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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Not bad for a bloke who hasn't played a game!!
  2. Picked it one Ox. Moonie shuffles around the supermarkets looking for specials on incontinence pads. Poor bastard.
  3. Not necessarily obba. My understanding is that while the name was changed the location still bore the name - perhaps for sentimental reasons. In a similar way you often hear the cricket commentators refer to the "old bay 13 area" during the Melbourne test.
  4. I would have thought you want to tie him up for at least three.
  5. Well, I never thought I'd see the great man's name on Dland. I dips my lid to you mauriesy. In fact, you can now stop hiding your face in shame.
  6. Twenty days!!! At a pack a day that's over $400 in your kick. Are you buying the drinks on Sunday?
  7. Correct obba I was about to point out macintossa's error myself. To label you are troll was quite despicable and unnecessary. Of course macintossa has a very limited base or either fact or logic from which to argue so I suppose vitriol is his only fall back position!
  8. Here's one for you Jazz. “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.” Sam Clemens (aka Mark Twain)
  9. Sorry about that Choke;I was too general in that comment. I did have a specific poster in mind, not your good self.
  10. As some matters are sub judice , I am unable to comment in my own defence.
  11. I believe you have been the subject of some workcover claims Biff, so your experience could prove invaluable.
  12. You almost have one for each dunny Fl og! Now there's an idea!
  13. You are very positive Biff - obviously the rehab hasn't worn off yet. In fact I'm amazed, it as if you have been reborn. Are you drug free? Is the Psychosis under control? Have you given up your illicit businesses? Next thing I'll hear you become a respectable member of a community.
  14. You must feel a bit like Rip Van Winkle Biff? Has the world passed you by?
  15. Congrats on your masterful prediction re the Essendon game RTG!!
  16. I asked this question on another thread but did not get an answer. Was it not stated earlier this year that ASADA found Trengove had no case to answer over the foot cream issue? I believe that was our only named involvement in the matter,and, if so, then we are in the clear. Is my memory correct in this?
  17. BTW, I believe Biffen is close to completing his rehab , however, at the moment he is incommunicado. I'm not sure of the reason for this but it may be that his business interests have suffered during his absence and require urgent attention. Or, it may be more mundane - the incontinence problem may have reared its er head again or, he has simply gone directly on a drug bender.
  18. You SUBurbanites are a sad lot. You have to rise above petty restraints and indulge fully in the pleasures of a rural escape.
  19. Well i do have some ..er good friends in that part of the world and I believe the "lads" may have some kin down there. How did you know DC?
  20. The bastards have had it over us in recent years. I don't hate them as much as some other teams but I cannot stand whiner Harvey. Love to do them this week and put a nail in their chance to feature in September.
  21. Biffen is common in that he runs a very common house. As to myself, well suffice to say that no residents of the fair burg of Romsey are common - commoners are sent to Borewood.
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