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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I know how you feel dpositive. I am not far behind you.
  2. You must be confusing me with someone else NC.
  3. Yes came back early on Thursday, and then of course all went in the good direction.
  4. It's only round 3, wait till another month goes by before too many predictions. ⁹
  5. Sounds like the injury report!
  6. I will believe when I see it.
  7. The broadcasters most of the time.
  8. He won't be ready by then. No fear.
  9. Have only watched parts of the game. It is like watching the Dees a few years back.
  10. Yep, sadly the Weid is no automatic selection.
  11. First you have to get the ball!
  12. Remember it was going to have movable seats in parts of the ground! The people who built it must be the same people who are organising the vaccination system. They are still struggling with how to get the vaccine vials from A to B.
  13. That maybe the first sign of getting the virus CB. Loss of smell/ taste, How is your temperature ? Sore throat?
  14. Interesting that everything I see connected to the Virus is a shambles. Yesterday my daughter and family came back from the Gold Coast, they had been to Byron Bay the day before the guy who tested positive, that they made them a orange return applicant. First thing at melb Airport there were checkers there to make sure people did the right thing. There were 3 and I guy directing traffic. He just kept say move through move through. The result most people just walked through with no check. My Daughter did the right thing and went to Sunshine hospital to be tested. Her and one daughter in one room and husband and another daughter in a different room. The nurse is her room is telling she is from a green are and doesn’t need to take a test and in the other he is being told you came from a red area and need to quarantine for 14 days. Neither nurse had heard of Byron Bay or had the slightest idea were it was. After an absence of ten minutes both returned to be told “ Oh you are correct”. Tests taken and all negative. And they wonder why we worry about Covid. Back to the problem, I Am in my 70’s and I have lots of friends who barely understand mobile phones. They can make a call and a sms but that is it. I truely don’t know how they survive in this 2021 world. On a percentage of membership basis we would have one of the highest number of older members. I think that the MFC has to increase their worker numbers as the current staff cannot cope. I know that is extra cost but it is vital that members feel they are needed. The fastest way to turn off people is for them to feel ignored.
  15. A quarter of the year has now past and the silence is still deafening!
  16. The Weid in place of TMac you have to be kidding. IMO the only way he gets back in if injuries happen.
  17. He is in Qld and I positive Pete have got hold of his password.
  18. Well it has cost me a fortune to leave at 7am tomorrow. So it is Victoria for the foreseeable future for me.
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