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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I don’t know the stats but I reckon in recent years our win ratio is better there than at the G.
  2. Here with my family and we only arrived late in the day. Yesterday my allegiances were grand daughters not the football.
  3. Ha we laugh in the face of death.
  4. I have seen not a frame of the game ( in QLD, game not on tv up here. ) but that score line suggests to me we should have won by 10 goals. Poor kicking for goal again? Oh it is 28 here with a slight on shore breeze and not a cloud in the sky.
  5. Sad but true. It is 100% about what media wants.
  6. I would be happy with a Blues win DJ. With the exception on when the pies play Adelaide and WCE I never barrack for them. Carn the blues.
  7. Unless they are ready before then well Brown anyway I have doubts we will make finals.
  8. In two weeks that will change to 426 and we will know he is out for the rest of the season.
  9. From reading them over the years it appears to me that keeping the spirits up is the number one item. They really don't know most of the time so 3-4 gets trotted out ( keeps the fans happy ) when we all know it is probably 426. And when you see 426 stay that way for a few weeks you know it was 10-12 in the first place. If Brown plays before July I will amazed.
  10. You don't believe any of the stuff in injury reports do you?
  11. Add in that the AFL are already ducking and weaving re the CTE problems they have already. The only to stop these events is to suspend players for long periods. 3-4 weeks on this occasion will not cut it IMO. 8 weeks will start to change play actions and show the AFL is serious about CTE.
  12. I see that the hopeless player that the pies gave to North for nothing was Norths best player with I think 29 disposals. Were you watching Bucks would have been useful at the weekend.
  13. Um I think that is cards you are answering not Jane.
  14. Are you answering me or Macca?
  15. So you want to return all the members money how did not go on Saturday and tell them to f off? That a great way to end the club.
  16. So how do you propose to fix human nature?
  17. North will get little comment because they were not playing at the G. The whole thing was about utilising the G better not about how many supporters turn up Macca.
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