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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. i go to games with my friends and family that live right here in Melbs I'm not lonely enough that I fly across the country to watch a game of footy ooooh try again
  2. this is exactly the type of hindsight heroics you charge in with after our losses when a game is lost you can point to any one thing and call it the reason
  3. How's those flights working out for you? I work hard and have money and can be at the G in 15 minutes with my MCC membership mind you thanks for playing
  4. hold onto hope that he plays poorly and they lose
  5. you know what's really bad? Living in WA and never being able to watch the Dees live. Ouch.
  6. hahahh first post knowing that most of you are about as sharp as a bowling ball, i will point out that this is a handpuppet of another regular poster who has no life and gets off on watching idiots react to nonsense
  7. forgive me if I spew so much over my keyboard I am no longer able to type at least the possibility exists that in the dying seconds of next week, Frawley will drop an uncontested chest mark in the goal square to give WC the flag
  8. just thinking, if we are indeed in the hunt for a big fish like danger, to what extent are we hindered by the fact that we know for certain we are going to need about 99% of our future salary cap in order to keep Hogan from leaving? If this is indeed the case could one argue that we are over-compensating by putting way too many eggs in the Hogan basket? What if he does an injury or ends up being just not that great in the end? Just a thought
  9. oh yeah act like a weak sniper but if you get some blowback you were only joking
  10. what? That is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Any adjective can be prefaced with 'possibly', all it means is that you don't know or it hasn't been determined yet. Moron.
  11. well OK now you have to be prepared to take it too
  12. which of the words are you having trouble with?
  13. Oh please stop the taunts, random forum loser
  14. OK fine then, forgive me for not doing cartwheels over our retention of a Bog ordinary backup
  15. on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being 'Paul Roos' and 1 being 'some random down at the pub' what score would you give your source? :D
  16. would he get a game at a top 4 club? Absolutely not. So how is it a 'solid decision'? Just another NQR soaking up games IMO
  17. Well every post prior to mine seems very excited about the new contract Meanwhile, Dangerfield to the Cattery...
  18. Oh TGR said that did he, I'm sorry my mistake, that changes everything, you're right every player we picked was an outright gamble don't talk to me
  19. they were pick 11 and 12 that's obviously not the same as the top 5 is it pedantic contrarian
  20. Don't know about that mate, extremely bold statement!
  21. It's the same with every single other high draft pick of recent years that has turned out to be a failure They all picked themselves
  22. That's not the real reason though. His manager has pointed out what he already knows: that his next contract will be gigantic and he will have many options. Could just as easily end up at another vic club for the $$$$
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