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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Tell me Wrecker45... when you first saw the cameras focus on what was happening after Goodes pointed out the section of the crowd where the racial taunts had come from, did you immediately think to yourself "hey that's just a kid, a 13 year old girl"? I know I sure as hell didn't and until I heard the reports long after the event, even after numerous viewings of replays, I would never have picked the guilty party as having been a 13 year old. So, it is easy to understand how Goodes, in the heat of a game, would not have realised either.
  2. You stated it was a court report when clearly it was not... it was Bolt's take on what occurred in the court was it not? Placing words in between quotation marks does not necessarily mean that is precisely what has been said. Oh, and I thought you were supposed to be at work... right wing bludger?
  3. Assume all you like... you seem to be good at that.
  4. Seriously... [censored] off please.
  5. Ridiculous comment... care to back it up with some evidence?
  6. Same reason people make posts like you just made.
  7. Looks like the umpires might be trying to even up teh free kick count which had been heavily in our favour.
  8. Huh? He celebrated in exactly the same way when he scored against the Gold Coast Suns in round 1. Stop looking for something that isn't there.
  9. You still don't get that Goodes was reacting to the fact he had been putting up with Carlton supporters' booing since the second he set foot on the field? You believe that is acceptable while Goodes' response is not because he may have offended someone?
  10. It would not affect me in any way at all... the supporters had been antagonising him for a quarter and a half and he does a 10 second dance in their direction?? Get real!
  11. Yes, I agree... in fact I think that the entire Swans team should be hauled up in front of some sort of tribunal for almost doubling the Carlton score... from what I could see, it looked as though quite a few of the Carlton supporters were very unhappy about that and the Swans just didn't seem to care at all!!
  12. Yeah, how dare he perform an indigenous war dance during a match that's a part of the indigenous round. You constantly prattle on about how certain players on our team need to harden up, yet the moment Goodes stands up to a section of the crowd that have been booing him from the start of the game up to that point in time, you say he needs to blend in??? I say good on him.
  13. I'm really not sure what the issue is with the supposed "conditions" in Alice Springs. It will be 26c with a 10% chance of rain and 58% humidity. Melbourne at the same time will be 14c no rain and 63% humidity... really, apart from the temperature, which is not stiflingly hot in the Alice, it's not so different.
  14. Actually PF, not at all why I said that... you will be surprised that there is more to providing value than simply providing grunt. In my earlier posts I had actually suggested that Riley should start on the ground and Viney be the sub so that Riley could go in hard an rattle them in the first half and Viney (who would be champing at the bit to get going) could continue the "assault" in the second half... Toumpas is going to surprise with what he bring from a non-grunt perspective... smooth skills and goals (assets that neither Viney and Riley have in spades - not a knock on them by the way).
  15. I hereby grant you permission to be surprised OD... he produced 2 goals last week for which he will be getting a 50% return with a haul of 3 this week. He shall henceforth be known as... "the alchemist"!
  16. Alice Springs is not a particularly humid place (unless there have been any heavy rains lately?) and as TDI had stated, both Viney and Jetta have been doing a lot of work at training, so I doubt they will run out of puff as quickly as you might think. You really need to get over your obsession with "grunt factor"... Toumpas is going to surprise you tomorrow.
  17. Yeah, I think Jong is a bit stiff... before he was injured he had been one of their better mids,
  18. I'm actually quietly confident that he will boot 5 this weekend against Port.
  19. I think Hogan could get his bag of goals at any time... he's not building towards it, but rather he's waiting to get consistent quality delivery from the mids.
  20. I've never seen game of Thrones, but the weddings from both Kill Bill and Monty Python & the Holy Grail do come to mind.
  21. I don't think it will be boring at all watching Buddy and Tippet going head to head to see who can kick the most goals and guys like Parker seeing if they can upset their applecart. Maybe it's just me, but I'm looking forward to watching Carlton getting annihilated.
  22. It wasn't topical... it was injected A program of bombers.
  23. If I recall correctly, that's where he was named last week as well. Edit: Yep, just checked the round 8 match preview thread and he was named in the same pocket.
  24. But Moonshadow, at least it contains some educational content/value.
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