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Everything posted by praha

  1. I wonder if he'll get the "Life Underachiever" award too... lol sorry, vulgar, crude joke that isn't even funny. Congrats to Danner's. Although I loathed your coaching in the last 2 years of your time at Melbourne, you coached the club I love for exactly 66% of my time as a Melbourne fan.
  2. Let's be honest and say that Johnson has more reason and deserving to be considered the Last Lion than Daniel Ward does.
  3. I've got that game on VHS Pity I don't have a VHS player to play it god damn technology!
  4. What does everyone think? Does Bailey keep him on or does he move on? Is he worth keeping? In all honesty, no, I don't think he should stay on. I think the club needs to move as far away from the Daniher era as possible and begin fresh and I think Bailey will be thinking the same.
  5. While agree almost completely with your posts there, I can't help but think that it was the Melbourne board that picked him over those candidates, and Melbourne board members havnt always been known for their wonderful business/football moves.
  6. In my opinion, based on Bailey's coaching career and how long he has been in the AFL as a coach of some sort, he was our best candidate. While I would have preferred Sheedy purely for branding purposes (and partly because he is a football genius), Bailey has been the apprentice at two of the best teams of the past decade (Essendon in 2000 and Port in 2002-2004) and it was only a matter of time before he was coach, at Melbourne or not. I'm optimistic.
  7. Congrats dude!!!...try to ease her into the prospect of being a Melbourne supporter slowly and easily; she might not be too keen
  8. Yeah Vardy was probably the best pick-up from another club we've had since I've been a supporter since 93, just ahead of Ingerson.
  9. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/Default.aspx...mp;newsId=50198 Looks way too much like Peter Rhode for my liking
  10. Once again, please, don't be ignorant fools because you're all better than that. Channel 7 is not the only news channel in the world to get their hands on private material. Every news station in every country in the world does it DAILY. The AFL has made such a big deal about it because they are worried about their already demorilised reputation. If you people can't see that the AFL is making such a big deal about to cover up the real issue, then you're all blind. My point is that Channel 7 is focusing on the actual issue, while the AFL is focusing on one that defers from their own stupidity. Channel 7 know they are in the wrong, yes. But, what they are doing is in the best interest's of the public and the fans of the league and they sacrificed their law-abidance and own moral's to get news out. That's their job and they did it. This needed to be known by the public because these people perform in the eyes of the public; they are role-models who live off our membership fees and our football attendances and our support. We invest in them. It was illegal and was wrong in the eyes of privacy, but we all need to hear it.
  11. Talk about ignorance. If we are talking about drugs to assist purely for health reasons, that's a different story. Do you understand that there is a drug fiasco because, quite obviously, the drugs that were thought to have been taken were recreational drugs, like cocaine? It's not a health problem. You take the drugs for the first time at your own will. If the players are playing professional sport clearly they have no health issues that would require the assistence of an anesthetic-type influence like cocaine or ice. You must be a frequent drug taker. Let me guess, you're a Greens man, aren't you? Performance enhancing drugs are fine if you don't compete aginst anyone, but either way, they are doing something bad to your body and therefore some people will choose not to use it. They test them for it because it is unfair to those who don't take it who have to compete against players who are taking drugs that give them an adreniline rush or more muscles. But that's performance enhancing drugs, and I don't think that's the issue. It's party drugs; cocaine and ice. I've taken drugs before and I've been able to say to myself, "wait a minute, this is wrong, i have to stop." and i did. I never let myself get addicted. These men have clearly let the celebrity-status get to their heads and have fallen victim to the drugs. I have no sympathy. It's illegal. If I get caught on the street taking cocaine, or with cocaine in my bloodstream, I go to jail for the night and get charged; I have to go to court. A football player? They get 3 warnings and get exempt from public prosecution. You know what? I pay my membership to the AFL. I partly pay for their salaries. If, by any means, a Melbourne player has taken illiceit drugs, I want him immediately sacked or I'll boycott the MFC. My money doesn't go to drug taking junkies who take advantage of their ability and status to do something highly illegal. It's not a health problem. It's a problem for the AFL. You know what the NBA does when a player is caught taking drugs? Named, suspended, fined and/or sacked. And that's AFTER they contact authorities. What makes my blood boil even more is that the AFL act as if they don't have to say anything to us, like as if it's a private organisation that is purely around to fund it's own stuff and internal bodies. Well, no, it's around because of us. The fans. Don't we deserve justice? Giving them 3 chances while we pay for their salaries, allowing them to take drugs, is hardly justice. It's an insult to every fan of the league.
