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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. I just really want to know what is going through Ricky's head. I get that he wants to help this girl who obviously needs it but im not sure taking alcohol to her hotel room is the answer. Isn't illegal to supply alcohol to a minor anyway. I know im being pc here and yes I had a drink at 17 but its the way he went about it. I think thats the last thing she needs. Also we know she was mad at him when he made comments about her pregnancy so if it is revenge she wants then she has set him up big time and done it beautifully. He can deny it all he wants. Mud sticks and his reputation is damaged. I would not want to be managed by him at all. Also is he even allowed to drive because didnt he lose his license last year when he hit that tram and ran off.
  2. You should have listened to mmm. They may have been all adelaide poeple but they wernt biast and it was an enthusiastic call. Liam Jurrah helped them out by doing exciting things. But it was a good call by them. Another thing this will put a smile on the presidents face.
  3. I don't care its only the NAB cup. Ok if we had lost I would have said its only the NAB Cup. But what i loved about our 2 wins is Brad Green starting well with 2 wins as captain Finally winning 2 games at AAMI. Please now can we do it in the real season. We did something in over an hour twice that we cant do in years. Liam Jurrah! This guy alone will draw crowds. As I dont have Foxtel I listened to mmm and Mark Riccutio just loves Liam. He lit up the commentary box. Hearing the boys sing the song after the game. Its nice to hear the grand old flag belted out. The fact that we dont have to travel to regional grounds to play practice matches Confidence winning those two games can help the players confidence Waking up tomorrow morning getting the papers and reading about our two wins.
  4. Maybe its karma for us tanking. Ok maybe we didnt tank but not winning those matches. I will be devastated if we lose Tom. The thig is Eddie's mail is uaually right. But Im not sure why Tom would sign before round 1. If Tom has signed I want him to look Jim, Dean and Cameron in the eye and tell them. My thing is all this money being thrown at a young player. Its his second season and already a club is thowing around 6 mill at him. He isnt worth that money. Thats the problem these young players get hold of this money then end up with problems. Also Tom is going to be asked about his contract all throughout the saeson and so will the club to the point they will get sick of it. It would be nice to hear Tom say this club is going somewhere and I want to be part of it. On the other hand who wouldnt seriously consider this deal. If anyone of us got offered this sort of money by another business of course you will think about it. I can see why he may take it. His footy manager will be saying wait until the end then we can up the money. Bloody managers. They can see there cut and the $ dollar signs light up. But Id like to think we would win a flag before GWS. Also why would you want to live in western sydney. At least the Gold Coast is appealing. Tom please stay. You are our future and you will get rewarded with loyalty. Money isnt everything.
  5. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/afl-mourns-pioneer-jill-lindsay/story-e6frf9jf-1226001436935 Jill passed away this morning after a battle with cancer. Just want to pass on good wishes to her family. Having heard Jill speak a couple of years ago you could tell how much she loved working at the AFL. RIP Jill
  6. I think its a great choice. a few years ago Brad was dropped from the leadership group and he worked on how to become a leader. He didnt sook or crack it he just worked though on how to get back. I loved the passion he showed today when speaking baout how proud he is to be captain of the oldest club. But the thing I loved was when he said its great to announce it at the MCG. Our home ground where teams come to play us. Loved that bit. I like the look of the leadership group. Come on dees!
  7. Cameron twittered that there was never a timeframe on the announcement and there is no rush. So I guess we just wait. Maybe they want to announce it at a family day.
  8. Im going into the demons shop on wednesday to renew myself and my dog. He liked his blanket from last year. I always renew round 1 or over the phone. So when I renew in person do I get my lanyard and stuff straight away or do they post it out. Thought Id get it out of the way before christmas while I have the money.
  9. This may seem like a dumb question but why cant we draft him in next years draft? He will be 17 and he will be 18 in 2012. Is he to young to be drafted? 2013 seems ages away and I dont really want to wait until then to see him play. But at least its something to look foward to and scully and trengove would have really settled into melbourne by then.
  10. If you listen to SEN now, after the break they are going to play part of the preseer with Jack and Todd.
  11. Cameron Schwab just twittered a cool announcement to be made at 1pm so its not bad news about Jim which i thought it could be and didnt really want to hear. I hope its either we have Jack Viney or a really good sponsdership deal. Maybe Kaspersky extended there sponsership deal. You wouldnt have a presser to reveal your new players would you? Wouldnt that be a training thing. Why couldnt it be made earlier. its 2 hours off. At leat we know its good news.
