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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Not sure if this makes any difference, but Schwab tweeted this morning: "The enigmatic player I was referring to was the former owner of #24".
  2. TGR? A strange fruit that one, but can be entertaining on the odd occasion :-) That would be Redlegs... who incidentally does post on here; I had an "encounter" with him here a few months ago, but can't remember his Demonland moniker (but he is definitely NOT the person who posts as Redlegs here).
  3. This just tweeted by Chunk: "Smashed weights with my boy JB (Jamie Bennell) he's getting strong the kid!!"
  4. Well, I for one am not defecting as such... I will continue to post there and read the discussions, as I often like the tone and there are some with a lot of knowledge of the game. Sure there are a few there who are intent on pushing their own little agendas or being disruptive just for the hell of it, but there are also many who enjoy a good open discussion and engage in the right spirit. This site is no different in that regard, but the numbers mean that the impact isn't as great. And in all the time I've been on Demonology, I can't say I've really noticed anyone whinging about Demonland being too positive - generally they have been pretty supportive, because there have always been quite a few who reside on both forums. It's a shame they can't fix the issue with allowing new members to join, as that is what is snuffing it out.
  5. For some the number is almost a trademark (I might be wrong, but didn't Judd carry his number over to Carlton from West Coast?) and I suppose there is a (small) possibility that a single digit number is more easily identified, not to mention that fact that it will save mum's all over the country considerable sewing (or ironing) time Numbers can have a meaning to the players... in a different sport, but along the same lines, MotoGP rider Valentino Rossi, despite being world champion numerous times refuses to wear the number 1 and has always carried the number 46 because it has become his "trademark".
  6. I hope your numbers aren't granted based on a player's value... you have three virtually untried players rated ahead of Bennell who has shown more than a few glimpses of brilliance and is likely to step up to the next level next year. He is thoroughly deserving of the #7 based on any criteria the club may want to apply. Put simply, he IS going to be a star!
  7. I would agree with you on his playing at the peak of his abilities, but the improvement I could see would be in terms of his ability to motivate other players around him. Some players like Moloney and Sylvia seem to be naturals at providing vocal support and encouragement on-field whereas I think Green tends to be less so... perhaps the Captaincy would see him improve in that area. I don't think there would be any doubts about his ability to inspire with his actions... leading by example is something that comes very naturally to him.
  8. Apologies... my detectors don't seem to be working well today :-)
  9. May well be right if what MK08 said on Demonology has any truth to it: "Just spoke to the club who mentioned captaincy will be a player vote that is recommended to the board. Awaiting rookies to get drafted votes lodged by Xmas".
  10. Maybe worth a thread or maybe not but when I saw the email, that was the first thought I had... yes the best and fairest makes perfect sense but that didn't occur to me at the time... but did it warrant the response it got?... it was merely a rhetorical question and was certainly no more a waste of time than many others. However, if people want to respond with "clever"/"satirical" (read, smart-Rs) remarks, then yes I agree that it all becomes rather pointless. Since you raised the subject, let me ask what's to be gained by discussing our worries over the possibility of losing players? As has often been proven, those kinds of threads tend to feed on the negativity that has been the unfortunate domain of the average Dee's supporter for far too long. Edit... so much changes during the time it takes to type out a response... seems this discussion visited Jenny Craig while I wasn't looking :-)
  11. Ok ok.... a simple, I don't think so would have sufficed :-)
  12. I just received my email confirming my membership and informing that cards and other entitlements will go out in December... the interesting thing was that the only image accompanying the email was of Brad Green. It makes me wonder whether this is an indication (albeit a very subtle one) that Green will be Captain of the club in 2011.
  13. I still post there and still enjoy it... just take certain posters with a grain of salt. I figure that on any forum it's necessary to develop a thick skin and not take anything too seriously or, more particularly, too personally. Besides, this place isn't without it's recalcitrants; the only difference is that there is a far larger posting population so they don't stand out quite so much... but they are there.
  14. And I'm hardtack but not the hardtack that's on 'ology... it seems he appropriated my avatar though... the noive of thay guy! Anyway, I too found it funny that it was Nasher that took on the role of the "last straw" :-)
  15. What is that supposed to mean? What exactly are Houli's off-field personal qualities?
  16. Thanks for the reviews. George_on_the_Outer has posted a few pics on Demonology.
  17. Then what do you make of the fact that Sportal are running a report that Richmond appear to have accidentally posted... "an article on the club's website seemingly outlining who they will be taking with one of their picks."? The word is that it was the press release they planned to put out upon the selection of Conca and that it was up on their site long enough to be seen by many.
  18. He looked pretty good in Shanghai... seemed to have a good vertical leap and was quite confronting for the opposing ruck.
  19. A couple of options... 1. have the party at Maccas at the airport so you can move directly from it to departures, or 2. have the party a week before and then take her to the Gold Coast for a weekend away as a birthday treat.
  20. Whatever you do, don't say Yze_Magic's name three times... to me he was the Beetlejuice of Demonland and Demonology; not so bad (amusing even) in retrospect, but when he is around you find yourself trying to think of ways to get rid of him.
  21. I would rather think it would be LJ and JC (Jackie, not that other person) teaming up to fight the dreaded Collywobble virus.
  22. I'm with Nasher... give it to Spencer as I think that may be just the incentive he needs and I'm sure the significance won't be lost on him.
  23. Sure did... the added advantage of that particular game was the opportunity to actually meet and talk to everyone from the players, coaches and admin people to the guys that paint the logos and boundaries; the only downside to not being a part of the "official" tour group was probably the fact that I missed out on the official functions, but that didn't really worry me too much... I was never short of things to do :-)
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