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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Pick 11 & 18 to be a combination of Aaron Black, Carlisle, Vardy or Griffiths for me. Talia of course, if he slips through, but highly doubtful.
  2. The Cats are whinging cos Mumford wants to go to Sydney to be number 1 ruckman for 4 years and a million dollars. What are the Cats offering? 3rd backup behind Blake and a pittance because they have no room in the cap. How can they begrudge him this move..? Absurd. If they REALLY want Mumford to stay that badly, they'd hand him the salary allocated for Mark Blake and send Blake elsewhere.
  3. There's always Kayne Pettifer or Cameron Cloke...
  4. I think Brock has the ability be more incisive with his kicking, but it is more erratic than Ball's. And Ball edges him in every other category.
  5. Its about the only thing holding Free Agency at bay...
  6. :lol: :lol: :lol: ...oh. You're not joking. There is a very good reason the Tigers want rid of him and no other team in the AFL is chasing him. A player that gets the ball a lot and then instantly turns it over is more detrimental to the team than a player who follows his opponent to the ball all day. At least then his teammates aren't getting continually caught out of position with turnovers.
  7. Good point, but I can't think of any more worthwhile small forwards on the Collingwood list... therein lies my accidental point
  8. Yeah, I skimmed, but I still fail to see a convincing argument of why it should be condensed. Nevermind.
  9. I thought St Kilda were specifically looking for a player as opposed to draft pick. Considering their forward line woes on GF day, I could see the saints asking Davis or Dick
  10. None of them. Warnock is under-rated.
  11. Why do we need to condense it? We've had multiple trades completed on each day of this trade week. Maybe I could see some merit in reducing the period if it went for days on end with no result... but it hasn't.
  12. Yeah, defeats the purpose... except we get an upgrade on Brock AND we score pick 11 essentially for free...
  13. One highlight. You are basing all of this on ONE highlight. I shouldn't be surprised considering the source, but God help you...
  14. We could have a lot of players already on front-ended contracts giving us that cap space now so we can fit in a gun player come this trade week and this year's PSD... A gun player like Luke Ball even. Our football dept. does think ahead on the odd occasion.
  15. Definitely - an upgrade on Brock AND pick 11 to boot. We can dream...
  16. I'd put my money on Kennett directly contradicting Pelchen and the Hawthorn footy dept without consultation, arrogantly of the opinion he is acting with the best interests of the football club in mind. He's the type that would be completely oblivious to the fact that moves like this are a good way to fracture a strong club. Already their CEO has left... And now the football dept would be rightly livid with ol' Jeff.
  17. Worked with Dawson and Farren Ray...
  18. I'm of the opinion that Majak Daw would not be chosen by an AFL side because of his football ability, but because of his physical attributes. This makes him a project in my eyes. And he is simply not worth anywhere near pick 18 or 34 in my eyes, and anyone that thinks he is would be foolish. I've read many posts on this forum proposing him as the solution to MFC's ruck woes and this is simply not the case. Jurrah and Wonnaemirri are nothing like Daw. You need only give them the footy and watch them go to work.
  19. Fair call, but I was aiming more at having a dig at those parasites Jeff & Paul, rather than agreeing with Fev...
  20. Wow. Some graphic designer was stuck for time on this one and took the easy way ouy... For what it's worth, I actually think the MelbourneFC logo is great, if a little simple & bland. Maybe if it was a little more detailed...
  21. Technically everything he said was 100% correct...
  22. Did I miss something?? When were Milne & Clarke offloaded..?
  23. I've read enough of your posts to know what light to view them in... And I'm not picking on him, I'm picking on the fools who would put unfounded faith in a young kid who is nothing more than a project at this stage. He'd be a great rookie prospect, but nothing more. Try the veal. I'm here all week.
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