  12. Today Tonight. Anyone see it? Wonderful piece of journalism. I'm finding a new respect for that channel. If you missed it, it was pretty much about how the AFL deals with anyone who practically says anything bad about it. They pinpointed how that rugby union dude got immediate sacking after testing positive for cocaine, THE FIRST TIME, and then went on to talk about several media personalities who had jobs at the AFL but immediantly lost them after saying something bad about the league. Also, quote of the year so far: "Brendan Gale ranted on like an angry girlfriend, rather than the president of the players association", or something along those lines. It was brilliant. Good on you 7! You got my vote. They haven't missed a beat in this scandal and nothing is going to stop them. They also made threw a big bright light on the whole Ben Cousins thing, and I cannot believe for the life of me that he was aloud to play again this year. What a disgrace.
  13. I still remember Brown's first game against Carlton in 98 at OO. We won by 2 points. He had the long, gold hair and reminded me of a young Tingay (kinda). Turned out to be a great service man, though the game past him 2-3 seasons ago. Is good to see him retire rather than be delisted. Good luck on the fire-fighting lines next year, doggy!
  14. Two underachiever's (although Moloney has hardly underachieved...) for one. hmmmm
  15. Personally, I see MAJOR moves in the off-season. I think next year will be an off year. This team needs to be rebuilt and that means 3-5 delistings and 2 retirements imo. Thats 7 new players. Plus trades, which I feel as though we will have a strong influence in trading this year, with one major trade to happen I rekon. In saying that, I can't seeing us being much of a success next, but it rather being a building year, much like Port had last year though we aren't coming off a premiership last year so they were in a better situations as us. Injuries or not, our list is old, flawed, battered, inexperienced and small all at once. Finishing last will be the biggest blessing in disguise...
  16. We really should have won the premiership, or atleast been in the Granny had it not been for a flawed finals system...
  17. You should cross your fingers that you don't get flammed ... Interesting though
  18. And one of he most promising ruckmen to come through in years, along with a fit side that was thought to be melbournes only chance for a premiership this year. Not celebrating it, just making the most of it.
  19. The AFL should introduce a lottery system. That'll stop teams from relying too heavily on draft picks and looking to free agency in some years. It will also allow for a quicker rebuild and teams like Carlton won't have terrible recessions. 16th team has best chance of getting the number 1 pick with 1000 balls or so in the lottery (all with the teams name on them), 15th is 2nd best chance with 400 balls, 14th 3rd best with 250 balls and so on. Although 1 pretty much has it in the bag, there is still a chance of someone else snagging the bottom pick (only the bottom 8 teams are included in the lottery), getting rid of tanking (kinda) and forcing teams to look at free agency and trades and create a bit more excitement rather than rebuilding for 5/6 years (ala Carlton).
  20. I actually think this will be the game of the year. Neither team will tank, but will both want too lose. I expect a high scoring shoot-out with Carlton coming out on top by 23 points and Tigers beating Saints by 15. You all know what that means :D
  21. I'd hardly call this years team a "Class". That word has too many positive meanings. maybe "Destruction of '07" is a more suitable name?
  22. If that happens I'll look your toes Yze Magic. You're overrating Bruce. I don't think they'll give up both Wells and pick 13 for him, even if they get 18 and 20 out of it. I'd say Bruce and pick 18 straight for Wells would do it, and we'd be complete idiots to do that trade. Won't happen. Good thought though.
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