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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Yeah... we finally get a midfield in place that might get the ball to the forwards, but this week we will have no forwards for them to get the ball to :-) I'm actually a little excited about what this may force them to do... we might see Toumpas given a run forward which might in turn see Salem get a run. We will now almost definitely see JKH get a run and maybe even Barry. The Pedster has been firing in training (or so we are told), so if the mids can get the ball to that end of the ground effectively, there is no reason why he and Howe cannot contribute on the scoreboard (we also have Dunn who can, at a pinch, go forward).
  2. Just out of curiosity and directed at all who have been attending training sessions this pre season... what's the general consensus regarding Miller's coaching ability? Does he appear to be having a positive affect?
  3. If you get the chance, I would recommend a short stop in Luxembourg.
  4. Corby was carrying a sack of shite that was actually worth something?
  5. I wasn't there, but I'm guessing that if they had had a fairly intensive skills session that lasted approx 80 minutes (I think someone said earlier), prior to the "match simulation", then that may go a way towards explaining why the skills dropped off?
  6. Is anyone keeping tabs on the score, who is scoring and who is on which team? Really appreciating the running coverage.
  7. Then you shouldn't condemn it... you should take inspiration from it!
  8. I'm bored... does that mean I get the sack?
  9. Yeah.... I edited my post - obviously while you were posting :-)
  10. This was discussed in the Mitch Clark's Foot topic... and I am not so sure it is actually a grammatical error. Edit: I take that back. Just checked the article and noticed the heading says "positively" and the body text says "positivity"... perhaps it was written on an iPad and he is a victim of the dreaded Apple spell-checker. However, the term "progressing positivity" can be also correct and could be applied in this case. For example, Clark's progress with his foot could be progressing positivity at the club.
  11. I honestly couldn't see the point. People would try to ask more than one question in a tweet and it was obvious he couldn't respond to both with, as was mentioned above, the limited number of characters allowed. The answers weren't particularly revealing or specific apart from the Frawley response which was really Roos just echoing the general feeling of MFC supporters.
  12. I googled the phrase and it is actually used a bit.
  13. I'm pretty sure it means he continues to become more and more positive in his outlook.
  14. Couldn't agree more... but I'm not going to tar the entire islamic population with the same brush because of what the fundamentalists (who are far from the majority) are doing.
  15. Funny coming from one the most divisive posters on these forums.
  16. I see plenty wrong with it of course... however, in the US they constantly go on about their 'god given right' to bear arms yada yada and then refuse to accept responsibility for things when they go wrong. They teach their children to handle weapons from an early age - who cares if these are hunting weapons... they certainly are not only used for that purpose. I think you will find that more people are killed by gun related incidents in the US yearly than are killed in acts of terrorism occurring within or outside the mid east - what does that tell you about responsible gun ownership? I am against the brain washing of kids full stop... both scenarios are wrong in my opinion.
  17. And meanwhile back in the US of A, the good ol' boys demonstrate their true christian values.
  18. I may be wrong, but weren't there also witnesses who supposedly did see the navy do something?
  19. Seems you're the only one here that is hung up on that epithet.
  20. I didn't and won't watch it... the cheap shot with the names telegraphed the intent, so no point. Oh, and do you seriously believe you have the right to hide behind the name of one of our club's great champions?
  21. RF... I was agreeing with you on the source. I just added that the govt also have plenty to gain by maintaining their cloak of secrecy. As for Sarah Hanson-Young... who is she? I am not much of a FTA TV viewer.
  22. I felt the same when I saw the source of the quote... but by the same token, it could be said that the govt have plenty to gain by maintaining their cloak of secrecy so no-one really knows whether the boats are still being turned back and whether lives are still at risk.
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