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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. We are poor tacklers? Honestly Chris I don't care. Carlton played better than us from the first bounce, were more accurate kicking for goal and had a good plan to defeat us. On top of that we made poor decisions at the selection table. After that we got a couple of poor umpiring decisions which did not cost us the game. We need to stop complaining about umpires and concentrate on the things we can influence.
  2. Seen nothing yet to suggest he is more than a very good Casey player RB.He is the SKK for me.
  3. We had more possessions because we over used the ball it is as simple as that. If you want to go on with the persecution complex go for it and if that gets you over a poor performance in a game where we out played then it is ok with me.
  4. The umpires did not cost us the game we achieved that all on our own. Every losing team has a handy excuse blame the umpires.
  5. I am just as uncertain where we play Kennedy Dante. Why wasn't he played in place of Garlett? Seems the FD don't have much confidence in him either in spite of big numbers at Casey.
  6. I am a little slow tonight bb what are you saying?
  7. That tends to happen when you over use the ball. We constantly hand balled four and five times in a row around in a circle.
  8. Looks that way jnr. What do you think of the steak knives?
  9. There is a simple principle in football. When you are beaten to the ball you tend to have the frees go against you. Carlton constantly beat us to the ball hence the number of frees they got was high. The umpires did not cost us this game the players did.
  10. I must have missed his best games then dc, in the ones I have seen his good games have been a quarter then next to zip for the balance of the game.
  11. It is made dc However I am happy for you to say I told you so this time next year
  12. Gawn and T Mac are big chances forget the rest. A number of players have had some very good games but not consistent which is what you need to be to get AA.
  13. I don't think he knows any other way RtG
  14. We are just going to disagree on this one Dante. See my comment to dc. Too short
  15. Too short dc. I have said this before but if you are short in AFL in 2016 you need to be very good. He is not very good and IMO never will be. At best he will be a fill in player. If he was any good he would have been the automatic replacement for Garlett last Sunday but did not get a look in.
  16. I for one have never said That I want to turn back the clock SF. Just discussing the relative abilities of Howe vs Kennedy. On that subject IMO Howe is the better player.
  17. I am not arguing that we have not improved this year Bells. I am suggesting that we into this game in a better position or worst equal position to Carlton and they out played us for the first bounce. The rest is just excuses IMO.
  18. In the case of Pedersen it does end after next weekend that is for sure. Perhaps at the end of 2017 or 2018 but in 2017 he is a very much required player IMO
  19. It was not for Carlton with an equally young team and returning from Brisbane after a loss. You are trying to find excuses for a poor performance.
  20. Ok so you want to say it was not a direct swap. But the result was the Pies got Howe and we ended up with Kennedy. The pies got the better player.
  21. Still does not alter the fact that they got Howe and we ended up with Kennedy. We got the poorer of the two.
  22. Sadly it is the world we now live in Ernest. There are lots of upsides to social media but there are an equal number of down sides. I try to ignore the downs but I am not always successful.
  23. Iv'a is there a bigger picture then winning this game against Carlton and then going on with the season to potentially make the finals for the first time in more than a decade? If there is it sure must be a beauty.
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