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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. You are safe in 2018 Barney. However you will miss a good first finals round win.
  2. I might add RG we not only lost them we were trashed in the majority. I went to many that the only thing up for decision was the size of the loss many many games were well over at quarter time. I hate that time more than any other in the last 54 years and there have been some poor ones in that time. Just win bloody games
  3. Finally a man after my own heart. just win I don't care what we are wearing.
  4. I think anyone who is still passionately following the MFC deserves a medal of honour Ernest. It is devotion of a special kind. Then again it might just be a sign of stupidity
  5. Each to his own I guess but it holds no sporting interest for me at this time of the year.
  6. Not sure I agree with that totally hardtack. There are always players selected who then have injuries from the previous season that prevent them taking part. Reminds me of the old state of origin days when a number could not make the game. For me it is simple. I have no interest in the games, my concern is the injury one for any MFC player.
  7. The good news is no injuries. Fingers crossed for one more game. I wonder how the Pies supporters are feeling today? I know how I would be feeling!
  8. Definately not a 1980's thing that has no place in the 21st century
  9. I am a simple soul Mr. Leg Witness the fact I am a MFC member.
  10. The team would be aiming to win the flag DF. However I am telling you how it will play out. This group is still short, 7th or 8th. in 2018 Have I led you astray in the past?
  11. There are a lot of wet behind the ears kids in our best 25. they still need a couple of years to mature and give match winning performances 80% of the time. I am assuming of course that they all well most of them continue to improve. I also think we are still a couple short of a top four side. My prediction in 2018 is eighth and if injuries go our way perhaps seventh leading to a win in our first final.
  12. You are not alone puntkick. However in 2018 I expect to make the finals noting less will suffice.
  13. Yes but only does it four times a season so far.
  14. To answer your question how would we know. I have no idea that is for a couple at the top of the FD to decide and it would appear they are happy. So we plough on and pray they know what they are doing.
  15. I have concerns as well Ernest however if they did not get injured in the first place it would be a help. He had a good run in 2016 and a terrible run in 2017. A couple of less serious injuries and we would have played finals in 2017 and I mean finals.
  16. Hmm that is a big call MGDW. Not sure I share your enthusiasm, he will need a lot more consistence in 2018 and beyond as just the first step.
  17. Not sure what you are mixing with your coffee DF but can you let me know please.
  18. That is the problem IMO at best he is a good back up.
  19. We see it so infrequently it is hard to remember. Is AHG still the major sponsor?
  20. Easy to see why you are not part of the AFL administration Mr. Leg. You make too much sense.
  21. I will save you a seat next to me dc. Too rich for me these days. And I wont tell anyone we were not at the G if you don't.
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