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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. There is little more to say I could not agree more. Victory on Friday night in Adelaide is the mininium requirement.
  2. RR that is why coaches do get involved in Salary negotations. You want it handled by agents and Gm's of the football department. That way the relationship between player and coach is not destroyed. For god's sake There is a better than average chance he has not signed and your path may push him into the arms of GWS.
  3. Jarka I remember it clearly and there were a few reasons for his leaving. Money was part of the reason, by todays standards the pay for a player was way under what coaches were paid ( believe it or not . So don't believe he did not get a sizeable increase in salary by going to Carlton.
  4. I think this all started as a rumour and as TS has not signed has grown legs. I do not think ( hope )he has signed. That does not mean that he will stay at the Dees it just mean he wants to maximise his potential by putting in a good 2011 and then do the best deal. Unfortunately for Tom and The MFC the rumour has now made the position very difficult. If his team makes no comment we all start to believe he has signed! If he says no I have not signed it just means to the rumour mongers that he is going to at the end of the year and so it goes on. I cannot see a way out of it. If Tom and his team continue on the current path we can expect this to go on for months. The worst case for me would be to discover in August that he signed before 2011 got under way. Fun days ahead!
  5. Oh please KS carn't you take a little humour? Lighten up mate!
  6. Probably accounts for why I did not see it!
  7. Knows Scully fairly well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I would have thought Dunn and Green on the run were a better chance than Watts HT. I cannot say I have seen every kick he has had but yet to see a goal from him approaching 50+ meters. In fact he seldom has the confidence to go for a goal inside 50.
  9. Golf you had me until the last sentence. The going rate for managers is 3% Now even if it was 5% then $100 000 is grossly too much. They will put the offers to Tom and he will decide. Other wise you make a lot of sense.
  10. I agree Thomo, all last year I thought Trengove was a much better kick. I too think it would be foolish for the MFC to agree to a big salary based on rumour. I am confident the MFC know what they are doing! I do not want to lose Scully however if he goes for the big dollar then what can we do about it. Nothing. If we cannot keep him with a reasonable amount of money and other benefits then so be it. When and if it happens we move on worse things have happened to the MFC.
  11. There is a very easy solution to your problem "jnrmac" don't look at the thread!
  12. Unfortunately these guys seem to get it right most of the time. However I have decided to be positive. They are going to do their shirts on Friday night. Look out here come the Dees. ( I hope )
  13. Oh Please B&C I knew we went poorly in SA but the above is a nightmare of tragic proportions. Now I really am frightened to turn on the TV on Friday night!
  14. I have no idea if TS has signed, is about to sign or has not made up his mind. But one thing is certain whichever way it goes in 2011 there are going to be some people with egg on their faces. If the above is untrue there goes omlete head King. If it is true a few around the Dees will look silly if we play him all year only to discover he signed up before 2011 started. As well as his manager who I believe has said nothing has been discussed. The History of this will be very interesting.
  15. Gee pipef I doubt we can win over there however I sure as hell want to win. I prefer us in the second round than playing on some poor ground up the country where I won't see a thing. For me there would be no better start to the season than a Nab grand final.
  16. Then you have my sympathy RR to see the drop kick done well was a thing of beauty. Over the years the Dees had some players who were very good. The big problem was that not many players could do it well and it was deleted from the Game because if you could not do it well it resulted in a turn over and in modern football that is the ultimate sin. Re injuries I have never heard of anyone injuring their toes. I did a few my self over the years ( even in "the slippers" ) and not one injury.
  17. It is not a lot better watching it from this end "Bigdeel".
  18. Well we may owe you an apology "Vagg". I will retrack my comments, I just don't remember him doing drop kicks. I thought they had gone from the game by the early 80's
  19. If we are to make eighth place or higher this year we will need to beat both these sides where ever we play them. I believe we are good enough, it will depend on how badly DB wants to win the first round of the NAB. However we cannot beat time with a stick in Adelaide so a Lose is the result.
  20. Perhaps he is filling the token "season injured player " spot. At least that keeps some others on the park
  21. Yes he was good but same era, I was thinking full backs DC. But you are correct. He could play a bit!
  22. He led with his chin on that one DC! From my memory the SP was the hardest kick to do there where very few players who could even do it moderately well. It usually skidded across the ground. Thats why it disappeared it was too hard to do. In today's game the player would back at Casey after a couple of those.
  23. Me too, if it is still his hip problem it worries me. If he goes two seasons without an appearance at senior level you would have to worry about his spot on the list. Not another Moylan I hope
  24. I agree with you Rhino, the drop kick had gone long before Danny Hughes. This is one area of the game I think has improved. The current players are a lot better kick than in the "good old days" Watched the 1966 grand Final last year and I was surprised at the poor kicking and that was between the two best sides of 1966. From My memory the best Drop kick at Melbourne was Tassie Johnson but that is 50 years ago. Lets stay with the current kicking style. Someone who could do a long punt kick could be useful late in a game but they would probably get dropped for not maintaining control of the ball.
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