  12. Sorry cant agree with that. Im an MCC member for over 10 years and this year I finally got my full memebership. I buy my mfc/mcc membership and I give money to mfc in other ways. I gave money to the debt demolotion, I buy my merchandise from the shop and I go to some of the events. I use my membership to go to the boxing day test every year and also the 1 day games and 20/20 as well as go to the victorian games. I can take my friends anytime and in the footy season I can go with my friends who support the team we are playing and sit with them. I never bother about having to queue for finals tickets and every year I can go to the grand final. So until i leave this planet Im sticking to my mcc membership.
  13. Im disappointed Cameron has left. I know people have bagged his disposal and saying he wont be missed but last season he was great in the backline. The thing is if Green goes down next season with a long term injury then we are stuffed in terms of on field leadership. Davey isnt captain material until he has learnt to find a way to stop getting sucked in by his opponent and getting pushed around, Grimes is still young and we have Moloney but he can only do so much and Miller has gone. If Bruce left because of money then I would be really annoyed but obviously he wants to chase that premiership. Maybe Bails couldnt guarantee him a full season in the 1sts which would be stupid. Or maybe at 31 Cam could see us not winning a premiership in the next few years and know that the hawks can win one. I dont begrudge him of that. We havent won a flag in 46 years. Whose to say we will win one in 2 years. We still have to prove we are a top 8 team. I think it will take longer for a flag. If he ends up at hawthorn or stkilda that wont bother me. I just dont want to see him in the black and white. This has basically given Green the captaincy surely. I never thought I would see the day where Michael Newton is still at this club and James McDonald and Cameron Bruce have gone. I just hope the same thing doesnt happen to Green next year and we find ourselves down the same path.
  14. I just wish he would sign. Yeah ok I understand no one would want to take a pay cut in any job but Cam you are a footy player earning thousands. You have earnt enough in your career. Shane Crawford signed 1 year contracts when he was coming near the end. The thing is cam had a really good season last season and we do need him for the experience. I would be shattered if he left. Also the other problem is he has Ricky Nixon as his manager and you know what he is like. He would be saying to Cam you can probably get more money elsewhere and play finals if we could get you to a club. Loyalty Cam remember where you came from and who gave you the chance. I know loyalty works both ways and clubs can move you on but I reckon you will regret moving on.
  15. Who do we have as a backup ruckman if Jamar goes down. Spencer? Really, at least PJ can ruck. Or Newton. Geez Jamar please dont get injured. I reckon Hughes showed something. if he remained injury free he would be alright in our foward line. Ok I know Newton is a rookie but we are wasting money on him. Im convinced he has something on the club. Surely its better to get a young kid on there. If you told me he would outlast James McDonald at the club there was noy way I would have believed you. By the way on the club website do not describe him as a versitile big man. The guy has never played a good game for us. he will just be known as the guy that took mark of the year against north. Im just not a fan. Are we stuck with him for another 2 years now? Its intersting that they have put Cameron Bruce on the list. Maybe he has signed or will do so soon.
  16. Its good that we start off with a round 1 game at home. Lets hope we can finally win first off. I dont mind playing the interstate teams at home. Id rather play them here than there. Dont worry the crowds will come. Except whose stupid idea was it to play West Coast at Etihad at 1:10 on a sunday. But thats not until the later rounds so hopefully we are going really well and the crowds will come. Its good that we only play the pies once. That means we only play our 1 grand final for the season. Lol. Interesting to play the gold coast at home. Why wouldnt we get the buy the week after playing at darwin then the week before. Dont mind the friday night games but its sucks one of them is at etihad. Sorry but there is something about that ground that never gives me a good experience. Anyway the first 3 at the G is pretty good.
  17. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/collingwood-flies-flag-in-season-opener/story-e6frf9jf-1225944407348 According to this link we will play sydney away round 1. Also can someone explain why we are playing port in darwin as the away team. Didnt we sign up to play a home game in darwin for some years?
  18. I dont blame Voss for getting rid of him. He is lazy, frustrating and just waited for the ball and its the best thing we ever did to trade him. Im more impressed with Grimes in his few short years with us then I was ever with Trav. The most frustrating thing with Trav is we all know he had potential but we hardly saw it. Yeah he won a best and fairest but we just never saw his potential enough. Carlton proved that when they just let him loose in that round 22 game. Im just glad he isnt at our club to drag Scully and Trengove down. Voss wouldnt put up with his crap and I dont blame him.
