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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Yes, we have the cattle but we haven't had a cattle prod... hopefully Neeld may be the answer to that. We do need a good (operative word) big bodied forward, preferably with a few seasons under the belt, and we need a good solidly built "utility" player who can move between the midfield and forward line as a small crumbing forward.
  2. I think it's probably a given that all of those appearing on the new banner will be playing in the red and blue next year.
  3. Great banner, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was disappointed not to see room made for Jones who has been our most consistent performer and is the heart and soul of the team.
  4. GWS have not achieved anywhere near the spread and depth of talent that GCS did in their recruiting drive, so I get the feeling they will have the spoon wrapped up for the next 3 seasons.
  5. Yes, and don't they have a wonderful way of expressing their gratitude. I would love to see Harvey get appointed to the Saints - would make next season's Etihad game all the more interesting.
  6. Absolute low of the low... Freo obviously reach an arrangement with Lyon and then sack Harvey; almost Shakesperean.
  7. Yes, you are right, but my concern is that the potential trades to bolster our playing stocks, may not wish to come to us if we don't have the coaching position settled.
  8. I would like to see us have the coaching situation settled before trade week; I wouldn't think it's ideal to go looking for talent while the club appears to be rudderless.
  9. Billy... I was in China, but not as part of the "tour" per ce. I took my own trip (via the MotoGP in Malaysia) to Shanghai and attended both the training and the game, but not as part of the touring group and didn't get to attend any of the group functions, so I can't really comment on the behaviour of the playing group. Scully had already departed when I saw them... but my general observation was that they seemed to be taking the training and game seriously and didn't appear too hangdog or hung over.
  10. Unfortunately we don't know who the next coach will be yet... and that is probably the most important part of the equation!
  11. maybe GWS will claim compo under the new ante-syphoning rules?
  12. Yes, there was the comedy series D-Generation... let's hope that this isn't prophetic with regards to season 2012 (or maybe that's why they reversed the order to Generation D).
  13. +1 I would like to see us use them during trade week if there is anything worthwhile of offer... we need to inject experience, skills and strength at this point in time.
  14. I would be putting Jimmy plus the first 10 in the Bluey as recognition of their achievement.
  15. No Jones? He is a very good chance to take out the Bluey and has been our most consistent performer this year. I omit Garland simply because Grimes (if he hits the ground running) will take up that spot in the top 10; so in no particular order: 1. Frawley 2. Jones 3. Jamar 4. Sylvia 5. Jurrah 6. Grimes 7. Watts 8. Moloney 9. Trengove 10. Blease
  16. As much as I dislike the man, it is a bit rich to say that Schwab being just one of a number of club reps should not be held responsible, and then in the same breath say that Grubby (who was also one of that number) may well have manipulated events. Or am I reading your comment wrongly?
  17. Why should anyone feel like a "[censored]" for showing belief in a demons player? As it turns out he made a dash for the cash, but all of us who supported him up until yesterday, have no reason to feel bad at all. I for one would rather see a culture of supporting our players as opposed to running them down at every given opportunity as we see so often on this and other forums.
  18. Sometimes this site leaves me completely non-plussed... one minute people are jumping all over Scully for running off and signing with GWS and showing no loyalty etc etc, and then as soon as Morton gives a display of loyalty and hopes to repay the faith the club has shown him, people start bagging him.
  19. Interesting tweet from Gawn a few minutes ago: "Quote ' @MichaelNewton29 im not dissapointed in sculls going cause ill be there with him next year'" No idea who actually tweeted it, because it appears to be directed at Newton.
  20. I thought I saw a tweet that mentioned something about illness, but in this case it may have been drink related and involving an exceptionally tall player calling for his friend Ralph while standing over a prone (possibly sleeping?) Tom Scully. No idea if there is any truth to it, but it makes a good story none-the-less.
  21. Ahhh, 20/20 hindsight... don't you just love it.
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