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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Yep, I still have great memories of watching sputnik go overhead (a moving dot), of watching the Melbourne Olympics on TV and of sitting up late (or was i early?) for the first satellite broadcast that culminated in the Beatles live in the recording studio performing All You Need is Love. Good times!
  2. And that fits perfectly with the expectation that he will return to full training next week.
  3. Spoken like a true right wing [censored] :-)
  4. To me that doesn't indicate anything. Possibly an oversight on Ryan's part and that the "can afford to be managed through January" indicates that his hamstring issue is not really affecting his progress in any great measure.
  5. I found his comment suggesting that the ABC support the "home team" a little odd... perhaps he should get some advice from China's politbureau to see how he can best go about that.
  6. "MELBOURNE key forward Mitch Clark expects to be back training with the main group next week but has not set a date when he will return from his foot injury." Patience the key for returning Demon Clark.
  7. Not my bubble you're bursting DC... I was simply paraphrasing Robin Williams.
  8. One flaw in your statement... no-one who was really there can remember the '60's... ever!
  9. hey... let's not overlook the fact that in your prediction you stated that he will "thrive under Neeld..."... so, are you crediting Neeld with his rise to the captaincy? ;-)
  10. He's tiny! That yellow line actually marks the outer perimeter of a bicycle lane.
  11. Wasn't that Hudie Leadbetter (aka Lead Belly)?
  12. Sad the hear, but he will live forever through his legacy... he and Woody Guthrie were two of the best things to come out of the USA in any generation.
  13. Australia Day was over almost twenty two and a half hours ago; feel free to make it go away any time you like.
  14. The OP posted just above (Household Demon); but apart from that DC, you know we all love the sound of our own keyboards :-)
  15. You are yet to provide us with the source of your merge rumour...zero credibility, so I doubt you have any interest in the success of the club other than your interest in trolling.
  16. With all due respect, I assume you read C&B's comment that was being responded to? I thought from that it was patently obvious the reference was a suggestion to C&B that he educate himself with regards to that event and the wider reaching implications. And one other thing, the way people are reacting here almost suggests that Goodes nominated himself, hence so many of the insults being slung his way... maybe common sense would be better used than education.
  17. I think he's a little put out that yourself and HH are getting all of the cudos for being the worst posters on the site...and I reckon he may have just succeeded.
  18. Yeah, I'm sure that was something he gave a lot of consideration to at the time... never mind the fact that it brought a much larger issue into focus.
  19. While I think Goodes is fine as an AOTY, I just don't see why we have to have these awards in the first place.... what is the point of Australian of the Year, Father of the Year etc etc... totally meaningless in my opinion.
  20. There was movement at the station ... Stephen Dank has 11 days to hand over documents about his supplement program to two former Cronulla Sharks players who are considering legal action Relates to his association with Cronulla Sharks, but I would imagine that will set the scene for him in relation to Essendon as well.
  21. Isn't that a reworking of the description applied to the former Environment Minister Ros Kelly... "a pit bull with lipstick"? And then more recently the same description was used on Sarah Palin.
  22. But if his foot was really stuffed, I would be very surprised to see him coming out himself and categorically stating that it was fine; I think he would keep a low profile and let the club deal with the deflection work.
  23. Could be an upper case "i" followed by a lower case L and Y.. ergo, "I love you, Chook".
  24. Correction, "rabid demonland poster's mouth".
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