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Everything posted by praha

  1. london for 3 days, contiki for 17 days (european whirl, all over), spain for 7, italy for 2 weeks
  2. My cousins wants to make a banner and bring it to the game against the roos. "Re-hire Norm..." That'd be funny. I'd clearly want no part of that, but it would be an easy path to getting on TV for a few seconds.
  3. I really hope so. I was actually cursing how many games I was originally going to miss. I still am, but gee, not as much anyone. Last game is Melb v Adel. Should be a beauty
  4. Good to see everyone's changes. Now, here is my predicition of the MFC selector's changes: In: McLean, Rivers, Robertson Out: Fergeson, Pettard, Ward
  5. My life is alright. I'm going to Europe in 20 days lol But yeah, life's [censored]...
  6. They had a meeting. The meeting went like this. "So, I got in the Delorean with Doc and went to 2007. We're supposed to be the laughing stock of the AFL; a prissy club with no aggression or success. The only choice is too sack Norm and therefore lead this club to half a century of disappointment." Now, that sounds dumb. But it sounds a hell of a lot smarter than sacking a man for no known reason, who may just be the one of the most successful coaches in AFL history.
  7. I can't help but wonder if there really is a curse on this club. I think that it's getting to a stage now where we are consistently disappointing, rather than being consistently "bad". It plays on my mind, it really does. The culture went down the drain with his depature. The day a man leads this club to greatness once again is the day that curse will be broken. Until then, all we can do is deal with mediocrity; at an on-field level and at a board-room level. Nothing will change until someone comes in with a passion that cannot be exceeded by anyone, anywhere. Someone that will die for this club, and I don't think we're had someone like that lead this club since Norm Smith.
  8. lol you're great. true though... haha
  9. Seriously, has any other team in the past decade or so led it's supporters through such a rollarcoaster ride? We always have these high expectations and are ALWAYS disappointed. Firstly, this year was meant to be our year, but an 0-7 start. That was disappointment 1. Then secondly, we were meant to be in for a good, hard fought contest against WC, only to play probably one of our worst games in 20 years. That was disappointment 2. Now, in the situation we are in, a finishing anywhere between 9th-12th would be disappointing when we could finish 13th-16th and get a good, high and solid draft pick. My bet is that we will finish 10th, capping off disappointment number 3 for the year. Who would have thought losing would lead to so much disappointment that it would therefore transform into a positive and set us up for even more disappointment through winning... Only Melbourne...
  10. You're kidding right? 25,000 max. 38,000 for Melb v Geelong in round 3. I doubt we'll get 30k roos vs. melb in round 9.
  11. Considering that the roos seem to have redeveloped the shinboner culture, it won't be as easy a match as it has been in past yrs against the roos. Personally, I can't see us winning after yesterday's display.
  12. He'll go for atleast 1. What made it funny though was that he knew he did wrong as soon as he did it, and checked to see if Bruce was ok. He knew he was screwed. It was a pretty light tap and Bruce acted it out, but Kerr still checked cause he knew he was gone.
  13. And it's not like he wrote that in Feb or early March. It was a day before the start of the end...that disappointing loss to the saints. How wrong everyone was...
  14. Yeah, I actually had a bit of a giggle about one of them umpires being very "prissy". WC player gave away a free kick and asked for an explanation and the umpire's response was very, well, hmmm, not very manly. Nothing wrong with that, but just seemed out of place when you have 40 hulks running around.
  15. ...and middle. ...and end. let's not forgot before the game, when you're players had already lost it mentally. They were clearly intimidated by a superb team. Take note. Admit when you're beaten and give respect where respect is due; your team is full of underachieving and spoiled duds who will never achieve what the Eagles have achieved. For once Daniher. Say something of that calibre. Believe it or not, I need a bit of negetivity from the coach. It will give me closure. I just want to hear, "We were pitiful today." Matthews said it in 01 and his side won a premiership. 3 in fact.
  16. If I remember correctly we were in debt when he left.
  17. Dude, I totally agree with you. I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying that it's pointless bitching about it because nothing is going to happen in this matter. He won't resign and they won't sack him until the season is over.
  18. He need to lose the headband and find some touch; he seems to have forgotton how to punch a ball.
  19. Lets be honest with ourselves right now. The current MFC board is the most financially focused board the MFC has probably ever had. Do you really think they will sack ND, or allow ND to resign, and then have to pay out the rest of his contract while also paying someone else to be head coach for the end of the year? It won't happen.
  20. With what??? I mean that if we aren't going to make the finals, finishing 9th-12th is pointless when you can finish 13th-16th and get a higher draft pick.
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