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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Not sure that flavour does a lot for me.
  2. I think it is time to change the title by adding "No W" every thread on Demonland descends into a JW discussion. I am well and truely over the discussion.
  3. My God does this Watts thing ever stop? surely everyone has had there 5 cents worth by now.
  4. Good luck with that one. Every Greenie in the state would be down there lying in front of the dosers. And where will the Possums live?
  5. It is a nice change to have varying views DD and remain civil. Go Dees
  6. From my memory that match was the first time he influenced the result with four quarters and it was well into the season. i am not saying he is a poor player, my complaint is he is not durable. He is more than likely to go down with a long term injury before May next year. I don't like the idea of having a large amount of our salary cap invested in a guy who average 10 games a year.
  7. Yes his only season that was better than average. Because it was the only year he stayed on the park. The odds are against him staying on the park over the cause of a 3-4 year period are poor. Hence we should not be over paying him. He should not be in the top 25% of the payment list. There is massive risk of us paying him very big money to sit in the outer with us.
  8. Will disagree on that DD He is not in our best five based on performance over the last three years. He has had one good year which was 2016. If he was that good we shod have won more games. IMO he is a good tap ruckman who gives us little more on average.
  9. Not suggesting we give him a bad one but he should not be in the best paid group. 74 games over seven years is an average of just over 10 pa. that is not much.
  10. Make a good offer now but not excessive and then if does not take it wait till June. if he leaves we would get a good first round pick as compensation. Ruckman are not the vital element they once were.
  11. Hope you are right Saty. If he is leaving in a years time then the replacement would want to be recruited soon if He/She is to be around before he leaves.
  12. The big thing I got from this mornings conversation was the PJ is gone at the end of next year. So who is the replacement going to be? We have been very well served by PJ I do not want to slip back to some of the other dills we have had.
  13. DJ have you been there recently? It is a very small location that has no room for development. At a recent AGM this location was raised and PJ said it was a no go zone for a variety of reasons.
  14. Yes I reckon half a century is a fair wait.
  15. That is a compliment Barney. Thank you. Actually I am really enjoy it Barney.
  16. Yes they are thick here Barney, I am sitting under the desk. Leaving the jokes aside I think there is a chance that the Pies will move back to Vic. Park. That would leave us the Yarra site we should have taken a decade ago.
  17. Richmond are moving out of punt rd and we are moving in.
  18. In that case we are taking a big risk. We are paying big money for a player who has a poor record for serious injury. Over the journey he has not shown he is worth being among the top few players pay wise.
  19. Don't pay to much MFC he is a good player but has a frail body. He has had one good season the rest have been average or lost to injury.
  20. Your lack of enthusiasm is glaringly obvious Mr. Leg. I am concerned!
  21. I am not going to fall for that on Bbo Too obvious
  22. I think we will never agree on this one Ernest.
  23. A grossly over rated position in today's game bb. Richmond won a flag with an average one. we have far more pressing problems. Like who kicks the goals.
  24. Agree Wise we don't need another Weid.
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