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Everything posted by praha

  1. It's unfortuante that games like this show the true culture of Melbourne; little heart and aspiration. It's also unfortuante that next week we will probably play decent footy and win, which will blind everyone to the fact of how badly run this organisation is.
  2. Jeff Farmer was not happy at Melbourne. Let's be honest with ourselves. Lyon left and he was home sick. His partner and kid were back in Perth. It happens. We didnt trade him because he sucked. We traded him because he requested it. Every other team that gets trade request fulfils them. or tries too. Woewodin won a brownlow in 2000, got a contract extension and then played for money. He wasnt even in our top 10 B&F for 2 straight years and was earning 350,000+. Financially, he was a disaster and wasnt worth it. We traded him to Collingwood, where he choked and eventually got the sack. We have a good team as compared to who? To the other 5 or 6 teams that are miles behind the likes of WC. No point of having a good team when 2 or 3 teams are great. Players like Bruce, Green etc will never be great. Good, but never great.
  3. Did you see the delivery into the foward line? Or the lackthereof. He kicked 3 goals from 5 possessions. He won the ball pretty much everytime he was involved in a contest. I didnt know he bleached his hair? I think he is naturally blonde.
  4. You're whats wrong with this club. Too positive. I'm sorry, but we've had a positive coach for 10 years and its achieved nothing. We're going to be rebuilding for the 3RD! time in his coaching tenture. We need someone who has the guts to come out and say things are bad. We pay money to hear that; to hear that they're hurting just as much as us. Negetivity and admiting it is a step towards improvement. Being positive on a bad day achieves nothing. You need to acknowledge when your crap. And bloody say it. Worsefold says it. Matthews says it. Blight said it. Whats the connection there?
  5. There is no clean-out and no new coach. Let's all be realistic here. It's the MFC board we're talking about.
  6. Eeeek. Bruce. No effort. He looked bad there.
  7. How good does he look when he gets the ball. Seriously. Our next leading foward.
  8. Why would anyone when you get a pay cheque at the end of it. Do you work for your company or for a living? Derrrrrrrrrrrr!
  9. lol. McLean and Rivers have been injured. Dunn has hardly had a chance to prove himself. Sylvia has had a bumpy start to his career. None of those players have had what you'd call consistent careers because of injuries. Bruce, TJ and Green all are regular starters. They are all touted as our best, but never get us over the line. Dunn almost won us the game against Port. Sylvia against the doggies. McLean is a superstar and Rivers holds our backline together. Think before you talk. And please, don't compare McLean to Bruce. I'd feed Bruce to the wolves if it meant McLean being touted as our best player, which is what Bruce is frequently and undeservenly touted as.
  10. Same. Don't think I've met anyone that hates that team...
  11. You're an ignorant fool. Get losed. Green is one of our best players? Bruce is good, but hardly the leader he is made out to be. I'd rather have Godfrey on our leadership group than him. He never stands up when we need him. All of his most memorable games are against poor opposition like Hawthorn and the Kangaroos over the past few years. When does he ever get us over the line ???
  12. You'll get more for TJ than those two put together imo. He can be as good as DaVinci in one burst, and then suddenly fall and be a kid in grade 2 art class. Even still, Bruce and Green will never achieve TJ's ability and skill and he is valued in the football community.
  13. Yep. You're a superstar and I admire you. Thank you. Thank you. All three of them are nothing more than overpaid, weak players who care more about a pay cheque then the MFC.
  14. No. The game was winable up until 6 minutes left when our entire backline lost any sense of normality and common sense and all went up in a pack, allowing chick to stand put and pounce on a falling ball, kicking the winning goal. they seized control, kicked another goal and won.
  15. And their 157 point loss is a clear demonstration of this!
  16. Thank you YM. Thank you. The amount of times I've said something along those lines on this board......
  17. Worst game of the season so far. No accountability of urgency. Playing like wooden-spooners.
  18. WC is a dynasty. No doubt about it. A million times better than the 01-03 Lions. They are just superb. When will we be like this?
  19. Yep. Feels the same as the Sydney game.
  20. Ignorance FTW! You're forgetting that the team you're talking about is Melbourne. They'll get on a roll eventually, and then run out of steam. You know that... You also seem to be overlooking the fact that as of 7:30 tonight, we are going to be 0-8. That means to make the finals, we'll have to win 11 of our last 14 games, atleast.
  21. We havnt had Brock for 6 weeks. You know that right?
  22. Yet another game where we dig a grave for ourselves early on. Well done Melbourne. They are playing with you, like a 13 year old boy in puberty. And we thought we were set for a good contest. Who are we kidding. This is Melbourne of old. How ignorant are we...
  23. 3 inside 50s in 30 minutes. That has to be a record low A few things can be said already; 1. Centre line focusing on WC players too much. 2. Entire team seems too interested in their player rather than winning. 3. Kick it side ways against a team that thrives on turn-overs, and you're looking at a loss. 4. Chris Judd must have a body of steel; how difficult is it to grab him and throw him to the ground. He just pushed his way through 30 people and still gets a handball off. You your bodies and throw him to the bloody ground!
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