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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. When this was announced 2 years ago people knew it wouldnt work but then they managed to win a premiership and not much was said. Now its getting closer and now its being talked about. The thing is Mick isnt a coaching director. Its not what he ever wanted to be. Sernior coaching is what he is good at. Also can you imagine Eddie coming to you saying that you will coach for the next 2 years then Nathan will take over. How does that sound. Of course Mick says yes. Can you imagine Mick saying no to that to Eddies face. Also its funny how we havent heard Nthan come out and actually say he wants Mick there next year.
  2. That is an awesome deal. Also they did the ad very quickly. Glad to see Jack front the ad. Well done to those involved. Does that mean we can afford to pay 100% of the salary cap now and us memebrs wont be asked for donations anymore?
  3. Yeah it probably was a bit harsh to put Bartram in with Scully and Morton. I know he has a crack but after 5 or so seasons you would have thought his kicking would have improved. It would be nice for Todd to coach a win. It will be interesting to see the crowd numbers though
  4. Bad news. Some person at the club thought it would be a brilliant idea to sign him for 3 years. Im blaming Schwab as CEO I remember reading that West is out of contract and it said in the same article that Royal was signed for 3. So after this season we have him for another 2 years. If Richmond need that as motivation then thats pretty sad. I dont agree with him saying we were certanties to win but saying your confident, well there is nothing wrong with that. I mean he isnt going to say no on our form im not to confident.
  5. So our last home game is this week. It would be nice to see a win and I think we will. I hope anyway. But it could also be the last time we see Scully, Morton and maybe Bartram in a demons jumper. Anyway I think its great that you will be allowed on the ground for a kick afterwards.
  6. I did sit there yesterday and think if we had fev we would at leat have a target. But no he isnt worth the risk. What happens in a game where we are getting thrashed next season. Fev just sooks and gives up. I know Fev is a great kick for goal but just remember bad Fev to. We dont need his bad influence.
  7. Yeah I reckon he is the one to go after. I reckon we need someone like him. We dont have to go out and get a senior coach. Malthouse will be at the pies next year, Clarko will stay at the hawks and I dont think Rocket will help us. I like him but I think we need someone who is an assistant at the moment. It has worked with Chris Scott at Geelong, although he does have a talented list to work with. But mark has had years of experience under Malthouse and even Bucks. He would have learned so much at collingwood and knows how to structure a premiership team. Anyway im sure there are others that will come from left field.
  8. Dont laugh peoples but we have 3 winnable games and sydney play the saints at home, geelong at skilled and brisbane at home. Sydney are on 38 points and we are on 30. I expect stkilda to beat them and geelong. It would just be funny if we slipped in. I reckon we would be one of the worst 8th placed teams to play finals. We dont deserve to be there and I wouldnt want to play Carlton or WC but its just a possibility.
  9. We missed 4 easy goals. Mortons in the 1st quarter when he dribbled it on the ground, Sylvia just should have kicked it to Dunn who was on his own right in fron but instead he was selfish and missed form the boundary, Howe missed a sitter even though he was our best and Bartram in that final quarter would have bought it back to 26 points. I thought our 3rd quarter was really good. But in the final quarter we just couldnt get the goals. Howe was awesome. His hands are brilliant and he took some great marks. I htought MacDonald had a great game to. I like him in the backline. Anyway it was a beautiful day at the footy weather wise. Also thanks to the woman at the gate for our great seats. We rocked up at 1 and bought Level 1 GA and for the same price got offered reserved seats on the wing. We were in row J right online with the centre square. Just a shame we couldnt win.
  10. I guess it puts it into perspective when Jim is dealing with this and people are on here whinging about having to go to etihad. All the best Jim I trust the doctors know the next best step to take. You keep fighting. We want you around for quite awhile yet.
  11. I get why level 3 is closed because it will save the club money but I refuse to buy a reserved seat. Im not paying an extra 12 or $17 whatever it is on top of my entrance fee. Its not only me thats going its my family as well. I sat on level 1 last year on the wings and didnt really like it. Give me level 3 anyday. At least you can see everything. The thing is I dont mind playing a home game at etihad well I do put at least put it against another melbourne club so level 3 will be opened. The fact is its all about coughing up more bucks for a reserved seat. In the email they are trying to make it sound exciting buy saying the trumpeter will be playing. Yippeee! This will get more people coming. Not!
  12. Did anyone hear Jack being interviewed on SEN this morning. He spoke beautifully and I reckon he speaks better than those that have been in the game for more than 10 years. When asked about the off field stuff he said that it would be a perfect world if every one that worked in a business got on. Well Im happy that he has faith in this club and im not sure about making him captain because I dont think he needs that pressure yet but maybe when he is 23-24 he will be ready. Im also rapt that Maxy signed and the other as well.
  13. Yeah it would be good to hear a run down. Apparently there will be a video message from jim and it will be interesting to see if Garry talks because if he does it will be worth listening to. He is one of the best public speakers.
