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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Finally a man after my own heart. just win I don't care what we are wearing.
  2. I am a simple soul Mr. Leg Witness the fact I am a MFC member.
  3. Falling at the last hurdle?
  4. The team would be aiming to win the flag DF. However I am telling you how it will play out. This group is still short, 7th or 8th. in 2018 Have I led you astray in the past?
  5. There are a lot of wet behind the ears kids in our best 25. they still need a couple of years to mature and give match winning performances 80% of the time. I am assuming of course that they all well most of them continue to improve. I also think we are still a couple short of a top four side. My prediction in 2018 is eighth and if injuries go our way perhaps seventh leading to a win in our first final.
  6. You are not alone puntkick. However in 2018 I expect to make the finals noting less will suffice.
  7. I hope you are right.
  8. Yes but only does it four times a season so far.
  9. Hmm that is a big call MGDW. Not sure I share your enthusiasm, he will need a lot more consistence in 2018 and beyond as just the first step.
  10. Not sure what you are mixing with your coffee DF but can you let me know please.
  11. I will save you a seat next to me dc. Too rich for me these days. And I wont tell anyone we were not at the G if you don't.
  12. And watch it get worse dc when we start actually playing finals. The AFL is now very much a supply and demand environment. If you have enough folding green you can get anything you want. However if your finances are more at the modest end then there is the TV forget about being at the G on GF day.
  13. Sadly I have to report Jaded that you have gone off a year early. No chance of a GF in 2018 but 2019 might just be the year.
  14. They would have got a big discount for quantity Js5. they could have been used them for most of the last 53 years.
  15. Small joke there Mr. Leg. I am quite relieved you have risen to the bait. I have been very worried.
  16. Funny I got the same email and thought so what has changed. When was the last time you got an email from the club saying We are going to drop down the ladder next year glad you will be alone for the ride? Oh well I guess they have to be positive.
  17. Agree it will be great to see him playing in next years GF against us.
  18. You have my vote DF. I think Mr. Leg is trying to cover up his lack of enthusiasm with obtuse cryptic nonsense.
  19. Sounds like a good idea DJ but I see that as me throwing money because majority will easily out live me.
  20. Good luck hardtack I hope you get to use it soon.
  21. Me too I simply don't have the $300 to splash on a long odds bet. If by a miracle we should make a GF in the next few years and I cannot get a ticket I will like tens of thousands of others have to watch it from the lounge room.
  22. Yes dc if the next one followed a similar course you would be asking for a refund.
  23. Not much Rogue because I doubt I will be alive. if you had not purchased the guarantee over the last decade you would now be well in front of your grand price. It might make emotional sense but not a financial one.
  24. Anyone who makes the bet to pay for a gauranteed GF ticket is a poor gambler. We have not made a finals match for a decade and a half let alone an GF. We have played in a GF twice in the last half century. The odds are terrible for it happening in 2018. Still I suppose the club needs the money.
  25. And I suspect for a fair bit longer P-man
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