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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. I feel the same but I help myself sleep at night with this thought: If he goes, we should be extremely well compensated. We got 2 first rounders for Scully FFS. You never know, Hogan's back could plague his career and we could end up with another Petracca/Brayshaw combo as a result of a trade. That would not be the end of the world. Although Hogan is worth more and and off field than both those players combined. Throw in another Oliver to make it square! I do think he will stay though.
  2. Spot on. Would be a great day for us, as it is hard to see Freo being able to service two huge contracts like that, and to put too many eggs in the key forward basket.
  3. No I didn't, you liar, stuie said that - and I know far more about the topic than you do so don't stick your nose in with vague threats of violence. Who do you think you are? Maybe we will bump into each other down at training one of these days eh and then you can make good on your threats Unbelievable how soft minded most of you are, even AFTER what we saw happen with Mitch Clark. Being depressed is one thing, it doesn't excuse bad behaviour. Feeling depressed? Just go ahead and chuck in the towel then, don't worry about people you have made commitments to Great advice for a great society championed by the likes of yourself and mr.women's rights on his soapbox stuie. The SJW who is just such a better human than the rest of us. Such great human but somehow gets into a spat with a different poster every day on this forum, he's got a big old heart though doesn't he (vomit) PS lucky me that my post wasn't deleted this time, although no action for stuie eh, I guess some people are allowed to exhibit textbook trolling and break the site rules on a daily basis with impugnity
  4. more poster abuse/trolling this is the third time this week i have complained the other two my complaint was simply deleted will it be a hat trick
  5. This is as weak and pathetic as Mitch Clark Have they started calling him 'brave' yet?
  6. That's what tempers my excitement too - add to your group Jurrah, Watts, McKenzie and Frawley.. we certainly looked like we had the cattle about 5 years ago... we certainly didn't though
  7. Ricciuto only got eight all-australian guernseys. Lightweight.
  8. The fact you are arguing with me implies that your position is that Melbourne players get a proportionate amount of praise in the media as the 'big' clubs' players do. I doubt there is one person here that agrees with you.
  9. spot on as discussed in the other thread re: Nathan Jones, every Melbourne player is underrated by the public just by default
  10. 'Gravity' is a pretty funny nickname
  11. can I say it's very odd how people can't seem to handle a conversation meandering slightly off course. When you are at the pub with your mates do you sometimes just go 'Everybody stop! We're not talking about the thing we started talking about! Go back!'
  12. Hogan is a once-in-a-generation freak. That's why he is the only name you can come up. Kidding yourself
  13. fair enough but in the discussion of how good we went in the '15 draft/trade period, it is more accurate to say we are talking about the improvement of a pick and not the gain of a pick. If we happen to go backwards and give up a very high pick then god help us all. no, I can't see it as a possibility that they saw a 1yr ban as a genuine threat and went ahead anyway. If they did, I'm not thrilled about that either. Maybe it's harsh to expect them to have foreseen this, but they should have just played it safe and steered clear of trading with that scum of a football club.
  14. well we are discussing a time period of about 20 years so that's about 0.25 mm difference according to you so no it's not evolution
  15. another factor is the propaganda factor. The media/commentators talk about the gun players of the bigger clubs like they are deities and never, ever do our players get shown the same type of worship. This happens because there are simply more supporters n the media of the bigger clubs and they know that the best thing for them to do in their job is to pander to the bigger supporter bases. Because we have been a pathetic wasteland for so long, nobody is bothering to pander to us. This influences public opinion because basically the public are stupid and can be easily influenced. Absolutely if Jones was at Hawthorn or Collingwood he would have a much better reputation from the public.
  16. Tend to agree Jones is good, but the fact he has been our best player the last few years reflects our ladder position. If we ever want to get near a flag we need Oliver/Tyson/Viney/Petracca/Brayshaw/Salem to really get to that elite status in our midfield. It's a very good group to work with.
  17. I reckon it's also simple maths - there is a much larger population these days, therefore a lot more blokes who are in the big/tall category, and these are the ones with an advantage on the field so these are the ones that make it to the AFL (although there are more teams now too so that cancels it out somewhat)
  18. do you realise that you are currently reading a football discussion forum? Is there something else you were expecting to find other than people exchanging opinions?
  19. excuse me, there is a discussion going on about whether there is such thing as guaranteed spots in the 22. We are allowed to add our opinion. Saty is wrong on this occasion and we are respectfully arguing why. That's kinda, you know, the whole point of this site, yeah? Telling other people to play by your own personal rules of posting is not my idea of a solid contribution mate.
  20. But he's not some washed-up fringe player. He was drafted at pick 3 in 2011, and two years later we traded for picks 2, 20 and 72 for Tyson, 9 and 53 - that's not a huge currency drop.
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