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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Demon_spurs was actually first cab off the rank with Varcoe.
  2. Geelong by 52 points Norm to Selwood 1st goal to Hawkins Crowd: 98,587 Biggest loser: anyone who enjoyed that excremental performance by Meatloofer. Never liked him the first time around and now he can't even hold a note... I've seen better at amateur hour at the local pub.
  3. I heard it was Adelaide he was going to as well... mentioned last night on AFL Teams I think.
  4. Yeah, not bad from a guy that's played just a handful of games... one day when he has managed to stay injury free for long enough to string a few more together, he should be considered for higher honours... until then, I think I would opt for someone with experience to take over Green's mantle.
  5. hardtack

    Neil Craig

    Sorry, I'm trying to figure out if that is a negative or a positive post.
  6. hardtack

    Neil Craig

    Split hairs all you like... the fact is that part of the deal with Neeld coming on board was that he would be given whatever resources he wanted. So, even though they are on the MFC payroll, they are effectively Neeld's resources.
  7. hardtack

    Neil Craig

    Not, to quote Tom Waits, as hard as Chinese Math?
  8. hardtack

    Neil Craig

    The thing that's making me feel very good is that Neeld must have really impressed the hierarchy at the club in order for them to be so willing to allow him to have all of these resources at his disposal; I cannot recall any club ever doing what is being done at the MFC right at the moment. And the thing that impresses me possibly even more than that is that the likes of Craig and Misson are so sure of Neeld's abilities and potential, that they have been only too willing to jump on board! In the words of the late "Big Kev"... I'm excited!!
  9. Fair enough DC... but it doesn't matter what we think anyway. He's on Twitter and it's entirely up to him what he does there.
  10. Beat you to it... noticed it when I went back and fixed it up. Thanks anyway :-)
  11. And Emma Quayle seems to be very impressed with Satterley's appointment; she tweeted:
  12. Actually, if it wasn't for Dawes effort last weekend, the Pies wouldn't be playing this weekend.
  13. Your description of the Fitz sounds as though it could equally be applied to a certain Colin Garland... care to comment on his abilities and how a laid back approach is detrimental to his game?
  14. That is not the issue... the issue is that these people are making unsolicited calls trying to drum up business. The MFC should be above providing members' contact information to such agencies... I certainly don't recall approving such contact.
  15. pointless comment... at least wait to see how he uses it before passing judgement. He has already passed on info about the newest additions to the coaching department, so it's already proved to be of some use. Personally, I like the idea of an "open door" policy - sure he may cop criticism via tweets, but I'm sure they keep across these forums as well, so it wouldn't be so different; at least a tweet is limited in the number of characters it can contain :-)
  16. Neeld tweeted just a few minutes ago:
  17. Yes, by his standards he had a bad year, but to repeat for the umpteenth time, he was 11th in the Bluey... says a lot for the rest of the team doesn't it. And those same people who judged him in the awards, will be negotiating the terms of his contract no doubt.
  18. Crucifixion seems to be a recurring theme on these forums of late.
  19. Actually, I think with some of the comments such as "if he doesn't want 1 year, he can have none." you will find that some ARE implying he be delisted if he is not willing to accept one year.
  20. Ahhh I see... that makes it ok then. Anyway, I will trust the people that matter in the club to make the correct decision, whatever it may be,
  21. Actually, my reference to Hussey related to the fact that when he went through a bad patch, and being in the "older" bracket, everyone was calling for him to be axed... fortunately the powers that be in the cricketing world persevered and he has since repaid their faith.
  22. Nutbean, what is the trick to editing posts here? When I use Edit, nothing happens when I click on the Save Changes button.
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