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Everything posted by praha

  1. praha


    To think that and say it aloud is pretty much admitting you have not been a melbourne fan for very long. I can say with little to no doubt that Melbourne will play the same way against the Cats as it did the past 2 rounds, and Jonny will improve slightly, but still play way below par.
  2. Agreed. I was actually going to make a thread along these lines of how we won't win a premiership with Bruce, Green, Robbo etc. leading this team. Bruce needs to fix his kick up; it's terrible for a player of his status, although I've always believed he is overrated. Green is too inconsistent and he never has that "outstanding game" we all thought we'd see often when he first came to the club. I've been saying for years that he is probably our most tradeable asset. Davey is a flash of light but plays in the wrong position. Until Daniher realises he needs to be in the centre for EVERY BOUNCE, he will be underused and wasted. White is a warrior and is loved by the Demon faithful and still has probably 3 or 4 years left. However, I believe from here on in, he will play less in the ruck and more up foward; in saying that, he should be played out of the goal square. Johnstone is quite possibly the biggest underachiever in the history of the game. His kick is outstanding when good, but disappointing when off the mark. His personality matches his game; never seems interested. Brock McLean should be our next captain. There should not be any question there. I cringe at the thought of a player who often backs out of contests and sounds like a 12 year old when he opens his mouth being MFC captain. I'm talking about Bruce. Also, he has NO leadership quality; he might look good on the ground but he barely carries the team when he has the oppurtunity too. To go from Neitz as captain and then to Bruce would be an injustice to whole leadership concept. McLean in my eyes is the only candidate with a few possible troops as vices. Jones has been in and under more in 9 AFL games than Bruce has in his entire AFL career.
  3. I estimate about 26, 500 I seriously think the game last week cost us maybe 500 memberships. If we lose this week, it will be another number. I know that if I wasnt a member and I was going to pay up last friday night, I would have kept it off for another week.
  4. I can tell you straight out that his decision to play for Geelong is souley based on one thing; he likes to surf.
  5. you have weird dreams. i normally dream about naked...marge
  6. The only other player at the MFC who should be captain other than David Neitz is Brock McLean. There is no contest.
  7. Andrew Obst back in about 93 at the Marketeers lunchion at the old Sheridan Hotel on Spring St. Never met another MFC player. I was about 7 or 8 at the time.
  8. I don't believe Sydney won their flag in the centre. They won their flag with their defence and strong committment to each other. I think the bond that team has had over the last two seasons is something every team, especially Melbourne, should follow. St. Kilda is a team that looked so good for so long but they never seemed to play for each other. They were merely playing to get a better score and not for each other. My two cents anyway. I don't even think it's relevant to the topic, but anyway, continue lol
  9. I've had this argument with my one-eyed magpies supporter friend a few times. I notice that whenever Melbourne plays at the G the MCC section is always filled, whereas whenever other tenants play there (bar Collingwood) it's only quarter to half full. I've always said that if Mfc can somehow get an agreement to include the MCC membership as an MFC membership, or do as they've actually done in providing a discount, we would look more attractive to sponders and also have one of the top 5 membership bases in the country. Congrats on getting it done, finally! Personally, I don't see every single one of the 25,000 MCC melbourne supporters jumping on board, but I'm confident of around 8,000-10,000 this season doing so. If we can get 23,000-25,000 normal members, that would bring our membership to 30-35k and would only increase each yeah. I've always thought we've had one of the bigger supporter groups in Melbourne. It's unfortuante that a large quanity don't vent their voices and get in on the club. Also, I'm not critising MCC members who aren't MFC. I can totally understand if you can't afford both, but you better take this offer up. It's a great deal that is made to accomodate you, so make haste!
  10. Carlton was once a power club. They have the fans, just not the success. I don't think they will fold/merge, and I think we have a better chance of not existing in the next 10-15 years than Carlton because even when we are successful, we still struggle to meet off field goals, although the last two years have been great. If can finish 9th-13th the next two seasons, we'll see a dramatic increase in membership and crowds for that club. They have plenty of supporters. In the 90s, they were the one team I dreaded playing because we were always greatly outnumbered. They used to fill the Southern Stand with dark blue. Especially around 94/95.
  11. I can't see any team besides the Bulldogs and/or Cats being up there with us. I'm not being arrogant, I'm just predicting on our list and the potential of each player. Geelong are poorly coached, like the Saints were, but I think they can bounce back. We have the best of the Victorian sides, but whether that equates to a premiership I don't know.
  12. I have a feeling that Wells may be wearing a Demons jumper next year. I don't know why. It's the same feeling I had when I first heard about Choppy coming from Port. I just kinda knew it was gonna happen. I think we have an advantage in getting him because of Davey, Pickett, Whelan. They might lure him down.
  13. It's more difficult to rebuild from a decent team, which is what we were, from a really bad team, like say Hawthorn or Carlton. That's because a team is already established and things have to be moved around. The can work out for the worse, which is what I think has happened. By the end of the draft we will know where we stand. If we trade our picks for someone respected veterns, then we may have what it takes and be set to make a legitimate campaign. But, if we keep the picks and choose some young players, we have to be prepared to wait another 2 or 3 years.
  14. I've never recieved so many compliments from supports of other clubs, especially magpies and bombers supporters, about a Melbourne player. My sisters b/f, who would die for the pies, says he despises Melbourne and thinks they don't deserve to be in the AFL (lol) apart from Brock. Another friend, who is a Carlton supporter, says Brock McLean is his favourite player in the league. Some family friends, who are the typical arrogant and ignorant essendon supporters, say they'd give up anyone (yes, ANYONE) on their team for Brock. And that is only the start of it. I've heard many others. He WILL be Melbournes next captain. He WILL be Melbournes best ever player. He WILL lead us to a premiership. He WILL win a brownlow. He IS a legend.
  15. James Cook came from the Bulldogs in 2000. In his first senior game, against Adelaide in the Ansett Cup at Football Park, he booted 6 goals in a win on a Sunday night. We lost the following week I believe. In round one against Richmond I think it was he did nothing, then the following week against the Kangas on a Friday night he booted 6 and we mauled the roos. After that he was never seen again. Retired mid-year. Very injury prone at all 3 of his clubs, was a decent goal kicker though. Had the potential for 100 in a year, but never got the consistency of games going.
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