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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Funny how things have turned Rusty. I know one reason I like it is that reminds me of my youth playing and watching country football. Going to AFL is hard work by comparison and it seems less commercialised if that is possible.
  2. Love your confidence Praha 8 points more likely.
  3. Sadly perhaps Rusty I live on the absolute other side of melbourne, to go the Casey I would need to stay overnight somewhere along the way. Only joking but it is a long trip, Willy on the other hand is about 30 minutes and a good ground when the wind is not blowing ( which is seldom the situation. ) I also enjoy watching footy away from the AFL you are so close to the action.
  4. Interesting based on my experiences over the last 20 years with numerous sporting and other companies I find most over promise and under deliver. I take the basic service in the knowledge that most of the time this works. The more items outside the normal the less chance you have of receiving what you want. The service is usually handled by an outside contractor who are “ all care and no responsibility” Good luck in the future Red.
  5. If this game was at Willy I would go.
  6. Ok got it not my sharpest today dc.
  7. What's with trying to kick around the corner when you are 30 metres out on a 45 degree angle?
  8. The only way the Weid gets in is thought injury or very good form at Casey. He is not an automatic selection.
  9. Not our house DC. They are banned. Bedrooms for sleeping lounge room for tv watching.
  10. They are just looking for more work. Best ignore it and his grammer.
  11. Not my understanding but I have not been on the site. Home hiding from the virus I only come out to watch tv and I thinking getting one in the bedroom.
  12. Well you support the Dees that is definately a sign of low IQ.
  13. Yes I remember on days like this weekend there being long queues of people buying to get in. Having to start via the internet for a lot maybe a reason not to bother.
  14. 42890 members when I checked the total 5 minutes ago. No idea when it was last updated. You would think this would be a good week with a G game after 3 wins on the Trott .
  15. I am not suggesting they should but a large number of members are not anywhere as tech savvy as you. Some won't have computers. I don't know how they exist in 2021. But don't fling them aside. If they feel un wanted they just might stop buying memberships.
  16. I watched on 7 DJ no problems except for the bloody ads. The price I guess.
  17. How old are you Praha? I suggest a lot of MFC members who are in the older groups barely have a mobile phone. Their only hope would a kind child or grand child to do it for them.
  18. Gee I am glad I am not going that looks harder than winning tattslotto.
  19. Sadly Progress is not always positive DJ
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