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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. They're coming off a tough one while we are rested. We have a strong side (though Dawes is a key loss) they have some important outs. I'm sure the team will see this as litmus test and go for it. Who knows - if we are still in it deep in the 3rd quarter they will feel some pressure?
  2. I reckon he'll become a useful player Ox but seeing him alongside a tough head like Wines --- well it wouldn't do Jimmy any favours at this time.
  3. Being dropped may have done Toump a favour by sparing him more of the inevitable comparisons with Wines.
  4. You might have at least put them in Melbourne colours Fl ogger!
  5. No prob Moonie you tie their back legs to the Quad bike and take them wherever you want. BTW DC - the lads are none too happy about that picture turning up in a public forum
  6. How could one take offence with that? So you can count Moon! Yes but they are always genuinely regretful the next day.
  7. Sticks and stones. Sadly, once again, I need to consult the brains trust of this thread for personal advice. It’s a bit like “Dear Dorothy Dix” or perhaps “Heartbalm”. Anyway, today, I was described as a “thoughtless pervert”. What am I to make of this? How should I have responded? I don’t believe I am thoughtless. I have many thoughts. (Some, I admit, impure) Such a comment questions my intellectual credibility. It questions the whole notion of “ I think therefore I am” that some wog fella came up with. I am befuddled. What is the proper response to the very hurtful label of being “ thoughtless”?
  8. Thank you Doctor. Your opinions on these medical matters are always highly valued.
  9. BTW, I it with mmmmph ... sad mmmph ...sadness that I note Fl og has "defriended" me. I'm very mmmmph ... hurt . I never been defriended before. Of Course I've never been "friended" before either. Anyway Fl og is an ungrateful little [censored] - considering everything I've done to for him. I'm quite hurt about this. Just Joking!! HaHa ! HaHa !
  10. "Then Fl.og will come along and wreck it." Yet again, you have read the chook's entrails successfully Biff!
  11. Yeah Yeah! I remember it also. We are remembering losing. Something at which we excell - fair dinkum, this reminiscence this stuff is one thing but let's start counting our wins and looking forward to a new era of success.
  12. The idea of paying him 10 mill is [censored], however, i love the way he can break out of (through) the centre and run into the goals. He is a fantastic footballer who, most likely, will stay where he is.
  13. BTW Mable - while I'm giving advice. Ignore any of Moon's blandishments - he is a dirty old man. Remember, trust Uncle Bitter !
  14. Better not to ask that question Mable. Now here's the secret. Song lives with a bloke on the filth's list. So obviously he duds him for rent, bills, dental expenses etc. However, said filth person is also out of the house frequently doing physical type things like, running, weights and general training. Song uses these times of absence to do his own type of training with the filth player's girlfriend. Quite laudable really but Song likes to think he is discrete!
  15. Yes! I do that in my "man cave" but, I have obstacles, the roses are very dangerous and the "lads" tend to eat the softer blooms.
  16. Pity. They nearly did. One shitty umpiring decision in there.
  17. Always knew you were a poster of insight and commonsense .... deeman!!!!
  18. Merely an observation Red, however, you must recognize the realpolitic of what I said. Better the honest bullshite of dland rather than the dishonest bullshite that we face daily.
  19. Who is this comment addressed to ...deeman ?
  20. That's much better Stu. That's all you had to say earlier and I wouldn't have had to embarrass you. I hope you feel better now, You'll be a better man for it.
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