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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. MONEY! I reckon the offers are no where near the Tigers over Abe
  2. The ultimate test! Of course you can lead a horse to water however .....
  3. You have hit the solution ManDee. The elixir that cures all.
  4. I have a few good friends who are Tiger members and there is a fair amount of " you have had your chance time to give someone else a go" about rjay. That might be all they need to do.
  5. Until they get in Hellfish and then it will be like incoming pollies. WOW we did not realise things were so bad. We will have to forget all the promises as urgent action is needed.
  6. That says lots IMO why on Earth would Richmond take on Cloke? The guy is over the hill and I am not sure what the Dogs see in him for that matter.
  7. I am waiting with interest to see Caro's take on all this. Strangely quiet at Present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I did forget the "Bleat Brothers" you are correct.
  9. Spot on LDC you do not see the top sides bleating about where they play.
  10. Spot on mono. Sadly they want to have their cake and eat it too.
  11. I share that belief Dr. Very confident you are correct.
  12. Me too Mandee and I have all but given up on Footy. I follow the Dees and not much else. I will follow Casey and my AMOS team the next next month. As far as the AFL finals go I have next to no interest.
  13. Thanks Joeboy I agree with 90% of that list
  14. Almost every day I hear / read a comment that makes me smile. TPF39 you have done it today.
  15. Correct Choke the "shot the messenger" comments will start shortly if they have not already.
  16. It Has taken the AFL nine months to make a decision on Watson's Brownlow rjay and that one is in the spot light. This one has remained hidden and nothing would have happened if it had not hit the press. Once again it shows why sporting organisations should not be it charge of their own drug problems. It is not in their interests to have them see the light of day.
  17. Oh poor darlings! so chasing Carlton all day has made them less tired?
  18. You are not alone. Casey is my interest over the next month.
  19. If they struggled to put in a good performance last week against a side that had lost 9 on the trot with a finals spot up for grabs then what chance today against the Cats who are at home and playing for top spot? If they were so hell bent on giving Roos a good send off what happened last week. Not a lot to play for in the Dees eyes compared to the cats. Low in the extreme is my expectation.
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