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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. he is average, which makes it a questionable trade in the first place, but losing a year of his footy prime makes it worse. How is that 'having it both ways'?
  2. When Parish starts playing well.
  3. I still haven't had anyone adequately explain to me how exactly this is supposed to work. It's a lot like the 'Watts had his career ruined because we debuted him too early and he got tackled' absurdity.
  4. No. Wiseblood asked you a direct question and you answered it incorrectly.
  5. Why do people keep saying stuff like this. We stole from next year to use another pick this year. That is not a gain. Weideman is one of the picks so it's not two picks AND Weideman, is it? Also we lost a second round pick this draft which nobody seems to mention. It remains a FACT and will always BE a fact, that the club did not do it's homework in assessing the risk associated with Melksham.
  6. Agreed. It's not fair to have a go at any supporter of this club for being negative. We have had a bloody awful run. Apart from that, very solid post Goodvibes, although it has to be said that you are counting chickens just at the moment. We MUST get 9 or 10 wins minimum on the board this year for me to start to be convinced.
  7. Garbage. There is not even the slightest possibility that N.Jones and Hogan would not be selected for round 1. In fact they would have to go through an extraorfinarily awful and lengthy run of bad form to be dropped. There are 'locks' at every club.
  8. agreed but the inconvenient truth is that we must pick one of them because it is likely to be a long time before Weideman can cement his spot.
  9. that article makes a few folks in this thread look silly with their 'boys will be boys, let them do whatever they want in injury rehab' attitude more than a few folks
  10. 27 days until the NAB cup begins 64 days until the Dees are on the MCG for Round 1 starting to get a lil bit excited
  11. I think his criticism is pretty fair. The main get was Melksham and he will not be adding any improvement in 2016. We've lost Cross and Howe. I'm expecting the bulk of improvement to come from pre-existing players not from trade.
  12. very solid chance to win the first two, which would be a terrific way to get things started
  13. Hard to believe this will be MAXIMUM's 7th year at the club, for just 39 games! Big blokes take time!
  14. It's always comforting to find out that your negativity with regard to a particular issue is shared by almost none of the community. I will try not to worry so much and remind myself of the data that used to be in my signature. :D pf pa apf apa amarg ai50f ai50a ai50diff 2013 1455 2691 66.1 122.3 -56.2 40.0 58 -18.0 2014 1336 1954 60.7 88.8 -28.1 40.5 52.1 -11.6 2015 1573 2044 71.5 92.9 -21.4 44.4 53.4 -9.0
  15. I guess we will never know if he deserves to be credited/blamed if we succeed/fail. In a few years, regardless of how we are going, it will impossible to gauge how much impact he has actually had compared to Goodwin and everyone else.
  16. I'm going to be balls-out negative here despite the inevitable backlash - It better turn out that Goodwin can actually coach and that Roos' alleged positive impact on the 'culture' of the club turns out to genuinely make a lasting improvement At this point Roos has had a decent return, but we are still miles off. He has banked some serious coin and seems to be phoning in his third year.
  17. fair call there will be plenty of fun to be had by the whingers if Parish looks better than Oliver early
  18. He's actually played the 8th most games out of the top 20 from that draft. Doesn't seem right but it is. I reckon that 'borrowed time' comment is pretty defeatist The thought that Freo got Fyfe at 20 in that draft and we got Scully and Trengove is enough to make me vomit
  19. they're the only two that can even be argued about and they weren't that high in the draft
  20. correct correct correct same with every single other high draft pick that didn't pan out for us over the last decade all picked exactly where they were supposed to be
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