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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. And to put it in perspective, the rest of the quote you failed to include: DemonAndrew, on 28 Feb 2014 - 10:10 PM, said:
  2. So what? Jones took as long and had the same lame calls for his delisting, trading etc that we constantly see directed at Watts. Can you honestly say that 5 years in the system with the standard of coaching we have had is a fail for Watts?
  3. Why would I be embarrassed?... I'm not the one with my head firmly up Bolt's arse.
  4. Despite his kicking failures, I'm actually liking Terlich's game... he's managed to stop a few incursions. And whats with the #15... is it just me or is Clisby starting to morph into Petterd?
  5. Going on past form, I would have taken 8 goals down at half time.
  6. One thing that I think most of us tend to overlook is the fact that Watts is only 22 (will turn 23 on March 26 - I only know this because that's also my birthday)... he is really only just reaching an age where you would expect him to be maturing as a footballer... Nate Jones really only started to fire up when he hit 23 or 24, so I think we should probably be starting to get excited about what we might see from Watts this year and beyond.
  7. Ok, then let's take the following lines: "the Left judging by how things seem; conservatives by how things work. It is the difference between children and adults." I believe it was two fine conservatives in Howard and Ruddock who deliberately mislead the public with regards to children who had supposedly been thrown overboard - I would call that a case of presenting things as they seem, as opposed to how they really are. So were they being children or divisive a-holes?
  8. Yep, my son and I will be doing the same... pizza and Dees. (I want woodfired and he wants pizza hut... guess who wins)
  9. I am patient when it comes to the club, but when it comes to some posters on here, my patience wears thin And yes, I'm sure there are those who feel the same about me :-)
  10. Saw a Brad Green tweet yesterday saying that LJ is the most talented footballer in the country not on an AFL list.
  11. His problems are physical, not mental... the reasons have been explained numerous times by people who know more than me about recovery and certainly more than yourself.
  12. I doubt very much he has an informant.
  13. Proof please... I still call BS on EVERY thing you have written above... He is getting along to the club and training in the gym and running laps on official training days and non training days. He photographs in his spare time and he is very good at it... so who cares if he wants to make a little on the side... but asking the club for $50K according to your completely unsubstantiated claim... BS!!
  14. Beg to differ... you seem to be the one having the hissy fit... by proxy.
  15. It's the hypocrisy of some of the left, yes I agree... but if you tar all of the left with the same brush, then I suppose that must mean that all conservatives are dishonest and divisive as was witnessed with the children overboard affair. But regardless, as usual, you simply have a hard on for Bolt and offer little in the way of your own thoughts.
  16. And where did you hear this? I call BS (again).
  17. And I can speak from experience to say that despite it's bite, the photography bug does not interfere with my regular work. He is a talented photographer and why shouldn't he have a passion outside his football? The fact that Mitch was running laps on Tuesday when there was no scheduled training (and that, no doubt, was not unusual for him) as well as the fact he is there training on scheduled days and no doubt doing plenty of gym work, I think tends to refute your ridiculous assertions.
  18. Yes.... but I was thinking more along the lines of the fact that the club took (advantage of?) these kids and involved them in the program, so will they now take responsibility and continue their contracts, or will they try to save a few dollars by washing their hands of them?
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