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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. lol pick a side mate you're arguing with yourself did they get blindsided here or did they know this was going to happen you can only select one of those options, not flip back and forth depending on if you are looking stupid or not
  2. ARE YOU SERIOUS? I quoted that bit and addressed it specifically in the post before yours. You've responded again and done a stuie, not even acknowledging there is a difference between being injured and being rubbed out for cheating. Come on mate you're better than him
  3. well see I said 'since debut' from Jones.. but not for CP. So the point isn't even valid and nothing is 'silly' about it - but even if it was, it is obvious what I meant and obvious that olisik wasn't trying to argue something but just being a total smartarse and lowering our collective IQs. I just wanted to confirm that this does in fact pass for a thigh-slapper around here and not that olisik had some actual argument that I was missing. Any thoughts on the difference between Petracca and Jones should be disregarded. Thanks.
  4. See, this is a perfect example straight off the bat - I'm being serious here, you have a problem. Show me where I implied in any way whatsoever that I SAW IT COMING. You just MADE THAT UP. That's what you do. I absolutely did NOT see this coming, but I am not the highly paid professional with inside knowledge that makes these decisions. Those people have failed here. now, that's 2 from 2. Again, examine the conversation carefully. We are not TALKING ABOUT whether any player missing a year is a cause to delist them. OBVIOUSLY we are not talking about that, that would be crazy. So WHY are you pretending that is what is in discussion. The KEY WORD you continue to miss/ignore is CHEATING. I made this abundantly clear in the last post but again you just discuss it as if that part wasn't mentioned. It's as if chunks of your screen are filled with dead pixels so you literally cannot see some of the text. so, I just want to clarify - you're sticking to your guns. Paul Roos knew Melksham would miss the 2016 season but he wanted him anyway. No dodging, no talking about something completely different, Yes or no to that statement? ps it IS possible to construct a sentence without using sarcasm, you should aim to make one in your next post - but I won't be responding, arguing with an insane person makes my head hurt
  5. oh boy. every argument is the exact same with you. you just say things that aren't connected to what the other person has said. i just don't know if it's a deliberate ploy or if you are literally insane. im not even going to address the difference between melksham and those other players. I mean, are you paying attention at all? I am talking about CHEATING. Why would you bring those other players into the mix who have been INJURED. Don't you see that makes no sense, and is not how people argue things? bolded bit...i mean really.. have you never experienced a person making a statement after the fact to save face.. pretty bloody basic human behaviour right there.. i know you are not quite that stupid so you are obviously just pretending to take his word for it, as pretending allows you to keep arguing do not embarass yourself trying to pretend they saw a 1yr ban coming, I don't know how it could be any more obvious that they didnt
  6. he took a couple of good grabs one day and his reputation was cemented forever i call it the Miller-Hall syndrome
  7. If I could be bothered going back and finding the original quotes for injuries then looking at how long the injuries ACTUALLY lasted... I would.. but there's no need because you know damn well that almost every injury last longer than what they represent, in some cases dramatically longer. If they knew Petracca's injury was going to turn out like Frost's, it would be in their interests to downplay it as people would lose their minds. They are trying to sell hope and sell memberships. Put it this way, our first NAB game is in 44 days, what probability would you give it that CP lines up?
  8. Fair call, I can't make that assumption. BUT you and I know both know that your average footy fan would forgive a mass murderer if he happens to be wearing their colours - it's basic partisanship.. or blatant hypocrisy depending on your outlook. I was prepared to overlook it originally, but now that's officially in the book that he's guilty I am not happy with his name on our list.
  9. You just wouldn't say this if he was on any other club's list which demonstrates that bias is affecting your judgement. What's right is right.
  10. ah no, baffling comprehension, how is that having it and eating it...it's neither having nor eating it. it was a horrible trade because we clearly didn't do our homework going after a tainted player and it's backfired hard. There was 16 other clubs to trade with. i want to delist him because I don't want a convicted cheat on the list, simple as that. I don't care if he wins the BnF in 2017, it isn't worth tarnishing our club with a dirty Essendon brush. How could we have been so bloody stupid. Cut our losses, it won't be the first time we've completely torched a second round pick with our ineptitude.
  11. how much do you want to bet he will be the club has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to downright lie to the members about the severity of injuries over the last few years
  12. Yeah I tend to be anti-cheat. You can go ahead and cram it with your petty insult you peasant
  13. Agreed. He had the all-australian full back on him in his 4th match of footy - and he touched him up too! Hogan himself will be even more of a monster, and his quality and quantity of supply should be improved a step - can't see the clamps being put on him in any serious way.
  14. I'm with you. I'd love to chalk this one up to an idiotic trade decision and wash our hands of it completely
  15. I don't follow your logic in that because 2 clubs have it worse there is no need to be aggreived I would rather be one of the 13 clubs not involved at all
  16. 4 people like this I'm not even messing around can one of you explain to me what you liked about it I need to know if I'm taking crazy pills is it cos you think smartarze trolling is funny, or because you actually think this is some sort of good point on the topic serious question
  17. I bloody hope not, not if he is going to deliver what he has so far I don't have the contempt for him that many do, but it has to be said that in his 44 games over 3 years he has only had an 'important' impact maybe 10 times at best and as the OP has pointed out, he's missed one game out of every three for injury, which clearly doesn't help I reckon he has it in him though
  18. that doesn't go anywhere near backing up your contention and you know it
  19. Oh come off it! As if YOU know anything more than the rest of us! I think you are completely deluding yourself if you think the club was expecting this to happen, they had no idea I reckon.
  20. wait a minute.. it's all well and good to revel in the misfortune of Essendon but surely there is nowhere near enough outrage about the fact we actually traded in one of their players we obviously had no clue what we were doing gobsmacked
  21. so we're just slagging blokes off for being injured now plenty on the list to choose from
  22. seriously... why would you bother posting that? I didn't even say 'debuted' and if I did who gives a F, it doesn't change the point in the slightest way is that your idea of a contribution? just some ridiculous expression of purely pointless pedantry? any thoughts on players' behaviour in the off-season with regard to injury risk? You know, footy talk? this place just continues to go downhill
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