  14. Im not expecting a huge crowd. I reckon anywhere between 10 and 20 thousand and we will have to write out a big cheque to the AFL. Another thing for the CEO and board to worry about.
  15. Apparently Green has spoken to Neitz and Lyon on how to be a captain and play foward as well. If he cant deal with it dont do it. I noticed on saturday a big difference between Green and other captains. Chris Judd was just sensational on saturday. In that 2nd quarter he just lifted his game to another level and led his team from the front. In the last half he was a bit quieter but he had done his job and put his team up by a winnable margin. You always know Jonathan Brown will do anything to inspire his club and Gary ablett is turning into a brilliant mentor to the younger players. Green on saturday did a few good things but was hardly inspiring. Mind you he wasnt alone in that. Green was excellent last season. He just needs to focus on what he did right last season and go back to basics.
  16. Will any of our assistants be saved. I reckon Scott West is still a good person to have around unless the new coach has someone better in mind. I think Josh could be replaced and Brian Royal is an experienced person but I think in todays footy we need someone fresh out of the game. Should it be a case of wipe the slate clean and bring in fresh voices?
  17. Backs James Strauss James Frawley Clint Bartram Half backs Colin Garland Jared Rivers Joel Macdonald Centreline Jack Trengove Jordie McKenzie Aaron Davey Half forwards Lynden Dunn Jack Watts Tom Scully Forwards Brad Green Ricky Petterd Jeremy Howe Followers Max Gawn Brent Moloney Nathan Jones Interchange Matthew Bate Stefan Martin Jordan Gysberts Luke Tapscott Emergencies Tom McDonald Daniel Nicholson Colin Sylvia In Clint Bartram Aaron Davey Max Gawn Joel Macdonald Tom Scully Out Mark Jamar (Foot) Liam Jurrah Addam Maric Daniel Nicholson Colin Sylvia
  18. Was on the radio this morning and basically said we should have been investigated more for our tanking and if it was Hawthorn or any other club, the AFL would have come down on them hard like a ton of bricks. Said the AFL let it go because Of Jimmys health. Now I can handle Jeff saying about our tanking but dont bring Jimmys health into it and say thats the reason and besides Adrian Anderson cleared us.
  19. Jared Rivers said we want to go out and have a win for dean. What a load of crap. Dont pratonise him. If we win on staurday Dean will go well where was that effort last week. You are meant to win for your coach when he is there not when he has just been sacked.
  20. Well its been a crap week at the footy club and now this just makes it worse. Jim seriously I know the club gives you something to focus on and take your mind of your battle but you dont need this stress. Its a shame the players dont play with the same fight and courage you do. Hopefully this one can be removed and at least it isnt another tumour on the brain. Thoughts are with you and your family.
  21. You know what will really bug me this week. If we come out and have this great win agianst the blues because the players wnat to respond. Its typical of the playing group this season that when the heat is on us we come out and win but then when it isnt we play crap footy. Forget the fact we are playing Carlton it wouldnt matter if we were playing the gold coast the fact is if we win the media and Dean Bailey will be asking where was this performance last week. Dont get me wrong a win would be great because we are still in the finals race and it would be good for toddy but I dont want to see Green grab his jumper or any other player to grab theres to show there love for the club. Also if I could say one thing to the players i'd be saying your president is literally dying for this club and its a shame you boys cant do the same.
  22. I agree when you hear Trengove speak to the media he just speaks so well and clearly. You can tell he loves the club. Moloney is just a given. he loves the club and has been a good player this season. While I dont agree with what he did last week when he was sick but still said he could play when he couldnt even break out in a trot and was subbed off at half time without a possession. In todays footy you cant carry players. Frawley and Jamr because they stand up when needed. I reckon Watts to because he was the only one that seemed to get angry last week and tried to rev up the players last week. Plus he has improved. Grimes would be great but he cant stay on the field. Until he can play out a full season he cant be thought about the captaincy. Mckenzie. He just goes where the ball is and doesnt care whose in his way.
  23. They just played on SEN the question Robbo asked Bailey and he said I was instrcuted by officials to play the players is different positions. SBut that was 3-4 years ago. lets move on.
  24. Just listening to 774 and the reporter said the talk afterwards throughout the reporters wasnt about dean Bailey but how Jim was and looked. Said they asked about Garry not to speculate him coaching but for him to help out more so Jimmy can stand back a bit more. Jim doesnt need this stress or further worries.
  25. The Cameron Schwab deal surprised me. When Jim satrted to say his contract expires on 31st oct i expected him to say he wont take an extension. So I guess Cam is on 1 year deals. The thing is Todd isnt an assistant coach at melbourne and I know he has done the job before but I wonder how th eassistants feel. I think it will be great to see a legend of our club coach us even its for 5 weeks. I wonder if he will get into Clarksons ear. But good luck Todd.
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