorgorth If "should have" won flags we would have 20 by now.
  7. They are no more wins than last year at this point. We are scoring one goal more and conceding 2 more. Not much up side there bing
  8. I doubt we will see him before 2016 DR
  9. We said the same against the Pies. There is always an excuse, the only one not trotted out so far this week is blaming the umps. The real position is we are still far from good enough They had just as many injuries FT
  10. I agree I am sure he would make a good job of it at Princess Park on Saturday
  11. And I would not mind now willmoy I would to be as hated as Hawthorn
  12. On this occasion he is dead right and has the stat's to support his argument.
  13. Sir WYL You are ignoring the fact that we are still way behind on skill. Our list does not have the require average skill level to win most games. There is still a number of players to be replaced before that overall skill level rises to a point where are a good side. No amount of effort in the final analysis can compensate for a serious skill shortage.
  14. That is because we have been easy beats for so long that when you lose to the MFC it is a shock. We are only half a team
  15. Neither do I. I am no fan but with our current injury list Riley is the ideal player for the Sub.
  16. The kid is in his first year Lets give him a chance. He was not the reason we lost. That joy belongs to players who have been a round for way longer and make his job very hard at times.
  17. The will both be elsewhere in 2016 dr so you will only have to worry about them once or twice a year.
  18. You will be able to just walk in and take your pick of seats. I went last year to windy hill Samael Casey won it was the most enjoyable game I went to in 2014.
  19. Next Saturday Casey play Carlton at Princess park. I genuinely think that game will be far more fun than what takes place at the MCG on Sunday. I intend to go to this game rather than Sunday. There is a good chance of a win I look forward to seeing the team come Thursday.
  20. After the last two weeks webber I have no idea why they cannot.
  21. All you have to do is play him close. The only time he gets the ball is when the defender gives him space. Play him close and hard and he is not worth a bumper.
  22. To add to your comment rjay at this point JKH is not an AFL level Talent. Back to Casey for the foreseeable future for mine
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