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Inner Demon

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Everything posted by Inner Demon

  1. No need to be so selective with deliberatly misleading statistics. You know full well Jared had a minor knee injury for 2-3 weeks which was why he wasn't selected. I don't believe 'tick-tock' is really appropriate when he's had 1 game back from injury and there are 16 weeks of football left. Of course he has deficiencies, every player in the competition does. Most of the realistic deficiencies that are being harped on about in this thread can be attributed, at least in part, to the way the game was played on Saturday where our opposition dominated the corridor and had a heavy supply of quality ball inside 50 which makes any defender look ordinary.
  2. Hey, that's actually a very well made point. I'd completely fallen victim to the classic short-sightedness syndrome and totally forgotten Cale is only a few weeks away as a tall forward option. Well done.
  3. Tick-tock??????? Have I been in a coma or is it, in fact, still only Round 7??????
  4. Of course he's going to say something like that, he's hardly going to post - "Well no more work for me this year, looking forward to the big cash injection from GC next year and wearing whatever colours they wind up with!!". That said, I believe Ricky will still be with us next season.
  5. Nobody sees Miller getting a recall based upon that glowing endorsement of a match-winning performance at both ends of the ground????
  6. I've decided the positive feelings towards Meesen are born out of a general consensus that he was horrible before getting a senior game and then when he played he couldn't possibly live up (down) to how bad people's conceptions of him were. So when he didn't punch the ball away from teammates or kick every ball out on the full the contrast of people's prior beliefs of the worst player ever were contrasted with the reality of just a very ordinary footballer.
  7. Warnock obvious first choice. Depending on what happens at selection, Brad Miller has played some of his best games doing the job on Hall. Doing it again if Warnock is beaten badly early could be the shot in the arm he needs.
  8. And how many more marks inside 50 did Hale take after that??? You have a fixation on believing that you can only take marks against opponents if you are taller than them. It's sipmly untrue. Height can have an impact in a contested marking situation, but if you watch the game again, you will see that the reason North took more marks inside 50 than us wasn't because their forwards were standing taller agianst our backs, it was because they had control through the middle and were able to provide relatively unpressured supply to leading forwards.
  9. Really??? Another Watts thread??? The 8 page one we already have going isn't enough???
  10. What a terrific strategy for player retention. Make finals. Quick, someone write a letter to the Club suggesting they make Finals. I don't think any Demons will go to GC. Short of that I don't think any required Demons will go to GC.
  11. It's not a contest to see who can pick a younger, less experienced side and get away with it.
  12. You want to know the real truth about Jack Watts?? He's 19 and has no senior football experience. Show me a 196cm+ modern player of the same age and experience doing more than Jack.
  13. Did you watch that game??? We weren't beaten by height anywhere on the ground at any stage of the game. That game was won by superior pressure, tackling and run by the Kangaroos. Nothing to do with the balance of either list or, even, the overall quality of the players therein. They held more tackles, made smothers and ran harder the other way than us. Exactly the same thing we did against Collingwood.
  14. Riv will prove his doubters wrong before too long. He's still a sensational reader of the ball and he will continue to play a valuable role in our defence. Try not to let this obsession with youth lead you to write off "senior" players who are in reality only 25ish as "the past" too quickly.
  15. Vastly inferior players to Carey are in the Hall of Fame. The obsession with players' off-field behaviour has to end somewhere.
  16. Yes!! Thank you!! I thought I must've been going mad...
  17. It's not a worry. It just shows he has a manager with half a brain recognising his value will be greater at season's end. Though that plan may backfire a little if a reco is needed.
  18. This is total rubbish from top to bottom. Popularized myth that snowballed way too far. No part of this is remotely true, I implore you all to believe and accept this.
  19. Nope. You'll just need his name, address, mobile & email. Oh, and jayceebee, let go of the China stuff mate. You're overplaying it epically.
  20. Not on the senior list. Irrelevant unless Jamar goes down.
  21. 6 Grimes 5 Moloney 4 Scully 3 Jamar 2 Bartram 1 Davey
  22. Larkins reckons he'll need a reco. At risk of sparking off another insufferable 8 pages of rubbish, opportunity for Watts??
  23. Discussed it over some bush tucker???? They're from Darwin... In any event, all the points made above are valid and true. MFC & Aaron tried hard to get him across a couple of years ago and he turned us down. Now he struggles for a game in an ordinary team and we have Aaron, Jetta, Bennell, Wona already.
  24. On the occasional calls for "playing the kids", that's what we're doing!! Besides Junior, Bruce, Green, Joel Mac & Davey our team right now consists of young blokes. We've just got so much youth on our list that there will always be talented kids waiting for a game. Exciting huh?!
  25. Straight cost-benefit equation. We'd lose money by putting on membership tents at a game like this where we wouldn't sell many memberships. Why don't you just sign your mate up yourself and then tell him he owes you $50??
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