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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Don’t hold your breath DJ, I am in the lock down so they are double melancholy here. I think the only sane thing is to take less notice, finding something to take the place is the hard bit.
  2. Sad dc I started in 1960, first five where great but been mainly crap since then. I give up they win.
  3. I listened to Goodloss press conference and when asked was it time to be bring in Weideman or brown he was less than enthusiastic on them and finished with this group of forwards has spent little to together they need to gel. Don’t be surprised if nothing much changes to the forward line players for the next game. If they do not put either or both of Brown / Weideman into the team next weekend I will stop following until we get a decent FD who knows what the hell they are doing.
  4. You have my vote CB but that will never fly because you have players playing where they play best.
  5. Funny I said exactly the same to my daughter last night. The difference for me this time is I can see the end in sight.
  6. Spot on bin man and this FD can hardly say they are working with someone else’s picks. Time for a major change of the FD starting at the top.
  7. No rotations and I bet by the last quarter things will be very different.
  8. Why is pushing in the back almost never paid?!
  9. Watch people living off the grid in Alaska. Agree with the rest. Watched 10 minutes of the pies game before half time. Never went back. Tomorrow the dees Better start well or they might suffer the same fate.
  10. If they agreed to no pay probably. But I guess they could day this not in the contract I sign up to. Interesting! After 30 seconds thinking I would be not as supportive.
  11. Spot on. If Viney chose to stay home with his new born my opinion of him would rise. It’s only a game folks.
  12. Funny this thread has only 11 posts versus 194 on the opposite proposition.
  13. If only I shared your confidence Wise. Same forward line that could not beat time with a stick in every game this year. Find it hard to see them kicking a winning score.
  14. Honestly in this year of the virus does it matter and do we care?
  15. Sadly I will have to agree with you jr.
  16. Serious question EO how do players not in the 22 each week get in form? That is not going to happen in 14 a side scratch matches, how many will be play when a few injuries happen.? And what happens now are all players moving interstate?
  17. No but I can tell from Goodwin's 3+ years and Ratten's Time at Carlton and when he was a line coach at the Dees.
  18. Oh forgot that was back on DJ, My brother and I were going this year but as it turns out I was in hospital before they cancelled. Got our tickets refunded in 5 days.
  19. I doubt you would get objections from 90% of the public. Increasing the bench and all the inter changes is what has ruined the game.
  20. I agree dc but it is never going to happen imagine the crap that would be talked about player welfare!
  21. Watch without sound DJ it improves the experience. I actually feel a little sympathy for them there is usually not a lot happening the field to talk about.
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