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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I agree with that actually... if they are removed from the MFC site's Twitter feed, perhaps they will be more free to post openly as opposed to towing the club line. But I still expect that they would temper their comments as unlike us who have no contact with Scully and can be dispassionate in our judgements, they know him on a personal level and in many cases as a friend.
  2. And read what I said RF... if they tweet what they are really thinking, the chances are very high that the press will get hold of it and it will come back to bite them big time. Recall what occurred following tweets about the Trengove decision. As I said, they will no doubt pass on their impressions to him on the field where it matters. Hopefully the compensation plus money saved plus no longer required players (Warnock, Bate(?), Maric et al) will be enough to get us something good in the way of an experienced match ready player or two.
  3. I think that's a tad harsh RF... Jones is one player who gives his all on the field and never shirks a contest. I'm sure that while he takes a measured approach in his Twitter comment (which makes sense considering what the press would do if they started making vindictive tweets), Jones will be happy to run over the top of Scully without so much as blinking an eye, on the field where it matters.
  4. Hehe.. I saw that and tweeted back at him with: "Yep, a few $mil to re-live Skilled Stadium on a weekly basis... not bad work if you can get it" At least Jones and the other players will have some more insight into Scully's motivation/dissatisfaction, and I'm sure there is nothing to be gained from them bad mouthing him via the social media... would probably do more damage than good if the media got hold of it (as they surely would).
  5. The last part re Trengove, I agree with. The first part, I suggest you go back through the (multiple) Scully threads and read what I have contributed. Like yourself, I no doubt tended to some repetition, but essentially my contributions were based on the "innocent until proven guilty" premise; and I think you might find that I was not the one banned for insinuating that Scully was a liar but not being forthright enough to come out and say it in so many words. However, you will find that my "snide and purile ramblings" (a description I am more than happy to accept) have only appeared in retaliation to RR's equally purile and self-centred boastings and derision of those who were prepared to take Scully at his word.
  6. RR, in honour of your uncanny ability to see and correctly predict future events in the face of the massive odds that were stacked against you (50-50), and to reflect the good grace and humility with which you have carried yourself while denegrating fellow supporters feeling the pain of TS's departure, I hereby pronounce you, and hitherto to be known as, "Nostradumbass". Now arise (and go forth and multiply)!
  7. to quote your good self... "diddums" (if you can't play by the rules, don't play)
  8. Interesting to note that your profile is a new one that was only created yesterday? If I was the admin on this site, I would be looking at a more permanent ban.
  9. He's posting from the snow, don't you know? :D
  10. Credit for what? When I was 15 years old I guessed that man would eventually walk on the moon's surface... I was so disappointed when NASA never recognised that fact! As Sloonie said... no decent supporter would feed their ego by preying on the misery of fellow supporters. You really are a drop kick RR; and like the drop kick, perhaps you should be phased out as well?
  11. I will cite Sloonie's post from your self promoting twaddle RR: To which my response was going to be (it was rightfully locked before I could finish posting):
  12. +1 But he gets off relatively clean while Scully will suffer the recriminations of the supporters (as can be evidenced in this thread).
  13. If only it had been that quote you reposted - the post I cited was a completely different one. The poster of the one you cited was discredited on BF, the poster of the one I cited has not. To repeat for the umpteenth time, I believe none of what I read in forums or the press on this issue, as I prefer to take Scully at his word until it is proven otherwise. However, being a public forum, there is absolutely no harm in throwing statements such as that into the mix; people will still believe only what they choose to believe... no harm done.
  14. hardtack


    Ok, that does it! I'm off to join them in that queue and get my name changed to Beef Jerky!
  15. hardtack


    Maybe he can take Trengrove, Silvia and Joel McDonald along to the registry to keep him company :-)
  16. Rattled? No, not really... just a bit nonplussed by your insistence that I am responsible for spreading "scurrilous" material, when it is in fact information that may or may not be true; (and I suggest you look up the dictionary definition of the word "scurrilous" as I think you will find it applies to a large number of posts on this site that are making all sorts of claims and aspersions regarding Scully's character). Yet the fact remains that he did not sign as is evidenced by comments from Scully, his management, and GWS. So, unless you are making "scurrilous" (there's that word again) claims regarding Scully's character and accusing him of being a liar, most of those "facts" are completely irrelevant. Facts can also be used like statistics... they can bend the truth in both directions. Everyone sees what they want to see. I see nothing... as I have previously stated, I choose to take Scully at his word and wait to see what eventuates; I know it's probably an old fashioned notion, but I'm a firm believer in the old adage, "innocent until proven guilty". Time will tell.
  17. Who are you or I to say it is scurrelous or otherwise? And because I choose to offer it up for discussion, it makes me responsible? You were not discussing it... you were discussing my motives for posting it. Get off your high horse ffs! What are the "facts" that you claim to have?... the only facts that I am aware of are that both GWS and MFC have tabled offers. What observations are you basing your "case" on? The $ amount? The scurrelous comments of dodgy reporters? The equally scurrelous comments of certain posters on here who all but accuse TS of lying?
  18. I'm not sure what your problem is. I posted something as a discussion point... as it was a claim someone was making. I made no comment on it at the time and didn't attempt to editorialise; this is a forum that engages in discussion after all. You keep repeating the same things ad infinitum concerning TS's impending departure with no solid facts to back you up (just for the hell of it), yet I put up something a little different and you have a problem it??? I am in the camp that chooses to take TS at his word, and will accept his decision whatever the outcome... I do not say he is gone and I do not say he will stay, because there are no facts to back up either position.
  19. I thought the first few words of the post you were responding to, explained that. There had been a post a little earlier that cited a BF post, and this was from the same thread and in a similar vein; so I thought it was worth adding to the discussion.
  20. I just put it up as a talking point... I'm not buying into any of the crap; theirs or yours ;-)
  21. There was another post on that BF forum as well, that went as follows (again, bucket of salt material): "Just wanted to chime in, Heard on Monday that Tom will be re-signing with Melbourne. (Will be a 1-2 Year Contract) Again, it could be totally wrong and I hope for you guys that it isn't, but this year I have had a 100% strike rate with re-signings and the same source has told me this rumour aswell. Fingers crossed for you guys, and hope the drum beats louder for Tom staying."
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