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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Red and Yellow (with the tiniest amount of blue) actually
  2. If McKenzie is fit he should come back in for Rivers who could probably do with a couple more games under his belt at Casey, and beyond that we really only need to look at replacing Petterd (why not field a team resembling that which we fielded against the Lions?)... I would be happy to see Watts come in as a fast leading forward option (but not on a wing) and failing that, Johnson so we have some height up forward with the added advantage that for such a big man he is good below his knees; also gives us a reasonable second ruck option allowing Martin (if he stays) to stick around up forward.
  3. Why not give Watts a run... at Casey he has been playing for the most part off the wing I believe(correct me if I'm wrong... I'm a NSW demon) where he is never going to set the world on fire; so if they were to give him a run up forward, he could actually do alright considering the fact that our mids (Saturday excepted) are giving much improved delivery. In fact, with his pace on the lead and his height, he may be a good option this Friday (but definitely NOT on a wing).
  4. So you seem to be implying that the game plan used against Brisbane on the expanses of the MCG should also be applied unaltered on the smaller Dome? I seem to recall seeing in another thread that you claimed to have been coaching since you were 16 years of age, yet in all of that time you have only managed to come up with the concept of a "one-size-fits-all" game plan? Glad you're not my tailor. Grimes will be All Australian in a couple of seasons' time and is already our most reliable backman (yes, even more so than Frawley)... but I am not averse to giving him a run forward for half a game just to see what he can do - maybe alternate he and Garland forward and back for a half each.
  5. Yes... I actually live in Sydney's Inner West and assumed that was his inference, but I was giving the poster the benefit of the doubt in the hope he may provide some sort of acceptable explanation... if for nothing else than his poor spelling and his obvious lack of knowledge of Sydney demographics.
  6. In footy parlance, "magpie geese" would be a tautology, wouldn't it?
  7. They are finished and not for the reason everyone thinks. When I first moved to Sydney in 1979 I started watching "the league" and adopted the Newtown Jets as my team of choice... within a few short years they were defunct. Feeling lost without a team I decided to follow the North Sydney Bears (I worked with one of their players at the time)... but then in the wake of Packer's Super League they were forced into a merger with Manly as a central coast team and after that whole debacle was over and the NRL restored, Manly survived as a team in their own right and the Bears were gone. Ok, thinking it might be a case of third time lucky, I jumped on board the Rabbitohs (South Sydney), but guess what... yep, they too were consigned to the scrap heap not long after. Yes, they were revived thanks in no small part to the likes of celebrity fans such as Andrew Denton and Russell Crowe, but there is something about Russell Crowe fawning over them that makes me feel a bit queasy and I just can't bring myself to follow them again - instead I went back to my home town roots and decided to (kind of) follow the Storm. So there you have it... the Storm would probably survive this but for the fact that they have the added downside of having me hitched to their wagon. They are gone, finished, kaput!
  8. Yes, apart from Brennan, that Banfield is going to be an absolute gem!! Not only quick and opportunistic, he seems to be a very smart footballer who always knows where to be when the ball is coming forward.
  9. I suggest that you re-read your own post, because that is NOT what you said at all. There was no mention that he had "seen it for himself" and the way your post was written, it could easily be assumed that the family had told your contact; particularly since your comment related specifically to his attitude towards his footy.
  10. Hmmm, smells like the beginnings of an urban myth to me. I seem to recall seeing almost the exact same (as in word for word) paragraph in a thread on Demonology a few months ago.
  11. Newton will not be dropped... if we are to press home our advantage we will need a genuine goal scoring options up forward and like it or not, he is that option. If he doesn't play and Petterd becomes the main target, then being as slight as he is, he will be ganged up on and stand little chance. I doubt bailey will be leaving anything to chance.
  12. "resign" or "re-sign"? ;-) Hopefully the latter.
  13. Might be wrong (and please, someone correct me if I am), but I was under the impression there was some sort of constraint that drafted players had to have been with a club "x" number of years (3?) before they were poachable; so I believe a lot of the out-of-contract names are untouchable.
  14. I cannot understand why so many people think that because such-and-such a player is from Qld, that they are an automatic consideration for the GC team. Spencer hardly has any sort of a profile yet and would be sure to pass under their radar. Petterd has had two very good games this season and there is no guarantee he will maintain that form or that he will be high on the GC's list of priorities when the time comes. If he does continue to perform and improve, then I am sure that the Dees will be going all out to secure his signature.
  15. Of course they would have to review it... there was the potential for a very serious injury. Are you one of those people being talked about in this discussion that phone into SEN? ;-) In "On the Couch" tonight it was discussed very briefly and it was simply suggested that the players need to be aware of what they are doing and to understand the possibility is there to do a serious injury. It was suggested that this is a sign of a new tougher Dees as a reaction to their first round drubbing.
  16. There are reports in the Casey Forum on this site.
  17. Well the same could be said about the majority of names put forward... (like most I had forgotten the thread title)
  18. I'm surprised that this thread has gone so far without a single mention of Milne... a sniper if ever there was one.
  19. I would think we should be keeping Newton in for this week... I get the feeling that part of the reason for Petterd's good showing was that Newton took some of the heat off him (don't ask me why, but I think there is still this perception that he can be a damaging forward). The upside of keeping him there is that if Adelaide turn their focus on Petterd, then all of a sudden Newton does become a genuine option. Just a thought
  20. hardtack


    Gawn, but in this case, forgotten? Once recovered and able to start the hard work. Also, I imagine Fitzpatrick may one day turn out to be something.
  21. Would be nice if it was just a single post, but he is doing it on almost every single thread in the Footy Forum, and every time a moderator removes the offending post, or any time someone adds a comment relevant to the thread, he posts again to ensure maximum disruption.
  22. Actually, I believe he has considered pulling the plug in the past, and today's particularly nasty episode may just be the proverbial straw. And I suppose the relevance here is that the poster under discussion is a member of Demonland as well (or so he says), and given the sociopathic nature of his attacks, there is no reason he may not take the same route on this site given the right (or wrong) set of circumstances.
  23. I know it wasn't the official list... and I am positive he was on the flank (his name appeared on the left towards the middle of the team layout). The reason I mentioned it was that if they are posting a "possible" team, he seemed a strange choice to put in the starting line-up given he will need to be elevated from the rookie list.
  24. That member was banned for life recently after an out-of-control spate of posts, but as there is no way of enforcing the ban other than a site administrator removing his posts as and when they appear, there is no way of stopping him. Sadly, unless something is done, that could spell an end to Demonology which I think would be grossly unfair to Tim, who has dedicated himself to the site whenever his health has allowed.
  25. If my eyes didn't deceive me, the Footy Show had McKenzie down for a spot on the half back flank.
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