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Inner Demon

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Everything posted by Inner Demon

  1. The $27 pet memberships don't count for any club. I don't know how this myth was perpetuated.
  2. Better than Brad Green's 64%, considering nobody here would ever accuse Brad of being anything less than an elite kick at goal. Usually people see a player have a couple of bad kicks or a bad game and then just decide they're a bad kick and block out anything different from then on or dismiss future accuracy as lucky shots from bad kicks.
  3. Where is all this 'biased media award' business coming from?? Who was the last winner of this award that didn't deserve it and was just a media darling of some sort????
  4. Last year's tally at the same time.
  5. This is the 'cutting edge', 'market leading', 'benchmark setting' kind of thing that everyone on here has been screaming for (and at) the club to spearhead. I hope it receives the enthusiastic plaudits it thoroughly deserves from everyone who takes an interest in the business of the club. This will get significant publicity. Sensational idea, incredible 'outside the square' thinking from the club. Awesome.
  6. Incorrect. We are not "obliged" to part with one senior player at all. GC is eligible to sign a maximum of one player from each of the 16 clubs. This is not the same as being obliged. Yes, it is semantics, but important semantics which changes the equation enormously. Furthermore, GC has been on record saying they were not looking at exploiting this eligibility to its fullest. EDIT: Beaten to it. Consider the above thorough agreement.
  7. I don't disagree with that particular piece of speculation. That makes sense. I am more getting at this continued garbage that GC is focussing intensely on every QLD footballer like the club is some kind of QLD family reunion. It's rubbish. Also the part where it's claimed GC have 'expressed interest' in Jamar is further rubbish.
  8. Sounds like a very polite way to say "bullsh!t"
  9. Just out of interest. What are these claims based on?? Gold Coast have been extremely strict on not mentioning any players' names in the media as 'targets'.
  10. Rivers also. Sylvia & Rivers are in our Top 10 players. No doubt. When fit, they play.
  11. Either reigning NAB Cup champ or 2010 Premier I would suggest.
  12. In: Sylvia Out: Bartram If Rivers fit. In: Sylvia, Rivers Out: Bartam, Newton I won't buy any arguments that we must replace Newton with another tall forward. He didn't 'straighten us up' or 'provide a target' at all last week. He had 4 touches, 2 of which came from free kicks. He was rubbish. Again. I'd probably move Bruce into the forward line rotation with Green, Petterd, Bate & Sylvia. Frankly, if we just cannot find Rivers a job to do down back, which is a fairly ridiculous notion really, then I'd rather have him up forward than Newton. Riv's the same size as Newton and at least Riv contests.
  13. The template from the last seasons with byes were that we had 24 rounds of football with one round where 7 clubs had a bye and every other round with just one club on a bye. This gives every club 2 weeks off while playing 22 games. The exception is '93 where 22 rounds were played with 3 weeks where 3 clubs took a bye and each club had 2 weeks off and played just 20 games. I would expect we'll return to the former model for next season.
  14. Indeed. Looking forward to finding out on Sunday.
  15. Couldn't have been stranded THAT long, considering he did a 4 week injury a week before the season started and we've only had 2 weeks...
  16. Again, I enjoy the concept here, but the subject matter has been so vague it's just a little unsatisfying. I almost feel like I'm getting a look behind the scenes but then wind up not... Naturally I appreciate we can't be giving away any sensitive information on the internet and I admit I'm not sure I know what it is I want. Just...somehow more...
  17. We did actually have a pre-season win last year. So it's more like an appalling first straight year of NO pre-season wins.
  18. Clint Bartram was similar in his debut year but didn't get the kind of numbers Jordie's had. Clint had "only" 13 after two games. Nothing to be sneezed at by any means. Jordie is setting a cracking pace.
  19. His website is well worth a read. Don't the link handy but easily googleable (coming to a dictionary near you). Just called Harrysworld or similar from memory. The guy is a deep thinker as well as a talented footballer. Still don't much care for this shepherding of the man on the mark business when his teamate has to stand 5m away. Feels against the spirit of the game to me.
  20. Temporarily. Their HQ is in development and shouldn't be too far behind.
  21. None of this is anything new guys. This is why we're moving to AAMI Park. It's been recognised by the club for some time now as a huge handicap. It's not a failing of anybody currently associated with the club, judge their performance on providing the FD with quality facilities around July this year once we're in at AAMI Park.
  22. Sounds like you're just one step short of pinning clippings of MFC related newspaper stories to the walls of your room from which you are divining a hidden code. Or are you already there??
  23. Whilst this is good news they're expecting Van Berlo & Knights to return which isn't ideal.
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