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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. How many of you effers are going? Crowd estimate please? BTW Me and Stuie will be sitting together. You'll recognise us - there will be lots of arse patting and joking around. I will want to buy the beers but Stuie wont let me.
  2. You are AWAP Stu. You abuse another poster then play the sanctimonious ":get back on topic thread". And as for your "win over" comment - FMD. You tried to [censored] in BH's pocket until you quickly realised you were out of your depth and tried to hide it by abusing him. As Clint says "a man's got to know his limitations"
  3. Stu you really must have memory issues. The first off topic post was yours - "birkenstocks". We are a very sympathetic group on Dland. 'fess up to your problems ... I'm sure many here will want to help you.
  4. I'm glad you survived that experience Hood! Brother Best FMD!!!
  5. Stu, I'm trying to keep this amicable, but, as usual you go of topic and resort to personal abuse. It seems you carry disappoinments indefinately. You did not get the credit you were seeking from your Mitch Clark thread and you are continuing to lash out. So you missed a moment of fame - get over it Stu.
  6. Stu, I have tried many times to improve your ability to make a serious, useful and intelligible post. I thought I'd made some inroads - limited to be sure. But ... pleeeeeeeeeese keep away from attempts at humour.
  7. FMD. I went to Saint Thomas' . You did well to avoid fights with the boys from Fitzroy High! Stuie would have [censored] his pants in those days. It wasn't some anonymous clown abusing you via the ether - it was some clown trying to bury a brick in your head.
  8. No! He's back with an unintelligible answer. Hang on! What am I saying? Most of Stuie's rants are unintelligible.
  9. Seems like Stuie has skulked off Demon. Wouldn't be the first time.
  10. Christ Stu, I thought you'd be banned for the shite you wrote on "your" Mitch Clark thread. WTF have Birkenstocks got to do with anything? BTW. Leave the caravan park and improve your life.
  11. Serious discussion my fat arse. I'll give you vitriol! Unless you can say something positive Saty, [censored] off to 'ology! Just sayin!
  12. I cannot understand this notion of not hating other teams. You barrack for Melbourne - therefore you hate everyone else. I'll concede that there are degrees of hate. For example I hate Carlton but I hate Richmond even more. I cannot understand anything outside these parameters. I had a few fights in Clifton Hill to support this rule.
  13. Where have you been F l o g? I'll just have dinner then I'll vent my spleen on you. Don't go away.
  14. Thanks guys. Forgive my doubts - you've re aligned me. Goodbye Magpies, goodbye Rosellas. goodbye cockatoos,emus,possums,wallabies .... and ... i'm heading up to the wetlands to take a shot at Laurie Levy.
  15. Fine friend you are Biff! I'm at a moral and spiritual crossroad and you're only interested in a crossword.
  16. You borewood boys really do have a sadistic streak. Stuies even more boring than Moon.
  17. Had exactly the same thoughts Song. We'll struggle against both those sides. And .... just compare GWS with three big gun forwards to us with three big gun forwards.
  18. Now don't split hairs "hard" - I'm talking about the find of 2014.
  19. It's bloody amazing. I ask for advice about my computer and I get Jack. I mention violence and killing and you blokes are all over it. Perhaps the sanctimonious ones on the Clark thread would have been more sympathetic
  20. Listen Barn, there's a bloke named Stuie who posts on Dland - I reckon you and him are made for each other.
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