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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Well, I tend to disagree... yes Hendrix created a whole new genre, but as far as abilities and originality go, I think there are a number who come close (if not equal him). The obvious one would be Frank Zappa who was not only the master of major genre bending, but he probably had an even more unique sound than Hendrix. Peter Green of the original (and good) Fleetwood Mac was another... when he wasn't playing some of the best blues guitar around, he was creating some incredible improvisations such as on his album End of the Game. Another who I see as being just as important as Hendrix when it came to creating a whole new genre is Robert Fripp (one of my personal favourites).
  2. There's been a lot of great music post 1990, but unfortunately I think the marketing machine had well and truly started to dominate by then and more and more music and performers were being "manufactured" rather than coming up through the live music scene. If you want to see what marketing has done to music in Asia, look no further than PopAsia on SBS on a Sunday morning. It's a real shame, because there used to be a lot of really exciting stuff going on in Asian music - well, I suppose there still is, but there is so much more dross that you have to wade through in order to find it.
  3. OK, firstly, for the record, I was NOT one of those calling for harsher penalties... I was merely thinking out loud as to why those posters may have been thinking along those lines. Secondly, in Sylvia's case, the events of that morning (and the night before that led up to it) could definitely be construed as relating to his general on-field performances, as he was guilty of approaching the IR contest with a complete disregard for his team mates and the coaching staff, and guilty of acting in a completely unprofessional manner; for a long time people on these forums have been accusing him of a lack of commitment and this just served to reinforce that belief. If this had just been a case of having a few the night before and then being involved in an accident when he had no other commitments, then fine, it could have been considered a stupid thing to do, but in the wash-up, no harm done... unfortunately in this instance, that wasn't the case.
  4. I am saying that the correlation relates to his off-field misdemeanours and his on-field performances - in essence, Col's attitude in general sucks and by hitting him hard as a result of his actions, it may hopefully result in a big change in his attitude when it comes to his on-field performances as well as his off-field performances - in other words, posters' views of what constitutes fair punishment is not necessarily being tainted by his on-field performances.
  5. You don't think there could be some correlation there? Attitude can cut across all areas of an individual's life.
  6. Is Sylvia training the house down?...like a man on a mission?
  7. Maybe my wording was ambiguous, but if you bothered to read the article that was linked by another poster, you would have seen that Sylvia contacted the club several hours after the accident and after the police had contacted the club. And scale has nothing to do with the clubs reaction. They have rules, he is very aware of those rules, and the club acted according to those rules. No knee jerk reaction, but rather a well considered response that was in accordance with those rules. Youthful exuberance has absolutely nothing to do with it... he did the wrong thing at the wrong time plain and simple.
  8. Ok, cross out "stupid" and replace with "lacking basic common sense" - the club has stated he was drinking the night before and if he wasn't driving and then left the scene, it is fair to assume that he was probably concerned about his condition at the time (and possibly the driver's condition). Maybe the police don't consider it an offence, but the club do in as far as their standards of player professionalism are concerned. I would almost guarantee that if you held a high profile position in a large high profile corporation and while on your annual leave, did something similar that became public knowledge, you might find yourself in a much more precarious position. If you're not happy with the outcome, take it up with the club!
  9. How the f**k is getting [censored], walking away from the scene of an accident involving your own car (even if your not the driver) and not contacting the club for several hours (after the police, in fact) "showing a bit of mongrel"??? It certainly shows a great deal of terminal stupidity, but mongrel?.... nah! And the fact that the club is prepared to come down hard on him will hopefully be a sign that the pissant culture is on the way out.
  10. Maybe, maybe not... the fact is that the MFC sees him as a representative of the MFC in the IR team... so they punish him accordingly; and rightly so.
  11. You try telling the MFC that... as far as they are concerned, he was representing the MFC as a member of the IR team and he behaved in an irresponsible manner with regards to his commitment to the IR team; and I really don't care what you think of the IR game (I don't think much of it myself) - he accepted the offer to play and as such has, as a professional sports person, a responsibility to that team (do they get paid or play for free?).
  12. I hope you're right, but going on past reprimands, it doesn't seem to have worked yet. I really hope Moloney gets on his case as he's proved it is possible to redeem yourself if you are prepared to work had.
  13. Not to mention the fact that this will teach him that his actions impact the club, not just him. He now has to face his team mates in the knowledge that he has impacted their chances in round one - I dare say any hope of joining the leadership group has well and truly evaporated. I only hope he uses this as a motivating factor as we saw Moloney do... Col must realise he is probably on his last chance.
  14. Yeah that's a surprise... only three 2:10 start Saturday games.
  15. I am just copying and pasting/paraphrase my comments in the Draw Snippets thread: With this draw imho, it's hard know how we will be faring at the mid-way point because we will be going into the season with a new coaching set-up, a new forward structure, some fitter players and hopefully a new mind-set. Anything could happen. Positives I see are that we have a great run of games at the MCG, we meet West Coast at Pattersons early in the season, so it could be anybodies game really, the Saints and Bullies are in some disarray and there is no reason we could not be 5-0 (yes we could just as easily be 2-3) early on - and yes, it may depend on how much momentum we can take into it from the NAB Cup. If we can take some good results in the first half, we may have the momentum to win us a few of the less likely games in the second half. I for one, will not write us off just yet. My only comment on the draw is that I finally get to see us play in Sydney for the first time in a few years, but am a bit disappointed I will have to travel 300km down the road to see us vs Scullys.
  16. Love the optimism - but then again, we wouldn't be MFC supporters if we looked for positives. IMHO, we really don't know how we will be faring at the mid-way point because we will be going into the season with a new coaching set-up, a new forward structure, some fitter players and hopefully a new mind-set. Anything could happen. Positives I see (yes, I will have to confess to being a poor supporter) are that we have a great run of games at the MCG, we meet West Coast at Pattersons early in the season, so it could be anybodies game really, the Saints and Bullies are in some disarray and there is no reason we could not be 5-0 (yes we could just as easily be 2-3) early on. I for one, will not write us off just yet. My only comment on the draw is that I finally get to see us play in Sydney for the first time in a few years, but am a bit disappointed I will have to travel 300km down the road to see us vs Scullys.
  17. Why does the name Damir now jump into my head when I think of this saga?
  18. I still think it should be Jimmy, the Coach and the top (on current format, 7) players from the Bluey for this year... that way, you feature the best performed players for the year.
  19. Just when you thought it was safe to go back onto Demonland, another TS thread starts up!
  20. Damn!... no wonder maths and science weren't my strong suite at school. Agree about Hammer though... I was just trying to be clever and managed to trip myself up :-)
  21. From the HUN: "Sources said he had spent the night enjoying drinks and watching television with the friend." On what do you base your knowledge that he did not drink?
  22. Spot on! There are too many apologists in this thread. If as has been reported, Col had been up drinking the night before (and who knows what state his "mate" was in), then in the circumstances, he did the wrong thing, end of story.
  23. So why on earth try to defend the indefensible?
  24. That is your opinion and fine... but to offer that as an excuse for Colin is laughable. The AFL obviously takes it seriously and believe it or not, many players consider it an honour to have an opportunity to represent their country (a very rare opportunity in our sport). So in that sense, he has let the team down. I don't give a rat's whether you think the IR games are a waste of time (even though I tend to agree on that score as well), but the fact is that by being chosen, he had a responsibility to both his team mates and to himself to exercise a little self restraint - he blew it. As I said earlier, this is going to reflect very poorly on him, and I would be surprised if he will ever be considered for the leadership group - Moloney got away with it because he was essentially a first time offender... sadly, Colin doesn't have that defence available to him.
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