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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. That for me is the cruncher, if the players thought everything was fine why not report. I
  2. I think that is what I said Steve and agree with the rest.
  3. I beg to differ GTG the thread was created to establish where JT was with his rehab. It was not created so JT could read it and get encouragement which is what I think you are suggesting above.
  4. I am confident DF had his tongue firmly planned in his cheek LDC. Small joke I think.
  5. So old iron hands has done it again. Doubt we will see much of him in his final year.
  6. It is probably helped by the small item of having a list with the necessary skill level to mpull it off bb.
  7. Here is a suggestion guys. Ring the club and ask them!
  8. Bananas with a little bit of this and little bit of that!
  9. Nothing else happening dd. early Feb is always a desert. There will be plenty of comment when win the 3 nab games and the first two season games.
  10. But they did not do anything wrong dpositive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  11. I know this probably is a very foolish thing to say Dr. but who has Mr Hird left to attack? Surely he is out of opportunities?
  12. The only bit I object to CT is that the game is not as good as viewing as it was before the multi interchange happened.
  13. I tend to agree with you BB however watching ain't all that easy. Two of the three games are in the scrub and it is on Foxtel only
  14. He was an integral part of the mess and then promoted to the top job to ensure the boat did not get rocked. He has to go along with a dozen of his mates.
  15. IMO dc the job should have been given to an outsider the AFL is an old boys club which explains why he got the job. The AFL is desperately in need of a new broom with no allegiances to the insiders.
  16. So far Gil the Dil has one credit. He got the price of food down and that was probably achieved by bludgeoning the suppliers into it. Every other area has a demerit against him he may well go down as being the worst AFL CEO.
  17. I feel that behind the scenes the AFL via the Union has been telling the players firstly that they would not get a suspension and is now urging them to appeal. The AFL should be actively discouraging the players but when you have a CEO who says he feels the players were innocent and feels for them. Then it is obvious that the players will keep on keeping on as they believe that the AFL thinks they are in the right.
  18. Winning games regularly is the missing element. Her mother quit because she lost interest in losing games week in week out. No banana split on earth is going to counter that.
  19. Sue my list has diminished substantially over the last decade. My favourites of a decade ago have been seduced by too much money or fallen under Drug / Gambling influence. If the MFC faded away Like you I would not have much left.
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