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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. 74games in 7 years is not the sign of durable player. He seldom has 1-2 week injuries. They tend to be long term. He has had one injury free year in 7 that was 2016 and he was a good player. It may well be a good idea to start him in round 5. That way there is a reasonable chance he will make round 23.
  2. I don't disagree with any of that Dr. It is the praying bit that worries me. Pray and the MFC have not produce much for over half a century.
  3. We will never know how much he is paid I just hope it is not too high. The reason is he is not durable. 74 games in 7 years is not good value for money.
  4. It is a fact of today's AFL fd. Everyone is tradable given the right deal. I view all contracts as short term.
  5. He has had one good season now two years ago. over rated IMO
  6. Spot on. He has the talent but has either been inconsistent or injured. He will need to fix both early in 2018 or he will be the Kennedy of 2018
  7. Or until one party falls out of love. A poor 2018 and he could be on the way to Port.
  8. Time stands still for no one DF not even bananas will stop the March of time.
  9. Actually heading in the opposite direction DF. I have accepted my fate.
  10. Also the Crows going flat chat to redeeming themselves to their fans.
  11. I am not in love with the idea of adding him however I don't think it is accurate to say he has been injured for two years Ernest. 2016 he was cooling his heals with his druggie mates from Essendon then injured at the start of 2017. Well that is my understanding. The biggest problem is the judgement of the Dogs, they don't think he is worth any sort of contract in 2018.
  12. Now Mr.Leg you have deserted your post that hardly puts you in a position to be critical.
  13. Correct Ernest I am very spiritual after half a bottle of single malt.
  14. I would take the flag without the money DA
  15. Police have dropped the case now so just wait for the weasel words that flow from the AFL.
  16. Yes a bit like Dentist and Holiday never in the same sentence. DF
  17. They probably have five times the supporters DA.
  18. If only it was that simple Ernest ever thread somehow gets turned into a JW rant.
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