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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. The Bulldogs should be awarded a PP at the end of the first round. If they're still down next year, then they should receive one at the start of the first round next year.
  2. We'll have to wait and see. For what it's worth, the muppets on 360 all agreed he was no longer in their best 22. I'd have Sewell on a front loaded three year contract. Even if he breaks down in his second or third year, his leadership would been wonderful for our mids. Interesting on Kennedy. He'd certainly be worth it. I'd be floating our first pick this year for him. For mine, this draft looks reasonably weak and Kennedy is a gun. I used to play footy against him and cricket with him. Really top bloke and would add similar sort of leadership and experience that Sewell would, but with plenty of years left. It'd give him a chance to return to Melbourne too. Five year contract to play his days out in Melbourne with his family watching. Ah, we can all dream.
  3. Yeah, Eade is clearly interested. You only had to see AFL 360 a few weeks back. Definitely wants it. There's more than reason why half of Perth's kids move over here. Perhaps that's just my industry.
  4. Who says we're not preparing B plans and C plans? The continued questioning is media driven, not club driven. I'm sure we're "looking at coaches who are interested in doing the job" too. But as has been mentioned ad nauseam, we cannot talk to other candidates who are under contract at opposition clubs until the season is out.
  5. At the moment I'm merely looking at it logically. He has consistently avoided ruling out coaching us. Why? If he wasn't going to coach us, he would have said it by now. My admittedly external reading of him is that he is a man of integrity. It simply doesn't follow that he'd lead us down the garden path just to feed his ego.What we do know is that the AFL will set him up (and the club by extension) very nicely. They'll set him and the club up to succeed. That's not to say we'll win a premiership automatically, but the circumstances will play to his ego and the AFL's backing will provide him solace against any lingering doubts he may harbour. His appointment has had the air of inevitability for a while now IMO.
  6. Robbie, you've got a case of the old MFCSS. Roos himself said the opposite. We are still a surprisingly good destination for a coach and by extension new players. That is, if the right person signs on as coach. This seems like a case of defence mechanism. You don't wish to get your hopes up in case he declines. I completely get that. I just think he's ours. He's not a saviour, but he is an important part of the short term and hopefully long term puzzle that creates a powerful MFC.There are a couple of reasons he's refusing to categorically say he'll take the job. Obviously, the President and board are yet to be fully settled on or even announced. There is the potential lame duck incumbent coach Neil Craig. The AFL also have to tick off our little assistance package. I maintain Paul Roos will coach the MFC in 2014.
  7. My love for Gary returned tonight. I much prefer him standing up for the club in the media than dipping his nose everywhere in club matters internally.
  8. They didn't even show the tell either. That was the following line once Sheahan rephrased.
  9. I agree, rpfc. That said, I wouldn't put it past Richmond to have a brainfade and sack Hardwick and replace him with Williams.
  10. I still hate this thread's title. It's not a case of deserve. I'd say we'll hear tomorrow, HH.
  11. I had a water-proof jacket and fortunately a rug. The rug was the savour. Concur with everything you've noted, Scoop.
  12. Why did we not sign up all the assistants on three year contracts like the head coach? That seems a little strange.
  13. Only Royal is out of contract. The rest have until the end of next year as far as I am aware.
  14. They are different types of players. It's like comparing Sidebottom with Sewell. Wines will be an important player for Port and if Jimmy keeps developing, he'll be an important contributor for us.
  15. If you'd been at the game, you would have thought that was definitely the right decision. It was bucketing down. No one had taken those all day. He went back and completed the spoil. Right decision. Rather than trying to mark it, dropping it in the slippery conditions and allowing a Geelong player to run into an open goal. It was a great decision.
  16. In both televised rounds of the U18s, the players on display were totally underwhelming. Except Sheed's game against Vic Country, it appears a very ordinary pool of youngsters. That's just me and with admittedly little exposure to the players.
  17. Disagree with this. Our defenders played in front for most of the day. Our forwards and mids struggled with this though. He didn't do enough, but Kent did two exciting things. They were both perfect pick ups in the wet conditions. Keep playing the young fella.
  18. Thought it was Maxy's best game for the club. I'm not sure it was worth sitting in the rain for it though. Our midfield is frustratingly lazy and obviously inexperienced at times. I wholeheartedly concur RE: the terrific work of our defence, all things considered. Col Garland should be so far ahead of anyone else in the Bluey, it isn't funny. I thought Craig was thoroughly out-coached today. Obviously had a lot less at his disposal, but we did not attempt a wet-weather football game style. We needed to play long kicking, old fashioned wet weather footy. Our ball movement was too slow anyway and we didn't take risks at the right time. Good to see Jimmy Toump stringing some disposals together and wasn't at all surprised to see Colin Sylvia having little impact or exerting any effort. Sums up his career for me.
  19. I wonder if he'd be worried by Roos' imminent appointment.
  20. I thought it was a dog act, but I think we have to move on. Just as Geelong did with Ablett. It clearly grated them in the first year - their membership campaign DNA (Don't Need Ablett) said it all. But they applaud him now. We have to move forward. If he helped our midfield for two years, then that's a win worth offsetting against our disappointment at him leaving in the first place.
  21. Are you joking RE: Grimes? One of our worst kicks.
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