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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. That is my understanding as well dc. Bring back the SEC I say. We have been on the downhill slide ever since Jeff sold it.
  2. Your safe MS too much business to be cutting them off. The North and West are expendable
  3. After a long day at the salt mines an ice cold Heineken is hitting the mark. Half way there, two to go and then some sane weather.
  4. I am not a big tennis fan but yesterday I watch part of two games. Leyton Hewitt and Tomic. It is plain to see that effort and drive can make you a no. 1 the lack of it will make a modest performer. One toughed it our for five sets in 43+ heat, played out every point to the bitter end and the other lasted a few games and claimed a sore leg. My wife made a telling comment "Tomic is like watching the dees "
  5. Struggling to see a down side here dc Sounds like you are firing on all cylinders. Keep up the good work.
  6. You are stuck in a long gone era Biffen. 9mm these days!
  7. It is not as though I have a choice bb
  8. Glad to see it is just me. Think I am suffering from too many false dawns over the last seven years.
  9. Back to the Salt mines today I know it is very early in 2014 and with the weather as hot as hell this week the Footy seems a long way off. BUT I have zero enthusiasm for 2014 at this point. Is it just me?
  10. Unfortunately no Bbo.getting low I will need to purchase beforer season starts. To celebrate of course
  11. If we think we are having a poor summer think of North America. I have friends in Sudbury Canada ( 3 hours car drive north of Toronto ) - 40 there yesterday. Seriously cold.
  12. just enjoying a wee dram of ten year old Laphroaig. Not too bad for a bunch of low landers!
  13. Oh hum life is just full of decisions!
  14. Another year starts Redleg and the only thing I am confident about on Day one is that bananas are the wonder fruit and the source of life itself.Could you have a better recommendation than the couple above?
  15. Where is everyone? I have returned to the real world after the Yuletide season to discover everyone has disappeared. Have you hit the other side of the IO yet DF? Where are you Mr. Leg? How are the Bananas done your way bb? Go Dees
  16. Yes another highly reputable sport.
  17. Is it just me or does it appear to anyone else that the cycling sporting world is just rotten to the core. Mr. Rogers says he is innocent Yeah right! They all say that. I just don't watch, read or follow in any way the sport any more. Give me something clean like AFL!
  18. It may just be the benefit of 7 years of crap by the Dees bb but I actually only detest one side now and that is Adelaide.Even find myself barracking for the Pies in some games. I don't get pity any longer they just don't discuss football when I arrive.
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