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Everything posted by bing181

  1. Just wondering, who's taking ruck duties? Presume Spencer went to Qld.
  2. Not Davey. For someone who's into conspiracy theories, you're missing this one big time. Same name (heavily) implicated in the tanking allegations.
  3. Age report interesting. Perhaps the Board and Admin did everything they should have and could have. Perhaps we don't have to sack everyone and go into administration after all.
  4. There were a large number of sanctions - Sevilla, Ulrich and Basso (e.g.) were sanctioned for a couple of years for their involvement. It was for blood doping. The main reason why there were fewer prosecutions is simply because in Spain, where all this took place, blood-doping wasn't illegal at the time (2006) - in fact, Spanish regulations and attitudes in regards to doping in sport lagged well behind other European countries. There has recently been a court case against the main protagonist (Dr. Fuentes), but it's for "endangering public health" which is about all they could get him on. Hard to see any parallels there, and in any case, the laws are now much more stringent.
  5. Spelling checkers going downhill fast as well.
  6. Absolutely. The Aplaca Husbandry column just isn't what it was.
  7. Round five Melbourne team B: Jack Watts, James Frawley, Dean Terlich HB: Jack Grimes, Tom McDonald, Colin Garland C: Jack Trengove, Colin Sylvia, Sam Blease HF: Rohan Bail, Cameron Pedersen, Jeremy Howe F: David Rodan, Max Gawn, Shannon Byrnes FOLL: Mark Jamar, Michael Evans, Nathan Jones I/C (from): Jordie McKenzie, James Strauss, Daniel Nicholson, Luke Tapscott, Aaron Davey, Jake Spencer, Matt Jones IN: David Rodan, Jordie McKenzie, James Strauss, Jake Spencer, Sam Blease, Daniel Nicholson OUT: Mitch Clark (foot), Neville Jetta (suspension), Jack Viney (rested)
  8. ??? There's nothing in what Garland said that contradicts anything there. On the other hand, there's plenty in what you're implying Garland said that contradicts what Garland said. As in the other thread: you're quoting selectively and in doing so, misrepresenting the meaning. It's clear in everything that has been said from within the club, there has been no change in game plan or approach, only in execution and intent on the field.
  9. a) He didn't say or use the word "instinctive" as you claim b) In quoting selectively, you're skewing the original meaning, especially in omitting what followed: "We have got a lot of external pressures and Mark's really taken the shackles off the playing group. He has probably taken a lot of criticism that the playing group probably deserved ...." The intent of the article is clear: Neeld has absorbed the external pressures, and in doing so, has enabled the players to focus on playing. Any other reading is wilful misrepresentation.
  10. Where does he say that he'd let the boys play instinctive footy? He says nothing of the sort, nor does the article. The point of which is that he's protected them from outside pressures, so that they could just be focused on playing. The shackles he refers to are that of external criticism and pressure.
  11. ... and drop a note of complaint to the club, drawing their attention to it. Helps to put pressure on the AFL. Unacceptable.
  12. This furphy is getting to be yet another Demonland reality that has no basis in fact. Not directed at you per se, but what the players, coaches and staff have repeatedly said, is that we've been training and aiming to play the same way over the whole pre-season and into the season. Nothing has changed. Garland's comment above is in regards to Neeld (and the other FD staff) sheltering them from the external stresses, so that they could just concentrate on playing. It has nothing to do with a change in directives to the players or the game plan.
  13. Believe nuts and bolts funding is by the Fed Govt., but tests etc. are also (mainly?) funded by the end-users (the various sporting codes).
  14. Interesting to see North and Scott (also) threatening legal action in regard to CW's article re North's fitness staff/doctor. Maybe some have had enough and/or the journos are starting to go too far.
  15. The crux of what he is suggesting was not reported in the press the way he was presenting it (the players never told Dawes he wasn't first 22, they basically just told him to go if it would make him happy), and is at best a less-than-full picture of why Dawes left Collingwood.
  16. The salient point, that you seem to miss, is that with the departure of Leigh Brown, Buckley wanted (needed) a second-string KPF who could take on ruck duties. Dawes isn't really that player. Him leaving is not a reflection on where Dawes was at, it's a reflection of where the team and coach were at. While Cloak was at Collingwood, Dawes could never just be the KPF that he is. It's a bit like why Jolly left Melbourne, he was never going to get a run while Jeff White was there. Jolly was not a dud, or "not first 22".
  17. ASADA are just the local arm of WADA. If they're beholden to anyone, it's to WADA.
  18. Yes, but they're trying to play him as key forward. Which he never was. Which is why he was traded.
  19. FWIW, and I think I posted this elsewhere, apparently Karen Hayes (from the Board), spoke to a gathering of members at the match on Sunday, and reiterated that the board were happy with the submission they made to the AFL re this, but that Dr. Bates had not revealed his association(s) with Dank. Just re an earlier post of yours here OD, this is different (very!) to the tanking investigation, simply because the ACC and ASADA are into it. They very much have a "take no prisoners" approach, and at the whiff of anything, from any club or player, at anytime, will be on to it. Finally, just re the thread in general, we just have to wait to see who did what, who knew what, and who took what. There are some very long bows being drawn here.
  20. Now there's a phrase you don't see round here all that often.
  21. Unless you go through a Proxy Server, it (http://afltv.afl.com.au) will see you're in Oz and block your access. I don't believe you can even take out a subscription from Oz. I'm OS, so it works fine for me, but when I was back in Melbourne last year for a few weeks, it wouldn't let me even access my account, yet alone watch anything. If anyone does get it to work, image quality is often very good, but sound is a nightmare for the moment, as they're not using the same audio feed as the TV feed.
  22. Redden has been cleared, Hanley has 1 week. Black back? Maybe. He said at the weekend that he felt he needed another week, but given how they played yesterday ...
  23. We're still waiting on that one, so perhaps we need a "maybe" category. Apparently Karen Hayes spoke to a gathering of members on Sunday, and denied that the club had misled the AFL, but said that Bates had not revealed his association(s) with Dank. Otherwise, good post.
  24. 2 weeks if he accepts it. MRP report is up. Neville Jetta, Melbourne, has been charged with a Level Two engaging in rough conduct offence (225 demerit points, two-match sanction) for engaging in rough conduct against Lachlan Whitfield, GWS Giants, during the third quarter of the Round Four match between Melbourne and the GWS Giants, played at the MCG on Sunday April 21, 2013. In summary, due to his existing poor record, his two-match sanction must remain at two matches even with an early plea. Based on the video evidence available and a medical report from the GWS Giants Football Club, the incident was assessed as reckless conduct (two points), low impact (one point) and high contact (two points). This is a total of five activation points, resulting in a classification of a Level Two offence, drawing 225 demerit points and a two-match sanction. He has 87.50 demerit points carried over from within the last 12 months, increasing the penalty to 312.50 points and a three-match sanction. An early plea reduces the sanction by 25 per cent to 234.38 points and a two-match sanction.
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