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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Nothing is ever " just methodical work" at the MFC. We make hard work of the easiest game.
  2. Agree with most of that Binman except the first para. We did not best the cats so we are not better than them. The only measure that matters is winning or losing.
  3. I wasn't suggesting you were venomous. I accept other people's views but it's no big deal we just think different on this subject.
  4. The Carlton game he kicked 2 goals as did hunt. They are not without talent. I do agree he will be better in the future but I think a rest is in order.
  5. Yes that is a disaster In 2020. I see they played a 10 a side scratch match last weekend. God help them when a few injuries surface.
  6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And it's just a discussion no need get your knickers in a knot. Stay calm the world has a least another day to go.
  7. Surely a small forward is supposed to kick goals and while he help others out kicking a goal each week himself makes the opposition defence more accountable.
  8. For this week's game I would play ANB. And I wasn't setting a bait just interested in other people's views.
  9. Now this will probably provoke a few but I don't think Cossi is earning his spot. As yet he has done little in a game. Not unexpected he is a kid who went from under 18's to senior football in one jump. Time to rest him IMO.
  10. You may well be right. A list is only as good as it performs. Ours has yet to show you are correct however I am very happy for you to be correct. I still think they will win a flag before us. We might be grand finalist in a few years time!
  11. Sue what people write about seldom worries me. I only object to nasty comments. A few people get quite venomous at times. I find it best to ignore them.
  12. Supporting a particular team should not blind you the talent of other teams. Fanaticism seldom produces good results.
  13. In a normal 22 game season 2 a week is 44 a season and would replace the lost Hogan goals. In today's game that is a good tally. What happened to 100 goals a season players?
  14. DJ this is easy we are a póorly performed club with low supporters numbers. Our only chance is when we play a high number club like Collingwood or Essendon. Honestly we don't deserve a night game.
  15. I would prefer he did in Sydney
  16. Last year I said the Blues would win a flag before us and was roundly criticised. I will stick with my prediction!
  17. There is a lot better chance of the Dees winning the flag this year than that happening JR.
  18. I watched the second half which was like watch grass grow. It was wet in last quarter but 1 goal each in the second half is a terrible indictment on the AFLs management of the game.
  19. A serious good question. Starved for oxygen at birth.
  20. As I don’t have Foxtel and my normal watch spot was off last night because of the lockdown I have not seen the game. As you all know I have never been a big fan of the Weid but I have been asking for weeks why he was not getting a game as we were crying out for a KPF and guess what he plays last night and kicks two goals, if he had been in the team vs Geelong and kicks only one we win the game. It is well and truely time to give him a number of games because at his age it is time to find out if he is the future. By all reports he played well last night and I am very happy to say I have been wrong. He will be in against the Hawks and I hope he buries them.
  21. Sadly I have to agree with you Jaded. I have always thought that there were a lot of self centre ignorant idiots in society this pandemic has proved me correct beyond my expectations. A friend of mine calls them “ covidiots”.
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