  19. Very disappointing but I can see why he would want to go back to essendon. Although im not sure why he would extend his contract this month for another year. he muist have known Hird was going to go for the essendon job and get it. Im guessing when we play them next year he is going to have a lot of knowledge of our team and the weaknesses in our backline. He has done a great job with it htough especially getting Frawley up and going. Is it just me or is the essendon coaching panel to essendon. I mean Hird, wellman and wallis. This could backfire big time on them. It would be funny if it does. Why cant essendon accept other people. I mean I never heard of Dean Bailey when he took over but now im grateful we have taken a chance on an unknown. And as much as I wanted Garry Lyon to coach us im sort of glad he didnt. If we didnt do any good I wouldnt like the members turning on him. Im not sure who would be our next backline coach. Any thoughts?
  20. Yeah it was a good game to be at. 2nd draw of the year after queens birthday. Certainly Ross Lyon has to do different things next week. Such as make sure you have a foward to put on Maxwell. The amount of times he is left alone to double team riewoldt was ridiculous. Play Goddard foward. He showed today he can mark and kick. Go with 2 ruckman. McEvoy should never had been dropped. Jolly dominated although Kosi did well when he went onto him. Also Gardner has a hammy apparantley so get another ruckman. Also if the pies win then they still wouldnt have won a grand final in september. The colliwobbles are still there. But please saints you deserve the win and players that give there guts every week such as Hayes, Goddard and Riewoldt deserve a flag.
  21. This year I finally received my full mcc membership after waiting for years so I got up at 4 with my family left home at 5 and was in the g by 5:25. people were still asleep in the queues, we were around near gate 5, gates opened at 8 and I was seated by 8:15. (Ian Collins and Etihard could learn how to manage queues like the G does) I was up on the top level but in line with the centre sqare so it was a good view. Saw lots of dees fans in there supporting the saints and luckily had saints fans around me. I had a guy next to me who has never been to much footy because he was saying extra time we get to extra time. Coming back next week is a good idea. If it was melbourne and we kicked like collingwood then I would be furious for losing it but if was the saints position then I would be rapt to come back next week. They were lucky to come away with a draw. I was prepared to sit there and watch the pies win a flag which I thought was going to happen at half time. But it was a brilliant last half and I just wanted the sainters to get a rushed behind but they couldnt do it. So I was hoping for a draw because next week im out of the country for 3 weeks so if the pies win I wont be around to see it. It was a great day at the G.
  22. In todays herald sun it says it is Jones who has tested the waters at other clubs. So he is shopping around. However Melbouren are confisent he will stay. Why would you want to go to essendon. For starters there is no coach and surely we have a better list.
  23. I was rapt to see Judd win because it was unexpected. I was expecting an early night. I thought swan would have it wrapped up by round 15. Just because a player gets 37 possies a game doesnt mean they are all good possessions. yeah Swan got the ball heaps of times but they wernt all quality possessions. If Judd got suspended then Ablett would have won it. What Judd said about being a melbourne supporter and admiring Jim and Garry was something I've heard him say many times before. You could tell he meant it what he said about Jim and Reach and he is right. The real world is what Jim does and every other person does in the world. Not go out once a week and kick the footy. I have no doubt that tonight Jim and Chris will have a chat to each other. I also thought it was night when Tim Lane interviewed Jim. I wasnt expecting anything like that. It was nice the standing ovation and everyone in the room was fixated on him. The priceless thng to me both times they went to Eddie. The look on his face was priceless. He just looked so mad. I can imagine him going into the club tomorrow and saying to the players, the umpires hate us, everyone else hates us now lets win the grand final and stick it up everyone.
  24. Wow what a doco. I just hoped non footy people watched it. What a legend Jim is. So brave and never gives up and so glad he's part of our club. It's good that they didn't leave out any heavy bits, im glad we saw what he is prepared to do. Drink his own urine, have his coffee a different way and his meditation that he does. I couldnt believe how much muscle he lost off his legs. They were looking very very thin. Obviously Jules is great for him. Keeps his sense of humour going and Jim is also still mentoring him to by the way he spoke at the reach event. I just used to see Jules as a guy on getaway. Im glad Jules is there for him and he is obviously a help to Sam as well. I loved when Garry spoke about him and teared up when Garry said I went up to him and told him I loved him. As I read on a website that someone wrote, I see what Ben Cousins did to his body and I see what Jim Stynes does to his. I know who i admire. Jim. Jim after seeing you on ACA last week I thought your were gone, but your spirit and mind works wonders. You can do it and for each day you are alive the world is a better place.
  25. geez next week is going to be horrid. The pies are making geelong look so slow. Come on the saints beat the doggies. You are the only team that can win. Its time like this I wish I was out of melbourne. The supporters will be feral, eddie will be gloating and it will be the collingwood week. Stupid geelong you are looking so slow and cant do anythng right.
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